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Sammet's Sensational Sensimilla Shindig


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Cheers Alfred - that's actually one of the lower branches of the CH9 - she's the frostiest girl in the garden - and I've chopped off that branch and hung it up to dry. It should be done drying approximately the same time as I finish my exam, so I'm having a little treat. Don't worry, there's about 5 more branches of a similar size or bigger :wink:

Chubby - there's nothing wrong with your skills mate :) It just so happens that they've all stretched a similar amount + I LST up to about the 2nd week of flower. However, it doesn't always go to plan!

RF - Hows thing man? Thanks for checking in mate. :wave:

M@rg - thanks man, I really need it. I haven't seen any sign of the little wormy things upon watering again - If anything starts looking awry in the next week I'll neem drench them all but so far I can't see any damage. How's your cheese doing? I just transplanted mine up so I hope I can take some cuttings in the next couple of weeks. Catch you around :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Frosty, yummy nuggs my man...lookin great, as always!! And tel Chubbynuggs, I havethe same prob...I too need to dial in the even canopy!!!Peace bro, and Happy 4th of July!!!:woohoo:

- Z


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I'm rooting for these guys :wink: Happy 4th Zeus (it was my birthday yesterday too) so close to being "born of the 4th of july". :D

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Sammet, just flicking through these pages, wow you certainly got the knack. If I ever set some lights up, I might just have to pic your brains. Nice stuff, well done matey! ps good luck with the exams.


Mmmm Mmmmm those CH9 shots have got my bidding finger itching to pull the trigger! Nice pics, Sammet, and good luck on your final next week!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Happy Belated Birthday Sam, I just got back in town, will be around again


Med grower
ICMag Donor
A couple of CH9 flower macros

I also had me a mini-harvest, should be dry by the time my exam finishes on wednesday :D

Hey Farmaz - any time mate.
Shitake - Ta - CH9 seem to have a decent range of seeds for a good price, I've got a couple of CH9 Jack coming through next so I hope they're as good as this girl.
Zoo, Zeus, BeAn, Dog - Cheers for being ever present in my thread guys and the well wishes. I'm 24 years young now - good to see you're back Dog, have a good trip?
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Nice shots bro, I had a great trip, I will have a vacation package up very soon, a couple of hours

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
lol nope
I switched light to a 95 w cfl, and left everything on timers, beena week, still dont need to be watered yet
I will be cropping 4 tonight if I am up for it


late i know, but happy bday pommy!

ive been busy, and slackin' and busy slackin, but i made it eventually lol.

GL with the rest of the exams.. young pup! hehe.. i thought you were older than me.. but i guess not!


Med grower
ICMag Donor
DD - what a good idea. I'll have to try that next time I'm away and can't get a plant sitter. :yes:

MoleMcHenry - Thanks, I just try to give back what I can, I owe this community big for teaching me how to grow.

Jay - ta mate. You're only as young as the woman you feel :wink: I'm gonna sit back and hit the volcano on thursday and watch a whole day of test cricket :D
2 more days to go and I'll happily forget about Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate, 3- phosphoglycerate, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The best thing is that my growing gives me a leg up - Terpenes - not just flavoursome, but also natural insecticides.. Trichomes - not just on Cannabis - the generic name for all plant hairs.. etc. Shame they won't let me grow Cannabis as part of PhD project.

All work and no play make Sammet a very dull boy. :spank: :spank:

Here's a C4C99 teaser (I really need to rotate my plants, as the WillWon and BlaJa are at the back I can't get in there to take any decent bud shots - soon that will all change...)

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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey young sammet lol, jk mate ,hows things ,2 more days :jump: its a great feeling walking out the last exam ,u float out them doors lol
that ch9 is a real pretty girl,covered in thc, shes on my shopping list now :yes:
i know what u mean about getting to the back ,its a right pain ive got no chance now

missed ur bday mate ,i hopeless , wifes in 3 days and ive had that written on my hand for a week lol


D Rock

Those are some Nice big fat Calyx on that last pic. Great meds.