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Scooby again, I don't know what to do.......


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nope, she does that when she sees McDonald's golden arches, I shit you not.

my girl's a bird dog though :)

Alice used to leap out of my pickup truck when we hit our hunting spot, wherever she hit the ground is where she left a pile of shit, bird hunting drove her nuts. I always had to remind hunting buddies when we got back to the truck to watch out for her pile.

I don't hunt anymore because of my back but every once in awhile I lend Alice out to a friend (Dan) so that she can bird up for a day. I gave Dan a springer spaniel when his old gal died, that dog is Scooter, Alice's daughter. So not only does Alice get a chance to hunt, she also has a good visit with her kid.


(L to R) Kayla (granny mom) to Scooter (Alice's kid) & Alice

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I don't hunt anymore because of my back but every once in awhile I lend Alice out to a friend (Dan) so that she can bird up for a day. I gave Dan a springer spaniel when his old gal died, that dog is Scooter, Alice's daughter. So not only does Alice get a chance to hunt, she also has a good visit with her kid.

That's awesome she gets to hunt once in a while. Springers are such beautiful dogs, and great personalities too. My family had a big Springer when I was a youth...
Your a stand up dude S4L, hope your healing up bro...a lot of people would let anger/fear get the best of em and put it down. Good to see them snuggled up chillin

dogs are simple creatures...pick one you want to be in charge...and they eat first while the other watches...just like pack life in the wild...it works for my big males

Give em both a pet for me bro :comfort: its amazing how much you can love a smelly furball lol


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thnx Mask, it's pretty much all healed up, healed ugly because I really needed stitches in 2 places. Scooby's been on her best behavior, I've been a take charge owner every day since it happened and I'm not giving up that position to her ever.

She's cute though, she now barks @ me to snuggle up, not so much for the love but because she knows I'll cover her w/that pillow, she'll give a single sharp bark & then stare @ the pile of pillows resting on the chair while she pounds her paws up n' down on the bed, desperation. :)

We're back to snuggling like this again, this presents no issues because Scooby is where she wants to be, next to me & under that pillow, she's not inclined to fight for what she already has. ;)


Alice brings up the rear, she likes to move around on the bed a bit anyway, so right there she disturbs nobody.



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craziest thing, almost every time I look @ the picture above I laugh @ the look on Scooby's face & then I head over to the bed, put the pillows in place and, and...

lol, catch you guys later, big dog's gonna get some snuggles.......


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so it's been 14 weeks since I started this thread, Scooby & Alice are sharing the bed amicably, and as there aren't any pillows left for Scooby to get possessive over I'm enjoying some peace n' quiet too.



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I'm hoping that Scooby no longer suffers her pillow anxiety, every day she doesn't get wound up over the imagined pecking order is a success for her, she gets the #1 snuggle position every night unless I decide to kennel her instead which is only once or twice a month.

Alice doesn't give a rats ass if Scooby gets the #1 spot, she just wants to enjoy her days n' nights as before, all tranquil like, she's 11.5 yrs old, that's sorta gettin' along for a springer, her safety & comfort are #1 in my eyes. Not a mean bone in her body, she's the family pacifist.


Active member
My Choc. Lab is approx. 10yrs, and has been happy not being Alpha. The Black Lab We adopted after My Buddies 14yr old Nephew hung Himself, His sister couldn't cope with Little Jag, and the memories. Jag was Her sons dog.
So little Jag Rolls into Our pack, and thinks He's gonna gun for tha Alpha spot.
This caused some issues, cause Ole Toby was not ready to resign the title.
It took some adjusting, but Jag figured out He would have to wait His turn.
Now that Ole Toby Goat Gruff has passed. Jag is The Man. Pete could give a shit Who runs the show long as He's fed, and His Mommas around. Life IS GOOD 4 Ole Pete.
Jag and Me are getting closer too. He Was kinda stand offish with Me(Mommas Boy), because when Toby, and Jag would go at it I, as The Ultimate ALPHA in Our pack would save Toby's bacon. in the wild Toby was to infirmed to physically out match a 10month old Lab Who out weighed Him by 10lbs.
Jag is becoming a much more confident dog, and I am working hard at making Him at ease with His New Station in Life. LIL Jago Will all ways be a Momma's boy though.

