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Screw-in LED Stacking Totes


Some pictures. 6 sockets on the lid,two are just hidden under the foil tape for now till i cut them out.

I'm not sure what this thing is turning into but yeah,it's been above ground for a little over two weeks.



Active member
If you can see green i'd say give it a chance. Nature is surprisingly resilient,just go out and look at any parking lot and you'll inevitably find grass growing through the concrete. My little runt has actually started growing again,i took it out of the box though and just have been keeping it in my window.

I spent like 5 hours making changes to my box which i'll post some pictures of later,i recessed the sockets ghetto style and added 2 more optional bulb spots,also gave it the option to add a middle hollow layer later if i want more height. It took so long because i guess the newer stock of rubbermaids is garbage. I put everything back together and i saw light leaking between the top and bottom box and kept trying to fix it before realizing it was the lid itself letting light glow through.. so covered it all in foil tape. my first lid never did anything like that.

Your plants seem okay to me about the same size as mine on the same number of days,when you say you think theres a pH problem do you mean the leaf i circled in red in attachment? That could be anything. LED lights are pretty intense they might cause some funkiness with chlorophyll.. Or heat if you have them close to the lights,what are temps in the box? Could just be from being in such small containers,are you feeding them anything yet? I started out using the miracle-gro organic soil until i noticed the runoff pH was between 4 and 5 with a dropper test but my plants never showed any issue. Since then i have switched to some pro-mix with limestome and replaced the top 2 inches of the containers soil with it and its better now.

I was more talking about the same leaf on the plant behind that one. It's kind of doing the twist and curl. I've had this happen before more severely on a bigger plant and concluded it was probably the pH being on the high side, which would make sense here because until last night I had been giving them only straight tap water. Last night they got water with pH down added and a lil bit of FF Grow Big. Hopefully they'll look a bit healthier soon. My temps are good 82 degrees or less and that's 3" from the bulbs where my thermometer is and the plants are down at the bottom of the tote.
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Active member
Some pictures. 6 sockets on the lid,two are just hidden under the foil tape for now till i cut them out.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70060&pictureid=1671454&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70060&pictureid=1671456&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

I'm not sure what this thing is turning into but yeah,it's been above ground for a little over two weeks.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70060&pictureid=1671455&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

How are your bulbs positions fixed? Did you just tape your bulbs in sort of a recessed position sticking through the lid a bit? And/or are they secured in another way? Nice mutant you got there. Maybe it'll start gaining momentum at some point. I'm very hopefull that the tiny little pineapple chunk growth cluster might grow into a plant. I was looking closely at it last night and I'm pretty sure I see the start of the growth tip in the center between the two leaves. It's smaller a grain of sand right now but it's there. :)


How are your bulbs positions fixed? Did you just tape your bulbs in sort of a recessed position sticking through the lid a bit? And/or are they secured in another way?

Foil tape and more foil tape. I am more foil tape than man. Yeah i just cut holes through the bottom of a 10 gallon bin for the sockets and exhaust holes,put sockets through,foil taped them to the bottom of the bin,then did the same with the lid under it,then more foil tape on the sockets. Then bulbs went in,and guess what? More foil tape on them too. Funnily enough,covering half the bulb in foil tape and having it all connected seems to act like a pretty good heatsink for them,they are much cooler to the touch now,and you can feel warmth radiating outward on the foil around them.

Also put liquid electrical tape on all the wiring terminals so its safe to the touch. My two oldest babies are already starting to smell pretty good up close,i hope that doesn't mean they're males lol.


Some pictures,will be 2 weeks in the morning. Couple of minor problems i think,let me know what you guys think. Had the first fan leaves drooping alot,was probably underwatered a little so i watered and 24 hours later they look as pictured. The very bottom broad leaves on both are drooping like that. When i opened the box today im 70% sure i saw a fungus gnat skitter across one of those leaves. Gonna get some mosquito dunks tommorow,take no chances since the larva could be causing root problems i cant see..

Including a sideways shot of my lights since it might help you see what i did. It's ghetto but it works pretty well.


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Active member
Your plants look pretty healthy to me bud, I wouldn't worry about those bottom single blade leaves. I've got some real issues with my plants right now. I'll try to post them if I get some time. I think I'm gonna transplant and see if it helps. The ones in the yogurt cups look the worst so I'm thinking maybe the root space has something to do with it.
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Scrogmonster's must not be doing well still..sad. Mine have been having alot of problems too,nobody wants to post pictures of sick plants. Most of mine come from recognizing problems but not being able to do anything about them till i have a car again lol.

