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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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How are all these things going to be funded?

Sounds like a lot of extra bureaucracy. Which government entity will be in charge of this? A new one that Ron Paul will create? That seems highly unlikely, as he wants to ELIMINATE so many departments.

Look man I told you I am more of a socialist. I even believe there should be a drug tax to help people with drug problems. Not everything is all left and right.

i just dont like our current gov't and think we can do better.

Ron Paul is the only guy I like... Far from my views but he still has my trust more so than any other guy up there. Thats what counts for me.

This would be a free service paid for by taxes. I believe it is extremely important for our drug problem if we legalize and end prohibition.


Active member
Ron Paul is the only guy I like... Far from my views but he still has my trust more so than any other guy up there. Thats what counts for me.

WOW, I am shocked but much respect is due for somebody with those views and backing Ron Paul. You really practice that open minded thing. I am proud of you bro, seriously.


Well guess what? They aren't.

Tell me how Ron Paul plans to fix that situation. Does he plan to raise corporate tax rates?
Rhetorical question- he believes corporations are already paying too much taxes and wants to cut their rate to less than half of what it is now.

I believe corporations would want to stick around in the US if there were less taxes on them. We got to keep the rich people happy too. I dont see why there always has to be a war between rich and poor.


This is what we teach in the nutritional consultant program at the Global College.
We cannot expect a solution from those who don’t have our best interest at heart. We have to take matters into our own hands. And when we learn how to take care of ourselves and our loved ones with holistic nutrition certification, we learn something equally important at the same time: How to help the other half of the population that is constantly and chronically ill.

For only $2500 you can become certified to cure/prevent cancer with nutrition.


I believe corporations would want to stick around in the US if there were less taxes on them. We got to keep the rich people happy too. I dont see why there always has to be a war between rich and poor.

Many corporations pay no tax at all. I pay more taxes than some do!
I'm sure more corporations would stick around if we didn't bother them about environmental regulations, worker safety and fair wages too.
But since they aren't paying taxes and aren't employing Americans, why would we want them to?

I don't see why people would side with their corporate masters instead of other people.


Many corporations pay no tax at all. I pay more taxes than some do!
I'm sure more corporations would stick around if we didn't bother them about environmental regulations, worker safety and fair wages too.
But since they aren't paying taxes and aren't employing Americans, why would we want them to?

I don't see why people would side with their corporate masters instead of other people.

Your right man I dont have the answers to everything. I dont know what to do about corporations. I dont know what works best when it comes to taxes. I am just a citizen, I am not an economist. I dont think anyone really knows what works best. This country is still pretty young and we have a lot to learn. If someone out there had all the perfect answers then maybe this place wouldn't be how it is. Honestly, I think we are doing decent for a world with 7 billion people in it.

I think taxes should be equal for all people. Maybe, different for corporations, as long as it wouldn't run them out of the country.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Many corporations pay no tax at all. I pay more taxes than some do!
Right and some corporations (small ones) are strangled to death by the taxes and fees.

There are two sets of laws. One for those who can afford to pay the government to write tax laws and regulations that benefit them and those who cannot afford such lobbying power.

The playing field is uneven due to the corruption. Tax corporations? Fine. But do it so that they all are on the same playing field as to maintain competitiveness. The pillar of real capitalism.

This incestuous fascist relationship between government and it's preferred corporations has killed competitiveness in this country.


Active member
For only $2500 you can become certified to cure/prevent cancer with nutrition.
Here is Big Pharma at work. No profit, no cure. They cured lots of stuff, right? No? Maybe? What do you all think?

Glen Beck talks about CANCER CURE BANNED to help Drug companies


Cancer Cured in Canada But Big Pharma Says 'NO WAY' !

Yes I trust Gleen Beck more that the ROTHCHILDS CANCER FOUNDATION!

The fact that the FDA has Marijuana listed a class 1 drug and is considered more dangerous than Cocaine has to add value to my arguement that the BIG PHARMA are hiding at least, some 'TRUTHS". Everybody on this site should know Mary has medicinal values, or I couldn't read some of these retorts and just laugh. Wthi facts like this we trust the FDA all the way? No concerns? If you got concerns Vote Ron Paul.

Ron Paul isn't ending things like the FDA and EPA he is reducing them.
Ron Paul has common since and knows they have some functions.
He also knows a bureaucratic control mechansim when he sees it. (DEA, FED, FDA, EPA, etc)
He knows of the ways they are attempting to implement disorder and chaos with all these appointed person given all this power and the American Ciitizen assed out. Don't take what they say at face value. Look for some real world examples, I have posted just a few I know of already. Those were not fictional characters but peoeple llike you and me. Not people like the Goverment or Corporations are people.
He knows that the drug was is a control mechanism and I don't understand how at least 75% on this site would not understand that much.
You need to look at how things function around you.