Peace; 1TT


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I thank god for every good day with Scooby, I know she still covets her pillow(s) but because they're no longer on the bed there's no Alice/pillow issues, her possessiveness of the pillows doesn't involve her housemate any more. I'm on constant watch to make sure there aren't any other possession issues but she really hasn't focused on anything else in the house that might help her establish dominance.

what I'm trying to say there in short is her personality isn't one of creating or establishing dominance for the sake of dominance, she only wanted her fuckin' pillows :)

she didn't attack Alice because she's a pitbull, a female jack russell terrier might have done the same thing had it grown as fond & jealous of the pillows as Scooby had.

so well behaved it's a blessing to my life to have her in it.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Dude this is a horrible situation that is gonna explode eventually. ... what kind a dog is alice????
Never trust scooby with alice... its not fare and it sounds like she alice cant even defend herself.... they can be fine one minute n at war the next.... never trust a pit not to fight... especially if u had n incident already. ... def dont feedem together or let them "play" ... playing turns into fighting in a second.... specially if one got a huge advantage. ... pitbulls r ppl dogs and were created dfor a purpose. ...huskys pull shepards guard pitbull fight in the pit... hence why they are great with humans but shouldn't have dog friends. ... very few exceptions but alice aint one she shown that... personally i just saw ya arm. I would have one less bullet.... looks like multiple bites... n redirection much different then n accideny


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Dude this is a horrible situation that is gonna explode eventually. ... what kind a dog is alice????
Never trust scooby with alice... its not fare and it sounds like she alice cant even defend herself.... they can be fine one minute n at war the next.... never trust a pit not to fight... especially if u had n incident already. ... def dont feedem together or let them "play" ... playing turns into fighting in a second.... specially if one got a huge advantage. ... pitbulls r ppl dogs and were created dfor a purpose. ...huskys pull shepards guard pitbull fight in the pit... hence why they are great with humans but shouldn't have dog friends. ... very few exceptions but alice aint one she shown that... personally i just saw ya arm. I would have one less bullet.... looks like multiple bites... n redirection much different then n accideny

I guess you hadda be there, it happened in the dark while I was sleeping, 2 dogs fighting in my bed with me laying down. I never felt the initial bites as I tried to get them to stop, get them off of me & onto the floor so I could get my legs under me. When Scooby laid that one big bite on me I screamed her name and she let go & ran into the kennel with Alice.

I'm sure you skimmed through the thread as all of your issues above were addressed, they do not play & tussle together ever, they have zero food issues as I feed them a few feet apart, when snacks are given (even meaty ones) there's zero competition as each gets the same amount. I never leave them alone together unless Scooby is kenneled.

also, I don't play tug of war or any other competitive games with Scooby, I never play rough house with her either, I would never ever encourage a pitbull to even play aggressively.

and finally, I seem to have gotten it right on the pillows thing, Scooby just wants to be with her pillows because they represent her being closest to me, she's put herself in the alpha position in the canine part of our pack because she sleeps with me & the pillows.

this is what she covets the most, her position in life.
we usually sleep just like this, she digs it the most.


Scooby now understands that Alice is WAY off limits and moments like this below are as rare as hens teeth these days. Just last night Scooby was moving in to snuggle up on Alice, Alice calmly got up and left the bed.




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so it's 20+ weeks, 5 months since that last fight, 1 more month and it will be the longest period of peace between the dogs. I'll consider the issue resolved but will have to carry on the same way as long as Alice is still alive n' kicking :)

Scooby doesn't show any questionable behavior (and never did between attacks) and it seems that now that there are no pillows on the bed to covet she's always willing to kennel up on her own when Alice wants to rest on the bed instead of her blankets on the floor.

Alice is still cautiously aloof to Scooby's desires/advances for snuggles during the day, they get plenty of snuggle time together when we sleep, and when Alice is jumping up in bed Scooby's tail is always wagging (beating the bed) in anticipation of the night long snuggle.

I know when she wants her pillows, she makes a small fuss by sneezing/snorting @ the 3 pillows piled on the chair next to my bed, she doesn't get them though, they belong to me. Instead I put a blanket & a cheap fuzzy throw on the bed for her comfort, she settles right in and is willing to share them with Alice since they're as big as the entire bed.

I can win any battles of will over the dogs but I feel that issues resolved as they are is best.

is this my happy home?


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Sounds like u got things under control and wish ya the best of luck... just make sure u stay on top of things...
Also nice bat ears my buddys dog twister got ears like that.... they def stand out...


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ICMag Donor

really happy to say that we've passed the 6 month mark, no drama here whatsoever. both girls are enjoying excellent health too.......
