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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
If I pinch or top I only do it once in June, which seems to work best. Was recommended by former ICMAG member OG Bub-- Hill Temple Collective


Well-known member
a topped plant , with an extra week of recovery over an untopped plant will out yield it, within the same footprint, so if you have no veg space often there is no point and you may aswell tie down or fold instead


Well-known member
gowing outdoor using the season and growing from seed. no i would not top in your situation. i would be growing sog too like you if i had to grow numbers for making seeds and testing and keeping it hidden


Well-known member
a topped plant , with an extra week of recovery over an untopped plant will out yield it, within the same footprint, so if you have no veg space often there is no point and you may aswell tie down or fold instead
Feels better to LST to me, not sure which one yields more really.


Well-known member
this plant is from clone, and i topped in veg, pinched out many times, and i remove the waste at the base to keep her clean and decent air flow . as she develops and gets bushy, i remove the odd leaf to allow any possible budsites to hit the canopy. i don't strip her bare , or stress her. i just hand pluck strategic leaves off, or any showing fungal signs or disease .


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ICMag Donor
gowing outdoor using the season and growing from seed. no i would not top in your situation. i would be growing sog too like you if i had to grow numbers for making seeds and testing and keeping it hidden
Yeah it sets a plant back about a week to redirect growth, but I have noticed it does yield pretty well with more large branches as long as there is light.

I notice the plants in July will branch out hardcore at the top where there is light before and during stretch so it fills everything in that was missing. No need to keep the lower branches in most situations except where they are catching light and staying within the canopy.

I just try to envision what the flowers will look like on them. Growth is usually behind on lower limbs.

I started growing higher numbers because I had some animal damage. They got me in September in 2018, and I was pissed. They smelled the seed, chewed stems, broke a plant in half, and thew buds everywhere they were so stoned.


Well-known member
Yeah it sets a plant back about a week to redirect growth, but I have noticed it does yield pretty well with more large branches as long as there is light.

I notice the plants in July will branch out hardcore at the top where there is light before and during stretch so it fills everything in that was missing. No need to keep the lower branches in most situations except where they are catching light and staying within the canopy.

I just try to envision what the flowers will look like on them. Growth is usually behind on lower limbs.

I started growing higher numbers because I had some animal damage. They got me in September in 2018, and I was pissed. They smelled the seed, chewed stems, broke a plant in half, and thew buds everywhere they were so stoned.
i think less is more in your spot. same technique again. just fewer plants


ICMag Donor
Looks like well pinched crysanthemum.

Looks like a good balance. Yeah indoors makes more sense top pick fan leaves to allow light to penetrate the canopy.

Mountain Buds said he was pruning fans outdoors, but I agree that will lower the energy reserves and stunt the plant possibly.

Reverend warned, definitely dont prune too late as it will delay flowering.

I found this out the hard way this year. There were 2 DC x LAS vegas Purple kush x hindu kush in the front of the garden that caught a very damaging disease at the growing point. It iwas hitting all growing points including young leaf tips as well as the growing point apical meristem itself, so cut it out on one plant in june, and the other one I think mid july.

The one I topped mid july, had to top hard to remove the disease, but it was too late. Flowering was severely set back, and it never really started flowering on the new emerging stems after topping. I culled the plant to make room for other plants that were on time.

Yeah I started growing more plants, in SOG fashion as a way to keep animal damage from wiping out the whole garden. If only a few live, I can transplant or let them grow in to cover the are and salvage the season. Storms are also an issue, tree branches can land on the garden, or plants can snap.


Well-known member
Wonder if I should grow something outdoors this year. Last year I didn't really. Didn't want the extra risk and stress with ample stash anyway. But it's interesting with the unknown factor of the outdoors, never know what happens.


Well-known member
Wonder if I should grow something outdoors this year. Last year I didn't really. Didn't want the extra risk and stress with ample stash anyway. But it's interesting with the unknown factor of the outdoors, never know what happens.
exactly. you are a wise man goingrey for somebody who asks if he should shave his legs or not . i agree. i tend to not grow much outdoors either , as i grow enough for myself as it is


ICMag Donor
i think less is more in your spot. same technique again. just fewer plants
Yeah it creates issues when the plants are in the shade they fall over easier with weaker root systems. I do like having more phenotypes to select from, but its a balance. I planted a lot of seed and all got planted in the garden. It works out though, some grow faster, and some are runts, so it gives you wider buffer for rouging the plants that don't compete, are mutated, or get diseased/damaged.

Its spacing between seedlings is what I go by... :smoke:

6 inches is too close, a foot is about right more or less. I do diagonal rows so they are staggered. Once males are selected the 1 ft spacing works out well. I had about 8 inch spacing last year, it was variable though, as I saw I was running out of room, and planted more high density toward the front of the garden in good light.


ICMag Donor
Outside for regular stash is doable, you just have to have a lot of plants out there to make sure something sticks. Not sure how people are going to do with 6 big plants and a wind comes through and breaks half of them.

Loose lips sink ships. Rippers suck. Plant one for the ripper, one for the animals, one for the police, one for you.


ICMag Donor
DC LVPK x HK July 29, 2023-- branching as they get to the light before flowering. No need to top



Well-known member
Yeah it creates issues when the plants are in the shade they fall over easier with weaker root systems. I do like having more phenotypes to select from, but its a balance. I planted a lot of seed and all got planted in the garden. It works out though, some grow faster, and some are runts, so it gives you wider buffer for rouging the plants that don't compete, are mutated, or get diseased/damaged.

Its spacing between seedlings is what I go by... :smoke:

6 inches is too close, a foot is about right more or less. I do diagonal rows so they are staggered. Once males are selected the 1 ft spacing works out well. I had about 8 inch spacing last year, it was variable though, as I saw I was running out of room, and planted more high density toward the front of the garden in good light.
that analogy and process is similar indoor. so if i have a small area and need to test more numbers. they will be almost like sog . tall and slim plants . never develop much below


ICMag Donor
But yeah, If it was six plants in that area they would be topped or trained. Tall plants can fall over, so topping limits their height by promoting growth of lateral branches.


ICMag Donor
I like it when its time to pull males, gets the plants spaced out more just on time. I have learned to identify surprisingly early. Its an art and a science, you have to learn your plants. Lots of different expressions so when going to do early preflower ID, have to use caution if not sure.

Killed a lot of females by mistake, but thanfully was cautious enough not to kill them all.

Wait a couple days if not sure. But if you see the tube or little white hairs, its a female. Little ball with a thin claw you can separate with your fingernail, male.