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SB 374 Will prevent Nevadans from growing their own!


Active member
Its like what they call "pork" in a bill. Wher a senator slaps some crap about cow ranching on a millitary spending bill. Except tjis time it was metro adding pork. Good thing lobying iz perfectly legal and almost completely untethered.


Active member
Would seem that way. You know they did leave the affirmative defense section of 453a in effect.

True but I don't plan on having to use it. I'm just pointing out it seems more and more lile a rape every time I read it. If you are a patient and have more than 12 you better have god damn good reason if you plan on an affirative defense getting you home safe.


Active member
I lile how this new commty consists of 4 legislators who gets paid and "a patient" who does not. I wonder how you become that "a patient" yhey speak of.


Rubbing my glands together
It will be someone they can control. Don't want some uppity peon up there causing trouble now do they?


Rubbing my glands together
High dollar rats selling pot asking police to arrest those giving pot away for free. Rat ass fuckers.


Does anyone else see the potential that black market sales go back up? Anyone dealing with delivery services/dispensaries in the state already know that our med prices are outrageous compared to places like Cali, Col, Ore, and Wash, and now we are only going to be allowed to get a set amount per month? I fear that will drive the black market in Nevada back up, which will end up meaning more money for the importer, and worse quality meds comin in, but this is just my hunch I am no economist...

Barn Owl

Active member
Gillespi was on the radio today and he was askes why did he put the no home grow amendment in the bill. His answer "we don't want home grows. There has been a huge problemn of grow houses. "
Caller " there has been a hige problem with legal med grows?"
Gilespi "yes they have been growing too much."

Like I said, it keeps the Metro police well funded. They get to keep the house! Just did one the other day and they came on and said that children were in danger from the grow house. They have also been big on speed traps in rural Nevada. They did the classic, pull someone over for going 3-4 miles over the speed limit, than have the dog walk around the car. There was one town that got the drug dog federally funded, ended up profiling a lot of drivers, wound up busting a guy who had some money, he got racially profiled, sued them and they lost their whole drug dog program.

I see this Nevada medical thing as a beginning, but I lived there for 2 decades, and I can't see how Nevada could handle this without abusing it somehow. It will be very bad before it gets better. People will get hurt and medical pot may be used as more of an entrapment than a way to help folks. The whole state's history is based on organized crime.


Active member
Dick sigerbloom will be on am720 next week. Call in and break his balls. Post recomended questions here.


Rubbing my glands together
All he can say is he thinks it's a great start. He has sold out to whoever was pushing this bill and sold out to metro to get the bill written in their favor, not the patients.


Active member
All he can say is he thinks it's a great start. He has sold out to whoever was pushing this bill and sold out to metro to get the bill written in their favor, not the patients.

money talks and bull shit walks, the whole freakin deal all boils down to money , ours and soon to be theres


Active member
Tick said he had to make comprimises to get the bill passed and hr does plan on working to keep our right to grow at tue next legislative session. I must add it did sound like a canned response to keep us happy but atleast he is on record.


Active member
sitting a a stupor thinking about this shit and believe its all based on setting it up for when Nevada legalizes for rec use, think about it, if we are allowed to grow it makes it almost impossible to regulate it. no growers makes it so much easyer to regulate. if there is only a few big growers that are under government control .