Madjag just said in the RKS thread, that in his opinion the afghani #1 was the most like a skunk spray skunk smell of all the seeds he grew that he bought from you, so I am confused now. He said the skunk #1 seeds were a different smell, and not the true skunk spray smell, which I and most agree is what roadkill skunk emitted. Maybe between the two of you the confusion can be solved, as you are both saying the opposite of each other pretty much here:
Sam- If you don't mind and while we are talking about the same time period...
I don't think you have ever claimed this article as yours, did you write the article in this "Blotter #4" Magazine from 1979 Titled "Sun, Soil, Seeds & Soul"?
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I'll work on it. I still have a bunch of labels, they're crack+peel style. I also have the 3rd/4th -year label too that is totally different.