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SB 374 Will prevent Nevadans from growing their own!


I love my life
sitting a a stupor thinking about this shit and believe its all based on setting it up for when Nevada legalizes for rec use, think about it, if we are allowed to grow it makes it almost impossible to regulate it. no growers makes it so much easyer to regulate. if there is only a few big growers that are under government control .

We are allowed to grow. Over 12 is a class E felony. 0 - 12 plants is go fuck off Metro, no crime.

The fucks should have allowed reciprocal privileges for out of state card holders (AS ARIZONA DOES), then there would be more than 3,900 possible consumers of their over priced warehouse crap.

Nevadan's can have home slot machines, home poker games, strippers delivered to your door, but don't plant a seed!



Rubbing my glands together
They do allow anyone that has an out of state card that is current to use NV dispensaries. You know NV. they never met a dollar they don't wanta steal!!!
And the affirmative defense for more than 12 and more weight is still in effect.


Active member
We are allowed to grow. Over 12 is a class E felony. 0 - 12 plants is go fuck off Metro, no crime.

The fucks should have allowed reciprocal privileges for out of state card holders (AS ARIZONA DOES), then there would be more than 3,900 possible consumers of their over priced warehouse crap.

Nevadan's can have home slot machines, home poker games, strippers delivered to your door, but don't plant a seed!

I thought they were saying that at a certain time after the law goes into effect no one will be able to grow unless they cant provide the strain you need for your med needs, is this correct ?


Rubbing my glands together
Partly JW. There are some exclusions in the bill that will allow us to grow. More than 25 miles away, don't have the strain you use, unable to drive/visit the place, and a couple more reasons.


Do you happen to know the guidelines for the ability to grow a strain that you need that a disp. doesn't carry? Are they just supposed to take your word or your labels word that the strain you have is the strain you claim it to be if you were to be raided, or will you have to show proof of purchase of some form to solidify your strain being what it is.


The specific guidelines are being written now by the Dept of Health and are due to be finished by April 1. "The devil is in the details."

They made over 12 plants a felony. Does that mean that 0 - 12 plants is a misdemeanor / or legal or what?


During any of Ticks talks did he mention how the feds reacted to NV passing the mmj bill? Will they be watching with an eagles eye for any and all slip ups, do you think they will wait until a good portion of the disp. open up then come in and raid them in a mass effort and shut them down like they were doing in Cali. I have heard little to no news how things are going in AZ despite us being right next door (in a state sense).


I love my life
No chance in hell. If the feds want action there are thousands of houses and commercial spaces with greater than 99 plants. Don't see the feds doing anything about a 12 plant grow by a medical patient. They have much bigger fish to fry.



Rubbing my glands together
Do you happen to know the guidelines for the ability to grow a strain that you need that a disp. doesn't carry? Are they just supposed to take your word or your labels word that the strain you have is the strain you claim it to be if you were to be raided, or will you have to show proof of purchase of some form to solidify your strain being what it is.

They could actually do a genetic marker test on it. Not out the realm of possibilities. It's simple really. Take a strain you like, say Chem d for example and cross it to another you like....bam,,, only you have it. As always, keep your strains backed up with someone else.
I have an original White Widow plant from when it was first made. Every white widow since has been made from different parents. So, it's a strain they don't and won't have. I also have another 1 I know they don't and won't get also.


I understand that for the personal level, but when dealing with dispensaries, didn't they define it to state the manufacturers/suppliers and the dispensary itself as being 2 different entities and cannot be one in the same owner? If so then how do you think the feds will target the manufacturers and also the brick and mortar dispensaries when they show up.


Rubbing my glands together
No chance in hell. If the feds want action there are thousands of houses and commercial spaces with greater than 99 plants. Don't see the feds doing anything about a 12 plant grow by a medical patient. They have much bigger fish to fry.


Agreed. However, Metro has and has had a hard on for the mmj program since it began. They practically wrote this law and got nearly everything they wanted. As always, they'll get a list of patients that they shouldn't have, try to do an inspection like they have been doing, which btw is illegal, then press charges. The motherfuckers just can't leave shit alone or let it be. If they don't run or make money from it they don't want it.


Hmmm... So, say someone's been makin do for the last few years with a mmj card and 12 plants w/ a Doc signed waiver. Now this new law says you can continue to grow up to 12 plants without a card or waiver with no penalty (ie: "not a crime")? And that is even after another section of the law sunsets our right to grow 12 plants, there is still no penalty for growing 12 plants.
This makes my brain hurt, although on a good way. Did they just legalize pot in Nevada?


Rubbing my glands together
It's not technically legal for someone without a card to grow any plants. NOW, you don't have to have a mmj card to grow for med purposes. BUT!!! If you get caught, you have to have a doctor willing to testify that he is aware you are growing for med purposes, etc, etc...That falls under the affirmative defense section of the bill. Also, the affirmative defense section, 453a.310 I think it is, is still in tact. If they come in on me and arrest me for having more than 12 and more than 2.5 ounces, there will be no plea deal. I would rather take my chances with a jury and justify my count and numbers than play their game. The 2.5 oz limit is a total joke and and they know it. As soon as I/we harvest 1 single plant, I/we are automatically guilty of a class e felony. Don't think any jury in Nevada will convict over such stupid shit. And on the Federal level, a couple of years ago a judge in Cali allowed a mmj use defense in a federal court so there is precedence to use that as a defense if it were to go to the fed level. I'm just pretty much fed up with their bullshit. I'd rather be jailed than compromise my rights granted in our state constitution. but hey, that's just me.


Rubbing my glands together
I understand that for the personal level, but when dealing with dispensaries, didn't they define it to state the manufacturers/suppliers and the dispensary itself as being 2 different entities and cannot be one in the same owner? If so then how do you think the feds will target the manufacturers and also the brick and mortar dispensaries when they show up.

Yes. 2 separate entities. Have to provide proof of 250,000.00 liquid assets per operation plus the other fees and approvals that go along with it.
Will be interesting to see how the feds react to it all.
This is how it works in Nevada.
The feds allow you to do something that generate a lot of cash. they let you accumulate your cash, toys, houses, etc. Then they come in with asset forfeiture papers and a warrant and take everything. That's how they make their extra money. Have seen them do this many times over the years. They give you just enough time to get past the paranoia, get conformable, make da money, then swoop in and fuck you and your family hard. Just the price of doing business in Nevada.


Rubbing my glands together
Does "not a crime" to grow 12 plants = "technically legal" to grow 12 plants? Or at least "practically legal"?

Relates only to medical marijuana. The first 6 words of the bill begin----"AN ACT relating to medical marijuana". So it is not classified a crime for a mmj patient to have 12 or less plants.


I love my life
The class E felony is for more than 12 plants or more than 12 plants worth of cannabis. I did not see anywhere in the bill where possession of 3oz is a felony. In point of fact NV law 3oz possession is a misdemeanor. They will be hard pressed to get a possession conviction on a med patient, and raiding a home to charge possession doesn't seem like a winning proposition.

Growing 12 plants is not a crime, possession of cannabis is a crime if you don't have a med card. Possessing too much with a med card is a crime but ONLY over 12 plants worth (again please tell me if I missed the weight = new crime provision), other wise affirmative defense and NV current possession charges apply.


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