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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
that famous bacon bonce institution , disney . paid a graphic artist 100 million to go through all the back catalogue of disney movies , to paint in ' contra ' lines into the sky ....


Well-known member
9-11 was a controlled demolition , yet people still believe it was men wearing rags in two tin planes that took down the three towers


Well-known member
that famous bacon bonce institution , disney . paid a graphic artist 100 million to go through all the back catalogue of disney movies , to paint in ' contra ' lines into the sky ....

But disneys behind some great things, like story hour for wayward peeps 😜



Well-known member
disney took boat loads of kids snorking once a week to epstein island ... you know , epstein the cia asset


Well-known member
don't trigger me with disney rob ... don't do it . lol . i could go all day on disney

They were really respectable back in the day before the woke monster came and sodomized them. But that was a very long time ago. This was one of my favorite films as a boy



Well-known member
it would be naive to believe the establishment , and the monetary system have your best interests at heart
I don't believe they have our best interest at heart. I just don't believe the weird theories. In fact I believe they start and spread those very theories so that people are preoccupied with that nonsense, and turn a blind eye to the real issues, so that they can make huge fortunes in the meanwhile.


Well-known member
i best get to the farm .

often i'm being tongue in cheek and just expressing my own perspective and offering another angle ... we will never know the full truth . any of us . nobody knows the truth


da boveda kid
people are evil because they can.
i think this is a truth that should be taken in.
people are no different than sand or plants, rocks, whatever. just way more efficient in pursuing things.
i think ive stepped out of the common reality some time ago.
almost all people i know dont make much sense to me anymore.
different systems of values i think, nothing too dramatic probably.

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