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Scrog, Lst and topping help

I searched the forums and i didnt find any good tutorials on Scrog Lst and Topping.If anyone knows any links to threads containing that info please post them. that would be grand.

If you know these questions that would also be just splendid.
whats the approximate hieght for scrog net? im going to contruct my net but i dont know how high up it should be.

Would using pipe cleaners be decent for early veg lst?

im kinda nervous about topping so does anyone have any good detailed info on it?

thank you friends...

p.s.. i should have ordered from seedbay.:wallbash:
thank you...um well my grow i dont think drilling holes would be good.if you want check out my journal and see what i mean
If you are going to ScrOG why on earth would you top????

Anyway, freezerboy will back me up on this one, you will see two sorts of grows under the label of 'ScrOG'


And this:

The first one isn't really ScrOG. Its just a plant with a screen in the middle. Notice how all the colas are vertical, they are straight up and down. Here's a bud from the second picture:

Not vertical at all. It has been flopped over sideways just like every other bud on the plant. THIS is the true point of ScrOG. Horizontal Colas. Horizontal colas may not be as pretty as their vertical cousins, but they are prime material for us chubby-chasers:


Also courtesy of Freezerboy and yes, that is a full-size 2 litre bottle; I thought it was a 20 oz. at first too :yoinks:

Notice how the bud further down on the stem is actually bigger! With normal vertical colas the buds are fattest up top and the nuggets get smaller and whispyer the further down you go. The point of ScrOG is to get ALL of the buds within a uniform distance of the lamp. This means very little goes to waste, if you do it right pretty much all your bud is 'head stash' quality with only a bit of waste trim. There are no 'popcorn nugs' or low-grade weight with a properly run ScrOG.

If you look at the top image of this post you will still see plenty of lower nugs that get well-shaded by the upper canopy. That is what separates it from 'true ScrOG' like FreezerBoy and I do.

If true ScrOG interests you then you need to become familiar with SuperCropping. In order to fold the plant stems over and weave them into the screen without breaking them you must first pinch and weaken the bit of the stem you want to bend. It will then lean over easily. Doing this allows you almost unlimited lee-way for handling your stems:

Horrific as they look, all those pictures are from very healthy plants that are now happily budding away:

With this technique there is absolutely no need for topping. Topping will only slow growth down and stress your plants, don't bother.

As for how low you can get the screen:

My screen is practically on top of the tubs I grow out of. The clearance between the bottom of the screen and the top of the soil is 3 inches at most! Normally this would be bad because you have to be able to reach under the screen. But if you get it really low, to the point where the height above the soil is about the same as the diamater of the holes in your screen then you will be fine. Going this low lets your reach through the screen and have access to even the very bottom of the plants.

Otherwise you need to get the screen tall enough to reach underneath of it. Just keep in mind that all of the plant stem that grows under the screen is useless. Its too dark under the screen and any non-stem plant matter down there will quickly die off.

The choice is yours young grass-smoker. True ScrOG takes commitment and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. You now know where to find two experts on the method, just sound off if you want to know more. :joint:

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