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Scooby again, I don't know what to do.......


Active member
All those cute things, funny things, and loving moments are the redeemable qualities that have kept You from putting Her down.

While You have mostly posted the crazy shit Scooby has done.
I for one knew that YOU AINT NO SUCKER, so there had to be a reason You didn't put a .22 in Her brain after that last attack.

Your a patient, loving soul S4L, and I agree that spring will do Scooby good.
Just wishing You Alice, and Scooby the best.

Peace & Love; 1TT


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
All those cute things, funny things, and loving moments are the redeemable qualities that have kept You from putting Her down.

While You have mostly posted the crazy shit Scooby has done.
I for one knew that YOU AINT NO SUCKER, so there had to be a reason You didn't put a .22 in Her brain after that last attack.

Your a patient, loving soul S4L, and I agree that spring will do Scooby good.
Just wishing You Alice, and Scooby the best.

Peace & Love; 1TT

I ran the scenario in my head a bunch of times, the vet pushing the plunger, Scooby's head going limp and all that wasted potential.

She's so eager to please, tail always wagging, learns immediately from her mistakes which are few and generally inconsequential.

the good in her far outweighs the bad that's happened, I never put down a healthy dog in my life and am not gonna start now. they're sharing the bed comfortably with Scooby deferring to Alice most of the time by kenneling up only a foot away.

Here's a pic from 2012, her kennel's always in the same place; she always relished snuggling up to Alice's soft fur, it will take time and her excellent disposition to gain our trust again, I've never seen Alice treat Scooby so aloof as she does since that last attack. in the pic below is the pillow she covets the most.

lots of times when I'd look over @ the bed Scooby's head would be buried between the comforter & Alice's soft fur, Scooby loves her snuggles. She's a shameless instigator of love, always has been, she deserves every chance I'm willing and able to give her. By no means is she a bad dog, or sketchy in any way, I hope the small adjustments we're making cures her angst.......



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

and this is what's happening right now, I'm thinking that Scooby's gonna inch closer for a snuggle on Alice's butt (a favorite spot of hers) tonight :)

so Scooby was inching closer when Alice woke up, saw how close Scooby was and got down from the bed, gonna take a bit for Alice to come around this time, she's been very forgiving in the past, now she's cautious.
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razor ridge

Active member
Premium user
Sorry for the injuries you received, those little ones can be beasts, perhaps its a territorial thing...
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

took about 2 hours for this snuggle to develop
as Scooby worked herself closer and closer.......


I have a fairly big home but we reside in a small area that's easier to heat & cool, the pups are always in sight & close @ hand for me to watch. But just like last night, if I've gotta leave the room to go take a crap I kennel up & lock Scooby's door, I can't trust her yet.



lives on planet 4:20
S4L...good to see everything stabilizing in your home.

I had three bull-terriers, in my early twenties, and my first one I had to put down after he started showing serious aggression toward my wife, the kids, and eventually me.

I suffered after making that choice for at least 6 months, but that dog was NO JOKE.

Scooby is not even close to his size, but still, those pics in the beginning of this thread show what even a moderate sized dog can do. I truly pray that this dynamic continues, because I understand your point of view, that of viewing dogs as sentient beings, and wanting to give them a second and third chance, like we do to humans.

In my case, I had small kids (2 and 9 y.o) and I had a few options.

I chose what I chose, because I didn't want to put anyone else in danger, and the size of the dog played a large role, since he was a huge bull-terrier, with a huge head and jaw!



