Well-known member
I appreciate that and that's what I told him also. He is caught up in his academic mind and too much involved in his psychological drama. He got his doctor title a few years ago and is very successful. Furthermore, he came back from Dubai a few days ago with a big contract. And then he hurt himself. I would say, he is an overthinker and has learned how to be successful in the outer world but hasn't learned how to arrange his inner world to make it a pleasant place. Maybe he has lost the manual they gave us after birth
To cut through the mind process with rituals and psychedelics is a proven way, that exist since a long time. If it's a shaman healer or my spiritual tradition, there are nice ways to open up to the healing capacities that are inherent in space and are part of ourselves. You can connect with grace and blessings if you are willing to and know how to do it. It's quite a bit work and trust but changes the way the world is seen. And if the cosmic intelligence/god thinks, it's the best way to crush his body and mind for healing, it's necessary to accompany him some time after the experience.
It's all about removing the veil of ignorance and seeing reality as it is and not how we project our thoughts to the world. Pride and misuse of psychedelics has discredited psychedelics, which is a pity.
I think it's similar to poison. If you know how to use it, it can be used to make drugs for heart disease. Too much and you die.
Or a bread knife. You can use it to chop up your child's food or cut off your neighbor's head.
It probably has to do with the fact that the church is afraid of losing its power.
In other cultures, the Dark Ages in Europe are viewed more critically than here in the motherland. It is said that the church branded many realized people who had a strong connection with God as witches in order to maintain their power. This also happened in other cultures.
Blessings to you.
Have a nice day.
Let me first say you should write more often if you have the time, as you got skills!
Second mad respect for being a great friend
And finally I agree, but as you said it must be monitored, even Carlos had Don Juan as a mentor and spiritual guide. Getting high and getting healed is two seperate ball games which should not be confused. I experienced a lot of psychedelics (still need to try Iboga, from Africa) and you need to have a strong mind, if not it overtakes you. Of course micro dosing works but in the right hands and with the right dosage. They are all kind of toxins or poisons, thats why you go in an altered state as you brains is toxified.
A guy so successful, has a lot of inner strength sleeping inside, it needs to be unleashed and naturally could be better