Soil pH was a continuing problem,the dolomite didnt help. I knew i had to get them in new soil or they were doomed,but the only way would be to put them in bigger pots. I got some 1.7gal pots but could only fit 2 in my box,had to throw the other 2 away before sex was visible,very sad. They seemed to love the new soil and flourished again within a couple days. Both grew to 9 nodes tall and i just topped them all the way down to the third node today because they were getting too close to the lights. After chopping most of it off i examined it under a lamp and it is confirmed female,which is the picture i will include. The other isnt showing anything yet. Hopefully chopping over half the plant off wont turn it hermie immediately or something lol.


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Actually my plants started doing great after the transplant to red solos. They were looking really good. I took a cutting from each one and had the 10 seedlings around the edges of the tote all with 4-6 mains, compact strong and lush! Tge 10 cuttings Rooting in the middle In two of those 2x3 seedling cell tray inserts. These daylight storeshelf LED's produce awesome compact growth even with mine like 10" or better above the canopy.... here comes the sad part and the reason i stopped posting... i was up late one night working on my pretty tote ladies... i got really high....and a huge wave if paranoia came over me! :'( all i could think about were the posdible consequences... :'( I convinced myself i had to murder all the pretty little ladies right then and chop them up into little pieces... :'( I might move to Colorado or Oregon where i can be me and do what i do best with out worry or limitations. It took about 5-7 days before I regretted my paranoid actions. Super lame.


Great build!

I have been looking at buying 2 of these :

The size is 17.875"L x 12.625"W x 13.25"H.

And running a small single 20-50w cob at the top, and mount it flush. at these watts, it wont even need a fan to cool, just a single aluminum strip that would be double taped (with the $$ double stick 3m tape) to the lid.

For the flower I can run a single 80cfm 80mm fan to a home made cf filter, and mount it all interally. For intake I can just drill a few small holes. The whole setup would be more nano sized, than micro, but I can hide it so easy and grow a few plants in dixie cups.

Opinions? Great motivational thread man.


Active member
no way (yes way) that's a great idea, i was wondering how to micro, nano breed a bunch of strains at the same time in limited space.

also scrog monster, i know what you mean about the paranoia, it randomly comes sometimes like that, but i'd reread your post for the wording of that lol :p

also, the air movement on the exit side of a fan or the intake is turbulant, even if the fan is put flat on a book, while moving; it doesn't indicate airflow.

i also find sponge pads, the green or multicolored ones like at walmart are good for holding carbon, with great airflow.

an idea for an airsrubber for another box may be having the walls of a mini tote, like aggilator's, have fans on the four walls, an on the lid, so every bit is an outward suction surface; the bottom can be the inverted version of scrog monster's, so there is no loss of suction; but the carbon would need a good thickness but also possibly a tamp down screen made of glued together sponge pads; so, that the carbon doesnt fly up in the air.

another idea might be to build ozone filament things sandwiched in a bed of zeolite, so that it doesn't oxidize carbon to carbon monoxide, but a detector would be good to have to make sure. also, all this with the same fan idea.

also, if zeolite could be itself electro (not electro, but something else, like reduced onto, in solution) deposited with (ok, i know) platinum, or vanadium pentoxide maybe :)D), and the scrubber box was LDPE or HDPE, and the electrical arcing and ozone scrubbing passed throught that layer, which was sandwiched with metal screens on top and bottom, and zeolite on both sides after that, and sponge pads (non conductive) as the bottom support, all with the fan idea pushing underneath and pulling from the other side at the top, i wonder that it would never (nearly) need changing, well at least the middle layer
ok i wrote it anyway, also, electrocution hazard, caution and chemicals (gold reduction/from computer chips techniques)


That is a shame ScrogMonster. I had some paranoias myself. Thankfully they didn't make me kill my lady,but they might have made me take less pictures and not post here during flowering,lol..

I had a similiar high-paranoia moment though when i saw some aphids crawling in my soil so i immediately paniced and DRENCHED the soil in ~130 degree water from my tap. It killed the bugs but i didnt think about the fact that my water heater water has so much sediment its pH is 15,and she didnt like that very much at all,but survived to harvest.

I chopped her down last night. Might have been a week early but i took a clone 2 weeks into flower that needs a place to grow. Sorry for lack of pictures but here are the buds drying in the box they grew in. Will go into more detail about problems i had later when i can write more.


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I don't know what strain this weed was but it smells like straight chicken shit until you break trichs. It's almost sickening,but in a good way you know? lol Though its probably just because of the fertilizers i used being made from chicken ingredients.

I tried one of the tiny popcorn buds that were too small for the rack and even though it was mostly sugar leafs its easily better than the weed i just bought up the road yesterday. Hopefully i can take care of the clone better and have a much bigger,denser harvest next time.