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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
a ' quirker' a quick number before dinner. can't beat a quirker


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Well-known member

Back when I was younger they were talking at me
Never listened to a word I said
Back when I was younger they were talking at me
Never listened to a word I said
Always yap-yap-yapping and complaining at me
Made me think I'd be better off dead
I don't want to talk about it
I don't want to hear no lip
Take your share, don't shout about it
That's your lot, remember you're a kid
They would always teach me that to swear was a sin
Always speak your mind but not aloud
Think of something that you want to do with your life
Nothing that you like, that's not allowed
I've no time to talk about it
All your stupid hopes and dreams
Get your feet back on the ground, son
It's exams that count, not football teams
And I'm running at the edge of their world
They're criticising something they just can't understand
Living on the edge of their town
And I won't be shot down
Taught me to defend myself and to be a man
How to kick someone and run away
Gave me everything that any young man could need
But don't understand why I won't stay
Here's your room and here's your records
Here's your home and here you'll stay
Here's somewhere I don't believe in
Wish someone would take it all away
And I'm running at the edge of their world
They're criticising something they just can't understand
Living on the edge of their town
And I won't be shot down
Running at the edge of their world
And they're criticising something they just can't understand
Living on the edge of their town
And I won't be
No, I won't be
No, I won't be shot down


ICMag Donor
Dinnertime is the best time to smoke. Nowhere to go, time to choke down some medicine. There is a right way and a wrong way to smoke. Man if you get it right, blowing out the smoke in certain ways, you get the full profile of the plant. Smoking a pipe is like playing the flute. Thats why I only need 1 toke I think. I conserve the smoke and condense the full terpene profile into 1 toke at a low temperature burn. :smoke: :smoke:

Cleaned the pipe a couple days ago, that goes a long way.

Will be hungry after that one. I think I heard Lucky Dog from Montana on the Potcast saying indicas make you more hungry than sativa. Is that true?


Well-known member
paradise cheese ibl. 10 days to go . way overfed for me . i do the mixes by eye and i over did it . like a plastic looking beaster plant when they so green haha. she is fading though and smells incredible


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Well-known member
Dinnertime is the best time to smoke. Nowhere to go, time to choke down some medicine. There is a right way and a wrong way to smoke. Man if you get it right, blowing out the smoke in certain ways, you get the full profile of the plant. Smoking a pipe is like playing the flute. Thats why I only need 1 toke I think. I conserve the smoke and condense the full terpene profile into 1 toke at a low temperature burn. :smoke: :smoke:

Cleaned the pipe a couple days ago, that goes a long way.

Will be hungry after that one. I think I heard Lucky Dog from Montana on the Potcast saying indicas make you more hungry than sativa. Is that true?
if its a clean crisp type of sativa leaning plant it will feel like amphetimine in a way and no hunger. some sativas give the muchies just as much as indicas though . no point ever making rigid claims


ICMag Donor
paradise cheese ibl. 10 days to go . way overfed for me . i do the mixes by eye and i over did it . like a plastic looking beaster plant when they so green haha. she is fading though and smells incredible
Yeah those look pretty dark. Could you delay harvest and flush them a bunch to make the smoke less harsh? Lookin mature! If you keep an eye on the trichomes could delay a few days, wouldn't hurt would it? Probably would not be able to work after smoking that batch! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Cannabis has lots of expressions, it will not be tied down. Its a survivor, its a weed! I have so many seeds in that ES x Lebanese. I want to grow it because its good. Wondering what timing the progeny would have. Maybe I will put a couple out for testers because it IS old school Cali weed like goingrey was saying! I love this stuff! Its unique and has a sharp skunk like flavor with uppity hybrid effects.


Well-known member
Yeah those look pretty dark. Could you delay harvest and flush them a bunch to make the smoke less harsh? Lookin mature! If you keep an eye on the trichomes could delay a few days, wouldn't hurt would it? Probably would not be able to work after smoking that batch! :smoke:
i got it covered pipestar og of the gospels . she fading . 10 days will be a world away


ICMag Donor

So are you working hard the next coulple weeks to pay off your taxes?

Work hard make money, give to Ceasar what belongs to Caesar, give to God what belongs to God.

Matthew 17: 24-27 NKJV

Peter and His Master Pay Their Taxes​

24 When they had come to [h]Capernaum, those who received the [i]temple tax came to Peter and said, “Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?”

25 He said, “Yes.”

And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?”

26 Peter said to Him, “From strangers.”

Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. 27 Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a [j]piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.”

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