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Sorry for being out of touch

Just back from traveling - again


Very happy your home ... healing ... on the path to beating this thing ... and with your family and friends

We have all missed you

Keep healing ... feeling better .. and getting stronger

Keep on

Always let me know if, and/or how I can help ... and

Always wishing you and all your family the very, very best



Moth, great to hear that you are home. I hope that everyday brings renewed strength and hope. Sending well wishes to you and all of your family. Anything to help, just ask. Take care of yourself.:ying:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production

You're a true friend Moth. Keep plugging along towards recovery. I'm trying to get out there again before too long. Miss you a ton bud.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Active member
Hey Moth, I'm sending you more healing energy and positive vibes right now! I hope you are getting stronger each day. Everyone here is pulling for you.


Active member
Keeping both Moth and his Angel in my thoughts. Sending my best healing energies and good vibes your way brother! Much love and support to you both!

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
I bring bad news...

I bring bad news...

I got a text from Moth's Angel late last night. Seems the Chemo isn't working. Nothing left to try at this point. Radiation has been done, Chemo isn't working, Surgery isn't an option. She asked that we pray, pray, pray, and ask for comfort and strength for them both.

This is a sad day friends, but there's still hope for a miracle. Let's hope this good good man can have his last wish to spend one more Christmas with his Angel.

Moth, you've taught me a lot about life and I thank you for that. You're a great friend, and I'll be here for you always. Love you bro!

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Very Very sad -thanks for update GreatLakes THC- My prayers and thoughts are with moth and angel and there family on this sad day and will be everyday- Miracles do come true- so lets PRAY we see one soon :comfort:


I got a text from Moth's Angel late last night. Seems the Chemo isn't working. Nothing left to try at this point. Radiation has been done, Chemo isn't working, Surgery isn't an option. She asked that we pray, pray, pray, and ask for comfort and strength for them both.

This is a sad day friends, but there's still hope for a miracle. Let's hope this good good man can have his last wish to spend one more Christmas with his Angel.

Moth, you've taught me a lot about life and I thank you for that. You're a great friend, and I'll be here for you always. Love you bro!

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Beyond heartbroken

Enough to make me cry

Life is CrAzY ... and so sad

Always sending love and prayers to Moth, Angel and all their family

God Bless everyone


pine boy

Your here in my heart moth.And in my prayers.I wish peace and comfort for you.


Active member
Whether in this life or the next Moth, we shall meet one day. Much love brother! All my support to you and your family!


Rubbing my glands together
Got the same text. Was hoping it was good news when I saw who it was from. That moment of joy quickly faded when I began reading. My heart goes out to you my friend. I wish there were something I, we, someone, could do to find a way to stop this process. You've been a great friend over the years brother and I've always appreciated your kind words, thoughts, and the occasional gift package. The pipe is still in use and toking strong by the way, lol.
Love you my friend.
Sending you love and prayers Moth buddy! I seen this earlier and too many tears to write so I took a long walk gimping on my bad foot even though it was raining. Blessings to you, as Jim Valvano said never never never give up! Get better bud our family as does ic family loves you!


Well-known member
i to received the news today and its about the worst day ive had in yrs . but im still hoping for 1 of those miracles people speak of.
i have a few gifts from our brother also ,seems he is a very giving person .
love ya brother

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