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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
From what I listened to he does not seem to have become a flautist. :D

But still, an almost equal distancing from the music he is famous for. No virtuoso-like sample work or aethery soundscapes.

I would describe it as 80s inspired synthpop without the catchy melodies (or vocals).
or could you describe it as 'shite'?


Well-known member
I'm not but almost everyone in the comments seems to like it so maybe it's just me.
comments can be manipulated though . for example all the sponsored propaganda , comments get deleted if non agreeable to the agenda . they even got rid of the thumbs down emoji as that tends to show the truth of popularity . i will give it a whirl.


Well-known member
Done the usual Christmas drop off of buds to the boys at the local grow shop HO HO HO!

This year they got a selection of black triangle, soulmate, bubba, Rose Royale and most importantly, some putrid stinky jail bait cheese crosses and psychosis BX2 that are rarely seen down under!

Needless to say the shop fucking reeked!!!


Well-known member
big meech has fallen out with me. she was trying to sleep on my face last night . i would try and pull her off and she would fight and riggle back up onto my face. eventually i moved her. and she decided to sleep in her litter tray . similar to a dirty protest i think . she has rejected 3 pouches of food and just wants treats


da boveda kid
yeah . i can't work for anyone , even if i earn more that way and have paid holidays etc. the trade off .
i'm avoiding getting headaches from other people. employers that is.
i think its worth it.
but of course once in a while the grass looks greener on the other side.
not in the long run though.


da boveda kid
big meech has fallen out with me. she was trying to sleep on my face last night . i would try and pull her off and she would fight and riggle back up onto my face. eventually i moved her. and she decided to sleep in her litter tray . similar to a dirty protest i think . she has rejected 3 pouches of food and just wants treats
sleeping in the litter box is very unusual
i hope shes ok
shes some character haha

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