This is also what I've found. I've been having better success lately since I started using organic seed mix from the hardware store. Sometimes I water it down with a very small amount like 10% of coco/perlite for aeration and water retention and a small amount maybe another 10% of worm castings to get the microbes going.Still, that probably means the soil mix was nutrient heavy for young plants. I usually buy the seedling and cloning soil from the general gardening stores for seed germination. Much better than fuck up some seeds cause the mix I used was a bit more fertigated than it should have been. It happens sometimes with big batches, that is why the proprieties are usually given as an interval and not fixed ones.
After that I water with straight rainwater until they look hungry (maybe even a slight yellowing of the lower fan leaves)
I also struggle with smaller pots especially with different strains that have different needs
Sometimes I like to start plants in a 30L pot of nutrient rich soil but I make a 2L hollow and fill it with seed mix and plant a seed with a small clear plastic cup placed on top as a little greenhouse until the seed sprouts. It's amazing how fast they root and grow if unimpeded. This way you can thoroughly water and mix the soil before planting and you won't have to water for about the first week. In fact they seem to like it better if the roots have to go searching for moisture