Train wreck at 36 days into flower. Best tw pheno I've seen in years. Mites seem to hate it , I pray the 1 cut I saved lives.... I did manage to pollinate a cut with my bubba male thankfully.
yeah... and my closet shelf that holds a veg box for clones keeps my parabolic down low... it'd be nice to have more headspace, but the net keeps em spread pretty wide instead. I cant raise the parabolic another inch. but even keepin em low and runnin testers, I still get at least 1# off my 860w CMH
Earlier this spring I began collecting dynamic accumulator plants.... Dynamic accumulators are plants that gather certain micro nutrients, macro nutrients, or minerals from the soil through their roots, the nutrients are then stored in their leaves... generally they are considered weeds. I used comfrey stinging nettle and dandelion.
I place them in the device my wife lovingly refers to as the "cow shit factory" and add a bit of water. It is equipped with an airlock with a carbon filter to stop the "cow farts" from escaping in their raw form... the airlock also holds pressure inside the vessel while slowing the release of built up gas making the carbon filter work in an effective manner... When I do feed "nutes" I do it this way. 1 teaspoon-1tablespoon per gallon. It isnt quite ready yet as there is still some.... gelatinous... material left... I want it to be all liquid before I transfer it to a gallon jug or expanding decomposition gasses could rupture the container.
Got some Pineapple haze knocked up with some Strawberry diesel and Jam Roc male pollen.
The pineapple haze has some crazy terps coming about.... almost obnoxious lol, should be some nice progeny.
Strawberry diesel male..(fractures f3s)
Got him flowering atm.. producing a great amount of pollen.
Also have another male and female flowering outdoors together... making some f4s for later.
Nah.. it aint bad. I can pop 2 wire nuts off the fans and walk it out.
It aint its first time at the rodeo... and that aint my first isolation chamber.
Got another I stick on top of my fridge when I'm not doin clones up there.
Its got ventilation and a watering tube... no need to open it unless I want pollen from it... which I will.