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san diegos finest seeds


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
please tell me some will be avail as BIN's and not all auctions?? I wouldnt mind grabbin a pack of each :)

not exactly sure how it will work...im kinda being a pain in old pinks butt right now, floating diff ideas off him...i have more...want to get these tested before i send em all in...lotsa dabney crosses coming up...almost out of sda stash now! it sucks...neeeeed more sda!!!!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
keep in mind...only 5 packs of each went in(sda,sdb, and the backcross)...the rest went to collective members...do have more in reserve...waiting to hear from op....


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
ah ok my bad...i thought u had sent in a large batch with hundreds of seeds. I misinterpreted a post by GS where he mentioned like 1200 mm f2s and 700+ rasberry kush beans. I wouldnt mind buying them as BIN's even untested at a reasonable price. I'm sure the are probably others too lol.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
we had a big batch of the mm f2s and the rk x mm...those should be cheap bins...and plenty of em....


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
ok so i wasnt totally off then lol....i will prob get a pack of each of them and if they are bin's on any of the sourdab's try my hand and one of those too...If not this time then i just wait til fall winter time for more hopefully ;) thanks for clearing that up Rob


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
almost out of sda stash now! it sucks...neeeeed more sda!!!!

aloha braddah
talked to my friend with the A mom and she got hit with the floramite and seems to be doing really well. Hes gonna hit her with a few shots of neem too and then shell be ready to bring back home haha

sorry if i hadnt been clear about the number of sour dabney beans... you know me i'm always :blowbubbles:


"Hey bud, lets party!"
i believe my friends still have moms of both A and B... anyone ever flower out B again to see if she still hermied?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
not yet...trying to get those sdb f2s set up as testers to see what happens...actually wanna set all three up as testers....trying to get the cut back now too run the original 'b' momma myself....but as you can see from 'skulls post above...she was having some health issues at his bros'....i hope the sweetblue survives! haha...that buzz was too powerful to just dismiss w out a second look...and the flavor...well, you know the flavor!
.....so i remember when you told me the dabney pollen smelled like blueberries...had never experienced pollen aroma til this second cindy daddy! how freakin cool is it when the pollen smells!?!?!!!! haha


"Hey bud, lets party!"
dude ya i read you saying you had some cherry smelling pollen, and i instantly thought of the Dabney daddy and how much he reeked of blueberries... Literally you would rub a pollen sack, then smell your fingers and it smelled as good or almost better than the Dabney Blue clone female did when finished.

I thought people would think i was crazy when i told them my males pollen smelled like blueberries... But i have friends who checked it out themselves to back me up :p

But ya, i would hope your cherry smelling pollen would give off some cherryness to whatever he is crossed too


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
btw my homie has the B momma too...
unfortunately shes over 100 miles away from my direct care and my buddy isnt the best at remembering what i tell him... its kinda frustrating.
i guess hes proving to me its not 'easy' afterall, even when you have good tech support and a roadmap lol


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
so im thinkin...if the sourdabney crosses turn out to be something worth growing...i should have plenty of pollen...





Well-known member
ICMag Donor
the weird thing is the first time i flowered him was the original seed plant...when i rubbed the stalk it was a piney scent w some citrus...this is a cutting from the original seed plant...and when you rub the stalk(when you rub his stalk..huh huh...)it smells hardcore orange citrusy...almost tangerine citrusy...and im not talkin bout a trace of it...its full on...now i dont know how significant that is...gonna find out...but strange no? i have no idea where citrus would come in, theres nothing in the lineage i know of thats citrusy...whats dabney blueberry lineage? but it is so strong that i sat here w greyskull tonight questioning whether or not it was a mislabeled albert walker! sweartagawd...15 minutes...of course, in addition to my meds i had valley og, chem d, sda, bubblehash and bho....anyways...gotta chemd(bigass bitch) hes been eyeing for awhile......just in case....


ICMag Donor
Blueberry smelling pollen.....hmm..Smoketrees...was this used in the making of purple joy x dabney by chance?

Curious to see if this trait could pass on.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
stellar-yup...i know you asked him...but im here...so...haha...all the dabney crosses started with spicolis dabney blue/afghani seeds...he kept some pollen from a male of that cross that is responsible for all the dabney crosses:
green crack
larry og
albert walker
purple joy
....uuum think thats it...see if smoketrees remembers more....shit...didnt i hit something besides ecsd....no...i dunno...he will...
---the trait that DOES pass on is a sweet blue aroma and taste..i dunno if its the same as the original dabney smell..but the crackberry,larryberry,and sourdabney 'b' pheno all smelled virtually identical...not close...the same...and sourdabney 'a' pheno is the only plant, that i know of, that didnt smell like the others...interesting to see if purplejoy overpowers that...cuz she is really pungent...


ICMag Donor
Thanks,:tiphat: We shall soon see. Keeping male in veg. state,waiting on a lady.

Now that i read that, story of my life.

Looking forward to the Sourdab x's



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i couldnt believe how strong and full bodied the smell was from rubbing the stem
and it was pretty sticky on the fingers, too


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Did all the dabneys and dab x's go up ?? I managed to get a pack of sourdab b but thats the only one i saw listed when i woke up lol.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
not really sure
but i dont think so
i think there were 5 packs each but i didnt see 5 packs of each when i saw them up... but maybe they got snatched up by then?


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
i sure hope not....but just incase i decided to grab a second pack of sour dab b lol. If u see the others go up anytime soon let me know ;) was lookin to get one of each