i use the freezer . works for me. and laws are there for brakingYou definately have to cool the pollen like in the fridge, then you can keep it alive for some weeks. I don't know how it's in the freezer!?
Yeah but it's austria. In germany any cannabis plants are illegal so the austrian shops don't send to germany.
bodhi , and the columbian red is his mates. i forget his name. begins with a K. elderly chap , decent breeder. it will come to me at some point. the hybrid is sold as SOAR . natural selections. i have grown the dreadbread . it was collab with his mate.Tom Hill said he had some really good Columbian when he was in Costa Rica. What is that columbian red like?
Did you have that in hybrid form with Old Mother Ghani or did you do that cross yourself? Who is the breeder on Old Mother Ghani?
there is actually very few "breeders" most are just seed makers.Yeah you want a smart breeder. They have been discussing the flood of breeders in the market. Its been interesting to get introduced to some of the breeders. I want a breeder that looks to the future of the line, and is into genetic preservation through stabilizing desirable traits.
roms says that . i think maybe it is pure luck. but it be nice if what you suggest is trueYeah I’ve been wanting to try out some of Bodhi’s work. Have heard so many people speak highly of his work and he seems like a kind hearted soul.
I have always felt the plants can sense the energy of the person (parent) caring for them.. like some kind of quantum entanglement.
Ive always thought about that relationship.
anyone else feel that way?
Friesland at latitude 53 in Siberia is probably the best plant for my climate.m33 Фрисландия индика. Голландский классический открытый инбред в Голландии, а затем эта партия еще больше инбредна в Канаде, я полагаю. другое - старомодная дымка. да, я только что вытащил несколько leb x haze просто для удовольствия, чтобы посмотреть, что с ними происходит. посмотрите, как они прорастают, растут и цветут и т. д. всего по 4 каждого леба х др. Я сделаю больше семян Friesland, оставлю самцов и лучших самок из партии, а самки будут готовы в качестве клонов для сезона на открытом воздухе. некоторые гибриды Фрисландии тоже. Я хочу попробовать лучший фен на открытом воздухе, как только найду ее.
Голландская семейная реликвия
Тип: Индика-тип
В помещении: с. 55 – 63 дня
На открытом воздухе: середина сентября
Нетронутая канадская линия стойкой голландской классики для активного отдыха. Сверхлегкий и надежный для далекого северного или южного климата благодаря превосходной устойчивости к плесени и холоду. Цветение начинается в июле в открытом грунте и заканчивается в середине-конце сентября. Это не автоцветущий сорт, но он очень рано созревает.
Крупные растения с сильными ветвями, эта Friesland Indica может дать до 900 граммов урожая с растения. Шишки крупные и довольно плотные, с сильным доминирующим ароматом сосны.
Да, это чистая Фрисландия (M33) и не подвергалась гибридизации.
he is a good lad , and friendlyBodhi was on Potcast earlier this year, but its a Patreon exclusive I think.
He was talking about the nature of reality and stuff like that a little. Seemed to be a great breeder.
i have another bodhi strain for next round. Black triangle. i was given this gift a couple of weeks back. a clone and some bud of the same cloneYeah bodhi. Thats awesome to know you have had such success. Roms I want to try too. I’ve got a list going lol. Haven’t had a spot in a few months and might be a couple more before I can start popping some beans but the time off has had me dreaming of what’s next lol, the list is growing. I can’t wait!
Glad meech is doin good! She must be lovin that haddock!
overwatered .yes a clone . was a gift. my mate had gnats too. as they came in my room with it. again . It's ok though , she is beginning to veg normal. i had better pictures , but it is a mission hunting them . It's decentWow, I like the look of That! Purple stems. Is that a clone?
Fairly you remember the days when we could have Atlantic cod with those chips eh?i use the freezer . works for me. and laws are there for braking
fish and chips for me and big meech today. special treat. Haddock is her favourite
incredible . i salute you sir. beautiful siberiaFriesland at latitude 53 in Siberia is probably the best plant for my climate.
Fairly you remember the days when we could have Atlantic cod with those chips eh?
The boy am I really happy that I met you here Sheva you are a library of information, your guys check this out
My family in my wife's side have invested and just gone through the program and we're looking forward to being part of a wonderful family of maple syrup producers up here I'm so excited