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:-('s noob grow.. dual 150 vertical cab



Hello fellow growers!

Sit back, grab a cold beer, roll a fat joint, light the bong, and remember - pass it to the right.

This will be my 2nd grow. My first grow was successful grow in a pc case a few years back. Here are a few pics from that grow.

This was two plants grown under a 70w hps bulb inside a PC Case.. smoke was pretty decent even though I didn't trim the buds.

Now, on to bigger and better. I still need stealth but with more space and more buds!

My new cab is 18 in x 18 in x 6 ft tall. It has three chambers, the top
holds my ballasts and a squirrel cage fun, the next lower is my flowering chamber with dual 150w hps setup vertical. The lowest chamber is a mother / clone room with 5 cool white CFL's.

Flower Chamber

Mother / Clone room

Well, on with the grow! If you haven't cracked that cold brew yet, now is the time :)

I'm growing 6 plants, 1 Skunk #1 from sensi, and 1 of the freebie OHxS1 seeds, the rest are bag seeds.

From the beginning I was having trouble controlling the temperatures inside the cab, some of the seedlings got burned, others shriveled up real bad. I babied them alot, and tweaked the cab and slowly but surely they got new green growth. Growth is still pretty slow on the burned seedlings, but I'm not givin up yet.

Pics: 11/26/09

Pics: 12/02/09 - watered all the plants with 1 tbspn fish emulsion to 1 gallon water.


bag seed that topped itself after getting burned, now it has 3 tops.. what an amazing plant :) growing steady too

Another bag seed that was burned, growth is slow on her.

This is skunk #1, very strong grower and takes alot of abuse too

Bag seed #2, strong grower, but always looks droopy.. even after a fresh water. I don't know whats up but she keeps growin

another bag seed... thought this one was dead but if you look close its got fresh little green leaves

That's it for now. I'm going to update weekly with progress.

This is my very humble attempt at growing, so any advice or suggestions are more than welcome.

All the best,


Hey! Your cab looks nice!

What is your temperature in the different chambers?
Seedlings can't handle being that close to an intense light source at first, but I guess you already figured that out.
It looks like they will recover just fine. :)
Are they in the cfl chamber now? (that looks like a perfect place to grow up from seed)

Again - nice build mate!!


Hey thanks for the kind words! They are in the flowering chamber right now, growth is alot better in there. Before tweaking the cab, high temps were up to 87F, and I couldnt get RH above 20%. After tweaking the cab, and putting it in my "garage" area. High temps are 78F, with RH at a nice 40-45%. The low (with lights out) is around 60F. They've responded alot better after controlling the temps.

I suppose I will pick up some large square pots to let them grow up in.


What's up fellow growers? I Went out of town... now I'm back... time for an update!!! Smoked some good local weed town in texas, one of my friends had some sour deisel.

Lots of new growth, the seedlings that were burned are really turnin' around and puttin on lots of green growth! They are startin to smell a bit too. Better get my carbon filter together soon, figured I wouldn't have to worry about it til I'm flowerin.

Pictures from 12/11/2009


Bag Seed 3

Bag Seed 2

Bag Seed 4

Bag Seed 5

Skunk #1 Feminised

I've been feeding with fish emulsion and a little epsom salt every other watering. Light schedule is 18/6. I've had both of the 150w HPS goin for a week now.

I left my girlfriend on plant duty, came back today and they obviously weren't watered in a few days, the dirt was bone dry. Now I'm seeing some yellowing on the tips of the leaves. Looks like a defficiency, I'm gonna go look it up now, but if anyone can spot the deff then please chime in.

Good luck and stay safe!
(sad smiley)
Not exactly on-topic: Kinetik that sig made me lol hard.

On-topic: Nice vertical cab, very intrigued...are you sure the 3 plants furthest from the light in your flowering room will get enough exposure through their sisters when they get big and bushy?


Repotted into half gallon containers yesterday from 16 oz party cups.. the bigger plants were definitely root bound. They responded very well. Foliar fed with molasses today.

@k1net1k - Thanks for stopping by, watching, and learning with me

@gingerninja - They were in rows like that only in the seedling stage, now they are repotted into taller containers, and arranged around the light. Pic below.


As far as I've learned (which isn't much) molasses is primarily used as food for beneficial bacteria in the soil, so foliar feeding may be of limited effect.

I may be wrong, though.


Dopeboy668 said:

E.C.Hope said:
Theyre gonna take off now... GREAT!!!!!
I know!! Updated pics coming up!!!

kcbudz31 said:
As far as I've learned (which isn't much) molasses is primarily used as food for beneficial bacteria in the soil, so foliar feeding may be of limited effect.

I may be wrong, though.
I read somewhere you can foliar feed with mollasses also, but I have added it to my organic fertilizer mix as well. Don't know how effective it is but the plants seem to be doing quite well


Hello Everyone.. it's time for my weekly picture update.. Funny little hobby we have here. I find myself checking my plants every chance I get. First thing in the morning I just get amazed by all of the lovely new overnight growth.

All the plants are still alive, nothing crazy happening yet, just regular vegetative growth. All plants have very tight internodal spacing, around 1/2 inch spacing!



Skunk #1 Feminized


Bagseed.. not growing too great, just now recovering from the early on heat burn




OHxSk#1 .. exhibiting VERY sativa like traits, I'd really like this one to end up being female. Could be some legendary smoke


This is the bagseed that topped itself early one, it has 5-6 tops growing now, seems pretty healthy too, roots already wrapped up around the bottom of the new containers


Bagseed, the most vigorous grower of the bag seeds, competing with the skunk plant for size. I plan to take a few clones of this one just in case it goes female.


This is a close up of the above bagseed. I think I see the formation of preflowers. I really hope it doesnt grow balls.

Thanks for tuning in folks! I'm trying to grow some real tall plants guys so I can utilize this vert setup !!

Happy growing to everyone!​


Geez, sorry for shaky pics, I've been under the weather and I get dizzy when I stand up.

Don't be sorry, those pictures are hilarious. I was thinking you took the snaps with your cell, but then I saw the last one. Good luck on it turning out female.
from the last update, your plants look like they have recovered fine from that initial burn.

Let's see some new pics! Two+ weeks into 12/12 and no update?? Come on!!


Way past due for an update here

3 weeks into flower. I now have 4 females and 1 unknown. 1 plant was really sick, and never showed sex so I culled. The uknown is the haze x skunk 1, still waiting for it to show signs of sex.

I've had to go out of town twice, and I was depending on the old lady to water them, well she watered them from the fertilizer jug and ended up burning them pretty bad, I've been feeding with straight water since and they seem to be bouncing back.


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