Stoner,so sorry to hear this,it has happened to me before also,no rhyme or reason either.I love my dogs but after talking to my vet and calling in another expert trainer(i also train malinois's)the consensus was to put the offending dog down.you cannot get rid of the dog and have it tear up another person,maybe a child for all you know and it is nearly impossible to keep them apart or one constantly muzzled,i know i tried for months before giving up.first the dog got my wife and son,which tells you how much i loved the dog as thats a death sentence right there.After that i kept them seperated successfully for a couple months but eventually they got together and i was in the middle,my arms looked just like yours and i slipped in all the blood and saliva and my face was inches from 2 sets of snapping teeth,i was able to seperate them but dont fool yourself,IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.The crazy thing was they were best buds,one a giant sheperd(120lbs) and one a black lab about 65 and the lab was the aggressor.I had the lab put down,SO HARD and the sheperd lived out his life with me as the most peaceful creature ive ever seen,we lost him a little over a year ago.We have a new female shep now but one dog at a time from now on which sucks because i have a few acres but it is what it is.I feel your pain and i know what you are going through,sometimes doing the right thing does not feel so good,best of luck.


Active member
IMHO, you biggest problem is the fact that you have 2 bitches under one roof.

You brought a new younger female into your house, and now they will keep jokeying for positition....it might be every blue-moon....but it is gonna happen.

Just be very careful, I had a similar situation, actually thought it was A-OK (no incidents for almost a yr)...then one day we came home to blood everywhere from a dog fight...

2 Females is just asking for trouble.....especially if one might have issues.

Good luck

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor

Is that true even if the female dogs are spayed? I thought that took care of aggression issues.
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Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
You pointing out your other dog and telling scooby to get it and watch it could have turned sweet Alice into a prey item of sorts in her brain, no? Just theorizing and tryin ta help , I think its great what you've done for that dog! Maybe a email to cesar?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You pointing out your other dog and telling scooby to get it and watch it could have turned sweet Alice into a prey item of sorts in her brain, no?

WTF!!! I NEVER did any such thing.......

you're thinking of our outdoor routine maybe, I point out curiosities to Scooby, I DO NOT point out my other dog & then excite Scooby; Alice is fetching frisbee in one direction and Scooby is exploring in another, I make sure of that.
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Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Oh sorry mate, i misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying when you threw the toy and A was getting it you were pointing and calling at the situation of her getting it. My bad man i put an "At" in the sentence and it changed its whole meaning huh whoopsie


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Oh sorry mate, i misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying when you threw the toy and A was getting it you were pointing and calling at the situation of her getting it. My bad man i put an "At" in the sentence and it changed its whole meaning huh whoopsie

I was trying to explain how I burn off some energy for the dogs outside, Alice plays fetch with me and so as not to ignore Scooby's needs I'll point her in different directions and she'll run off to investigate whatever I point to.

both dogs come inside satisfied to some degree.......


lost in a sea

you have a pittbull dominant mongrel rescue dog, at least a certain number of times it's going to fly off the handle when possession over anything is questioned, and when it does it's killer side of it's brain knows how to work that lovely mouth..

you can't beat it out of a pittbull they are bred killers. as you know you need to keep them seperate most of the time if you don't want to see this happen again or worse. your poor springer..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
you have a pittbull dominant mongrel rescue dog, at least a certain number of times it's going to fly off the handle when possession over anything is questioned, and when it does it's killer side of it's brain knows how to work that lovely mouth..

you can't beat it out of a pittbull they are bred killers. as you know you need to keep them seperate most of the time if you don't want to see this happen again or worse. your poor springer..

well Scooby & Alice were both on the bed (apart) just awhile ago when Scooby started making a little guttural sound, I looked over & her eyes were wide, I think she knew I wasn't gonna stand for that shit.

I grabbed my walking staff and pounded it into the floor & wooden ceiling, it makes a thunderous sound, @ the same time I announced loudly "I'm the big dog!!!" as Scooby dashed for the safety of her kennel.

as much as I don't want to add any anxiety to Scooby's life she's gonna respect and be reminded of the friggin' pecking order around here. She cowers when I raise my voice and that's just fine w/me, I've never laid a hand on her so I'll assume she understands my alpha position when I assert it which is every day.



Active member

Is that true even if the female dogs are spayed? I thought that took care of aggression issues.

Both mine were spayed. Doesn't seem to matter...it is a PACK thing....

The younger GSD Roxy is still with us, and is great around our Male 5month old rescue (coonhound/newfie X)