Ain't it funny? You got a guy with firsthand knowledge, does his best to tell the tale and fuckin people still argue.
Ain't it funny? You got a guy with firsthand knowledge, does his best to tell the tale and fuckin people still argue.
I won't start ranting but one could argue that Phylos only shows what people who want credit and patents submit.
Ok thank you for that clarification. It starts to become a philosophical argument or semantics or not that important at some point. Yes many strains are all related. That doesn't necessarily help figure out who or where the "real" or "original" came from. It doesn't even matter where the original of anything came from unless you are interested in that. The last thing I want to do is pick a fight for no reason. But consider the likelihood that a company has a goal to make a profit at some point and that they aren't just setting up a big genetic browser for cannabis at their own expense for the good of the community. It is a bit like a double edged sword however. Because if you are a breeder you may want to share your strain as soon as possible to receive credit, or alternatively you may want to keep your strain a secret in which case it will not be shown on Phylos. The "credits" for cannabis genetic lineage aren't going to all the poor broke and arrested people, they only go to people who submit (online nerds) and/or people who care about that sort of thing.
haha the supakauai thread. that was a great laugh. I reread it once in a while just for a good chuckle.