I don’t know if it’s something you want to abuse. it shows you what you need, paradise or hell. And I am pretty sure after visiting (your personal) hell, you have to work a bit on yourself and don’t want to jump into the next ceremony. But to experience ego loss can be pretty scary and amazing at the same time! Time to let it goAny of you done ayahuasca? Would it be something you'd want to do 18 times during a month long visit?
i'm actually tiling today , i'm not a tiler but it is a a flat straight wall , some plastering too, some patching up. tidying up a rental propertyWhat work are you doing?
As long as you not up a ladder or on a roof and the smoke isn't wtf are my glasses, omg i'm wearing them, wtf is that bell sound coming from...
thank god i'm not on a roof in this weather
fail to prepare , prepare to fail. i have done a few bathrooms, floors and what not over the years . i do a great job, i'm alsoocd though, so it is a slow process lol. i get into it. love starting, and hate finishing as i'm too intricatei fitted a couple of bathrooms last year, bath, basin, shower and tiled the window cill.
Tiling aint easy, same with plastering.
I was rendering the balcony floor a couple of days ago and getting that small bit flat wasn't massively easy but i have ocd and was well high
i do like rendering.
respect. roofers have big balls. tough job , and often rained off or snowed off . every roofer i have ever met has had a good sense of humour too . tony who did my roof is around 75 , from a family of roofers. he had me hand balling him his tiles up a ladder for him haha. old schoolI was gonna get up on the roof earlier as i have work to do up there but the icicles hanging off the metal ladder made me think i should have a few more smokes and reassess.