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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
in my stash , i only have old timer hybrids and a prima hollandica hybrid i'm yet to test out . the silverhashplant hybrids have part silver haze

old timer hybrids are long flowering , although shorter flowering than the parent oldtimer


Well-known member
the taskent x posi should be a goodun'. haze hybrids can be great

I was looking forward to them but out of 5 plants, only one is female.

There is one posi x that shines silver and light green that i was particularly looking forward to but so far only 2 confirmed females out of 13.

The oh have resin on the talks but not even so much as a hint of a preflower

the silverhashplant hybrids have part silver haze

I might well soak a few of sh. Last ones i grew, the haze leaning ones were giggly uppy fire. The nl leaning ones were depressing though.

i think i'll pop some oldtimes f2s, i know they're solid and actually start flowering after a couple of weeks


Well-known member
Thanks for your suggestions.
I have a guawi freeseed from ace here and will get some oaxaca a5 haze and panama x malawi cuttings.
Did you smoke them?
ive grown and smoked the killera5haze . it was narcotic , and decent after a cure . quite spicy

panama x malawi i grew for a period and gave away cuttings of in the past . very nice plant . if it is spicy lemon pheno or similar to what i had with uplifting long lasting high , then i would go for that .


Well-known member
Interesting. A narcotic strain might come in handy if I have to spend Christmas with my parents-in-law.

Panama x malawi sounds great. It's the favourite strain of another member. He is growing all the longer flowering sativas and is so kind to send me his keeper as cutting.


Well-known member
Interesting. A narcotic strain might come in handy if I have to spend Christmas with my parents-in-law.

Panama x malawi sounds great. It's the favourite strain of another member. He is growing all the longer flowering sativas and is so kind to send me his keeper as cutting.
try the black soar for narcotic , and for sure grow the panama x malawi. great choice from your friend. great hybrid , as i suspect malawi x panama is also . either way it is a good combination


Well-known member
the killera5haze i grew had thick heavy smoke that lingered in the room for a long time afterwards , and hypnotising one way ticket type of high


Well-known member
i think it was 1998 i smoked a batch of nl5 x haze that blew my mind . just from one packet , although i think they were 15 packs then . my local dealer , who is still my friend today , was growing it at the time.

he had to store the cured bud in his freezer vacuum packed to contain the smell . it had it all . ticked all my boxes . taste , smoke , high . not very dense colas but they were dripping in resin , and i don't care for bud structure so much .

when my friend was not home, he trusted me to go round and ask his old man who was an irish old chap for some green , who would say to me ' the green green grass of home' as he took out my friends stash and weighed me out a quarter .


Well-known member
Intersting story.
In my youth everybody sold and smoked white widow. There was skunk too, but it was to stinky :LOL:
i was quite wild as a youth and lacking respect . i had hydro set up in my mothers loft space at 16 ... until my brothers returned from university and busted my ass . i had plants in my yard at 14 that i would smoke before they even flowered lol . when i was 16 i was growing sensi skunk hydro nft . i used a paper back black and white illustrated book to grow with that i bought from herman the hippies , and realised finally that i had to separate males and females , and to control the light cycle etc etc ... i was clueless , but we were all growing in one way or another


Well-known member
i was quite wild as a youth and lacking respect .
me too
i had hydro set up in my mothers loft space at 16 ... until my brothers returned from university and busted my ass . i had plants in my yard at 14 that i would smoke before they even flowered lol . when i was 16 i was growing sensi skunk hydro nft .
very nice, a good age to start experimenting.
i used a paper back black and white illustrated book to grow with that i bought from herman the hippies , and realised finally that i had to separate males and females , and to control the light cycle etc etc ... i was clueless , but we were all growing in one way or another

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