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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i would isolate and finish on its own somewhere . i would not make seeds with it
Yeah I'm not gonna make seeds with it. Dunno about the isolation, might not bother with that.

Don't think it will bulk up much anymore. What would it mean if a CBD plant is harvested "early"? More CBG but less CBD? I might be ok with that. If I understand this here correctly CBD is synthesized from CBG.. based on that I mean.

They have a nice graph



Well-known member
I found a method on errowid or somewhere years ago, where you cut the outer green skin off, boil it up and reduce it, until it looks like gel or glue in a saucepan, let it cool, then scrape the dried gloop out and blend it into a powder to eat or drink. I never did try it as it looked disgusting and just smelt like that 200:1 aloe powder.

Some people I know just cut it up and chuck it in a cauldron and make a slimey potion with that and shrooms, but say it’s hard to stomach regardless.

For me, these days it’s small doses of shrooms or fat hits of DMT, the rest is too long lasting and a lot of work to get over in a few days and be normal again haha.

I haven’t seen good clean acid for years…

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