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Well-known member
Ron Paul: ‘Hemp is a good product’

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul drew cheers from supporters in North Dakota Monday while making a pitch for free market economics to be applied to farmers, allowing them to grow alternative crops such as hemp.

“There is no reason, in a free society, that farmers shouldn’t be allowed to raise hemp. Hemp is a good product,” said Mr. Paul Monday, The Associated Press reports.

It is illegal to grow hemp in the U.S. because of its relation to marijuana, however some states, including North Dakota, have urged the Drug Enforcement Association to allow the cultivation of hemp. The DEA considers hemp to be a controlled substance.

There are several states that issue licenses to cultivate hemp, however it is still considered an illegal practice by the federal government.

However, Mr. Paul argues that hemp does have beneficial uses, the crop is used to manufacture clothing, paper, lotions and other products in Canada and other nations throughout the world.

The Texas congressman’s comments about hemp coincide with his call for less government involvement in domestic matters. He has been one of the biggest opponents to President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, arguing that it allows too much government involvement in Americans’ access to healthcare.

“The more socialized a system is, the worse the property is, and the worse the environment is,” said Mr. Paul on Monday. “We should never be bashful about saying we believe in property rights…and we don’t have to give one inch and say that we’re careless with the environment, because you don’t have a right to pollute your neighbor’s property.”

Mr. Paul has been a critic of the U.S. drug laws throughout his time in Congress, and along the campaign trail. He believes that drug laws should be set by individual states, not the federal government.

In June of 2011, he co-sponsored a bill with U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat, that called for removing marijuana from the list of federally regulated substances.

Last week in the state of Washington, he called for an end to the “war on drugs.”

North Dakota is one of ten states holding its Republican primary election on Super Tuesday in March.

Mr. Paul is trailing his rival candidates in recent national polls of Republican voters, but has vowed to stay in the primary race through the Republican National Convention in August.

The Texas congressman will join all of the remaining candidates in Arizona on Wednesday for a nationally televised debate moderated by CNN.

Read more: http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/2012/02/21/ron-paul-hemp-is-a-good-product/#ixzz1n2ShsxOA


Active member
Right and some corporations (small ones) are strangled to death by the taxes and fees.

There are two sets of laws. One for those who can afford to pay the government to write tax laws and regulations that benefit them and those who cannot afford such lobbying power.

The playing field is uneven due to the corruption. Tax corporations? Fine. But do it so that they all are on the same playing field as to maintain competitiveness. The pillar of real capitalism.

This incestuous fascist relationship between government and it's preferred corporations has killed competitiveness in this country.

No more rep to post. GRAND SLAM! Gramps can swing a bat. Examples- McDonalds got stolen FED money and GE is Gov't Entity


Many major corporations have managed to pay taxes at just over half of the corporate income tax rate, according to a new report.
Nearly 300 of the nation's most profitable companies paid an average tax rate of 18.5 percent from 2008 to 2010, less than half of the 35 percent corporate tax rate, according to a study by the Citizens for Tax Justice released Thursday. Of the 280 companies, 78 studied paid a tax rate of zero or less during at least one year of the three year period.
And thirty companies, the report says, had a negative income tax rate from 2008 to 2010, even though they took home a combined $160 billion in pre-tax profits.
The financial services industry netted the largest share -- at 16.8 percent -- of the $222.7 billion in total tax subsidies that the companies received, the study found. Wells Fargo took home the most tax subsidies of them all, raking in nearly $18 billion in tax breaks over the last three years.

Companies such as Apple and Google are lobbying Congress to pass an additional tax loophole known as a repatriation tax holiday that would allow corporations to avoid taxes on more than $1 trillion in offshore profits, Bloomberg reports. In exchange, the companies argue, companies would invest those dollars in the U.S.

Corporations also commonly take advantage of a rule called "accelerated depreciation," which allows them to write off investments faster than they wear out, according to WaPo. The companies then subtract the falling value of the investments from their taxable income.

Under RON PAUL, Idealy
Personal income tax - 0%
Capital Gains tax -0%
Corporate tax rate -15% and he ends loop holes just like the one above, accelerated depreciation and you would love NOL (Net Operating Losses)
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Active member
That monitoring has its origins in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, when, a few years later, President Bush instructed the National Security Agency (NSA) to intercept Americans’ telephone calls without warrants, which were required by the Constitution and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). FISA, a post-Watergate statute meant to rein in domestic surveillance, created a special court, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), to approve or reject requests for domestic surveillance.

Between 1978 and 1992, presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush presented 7,030 applications for warrants and the court approved all of them as submitted. During his eight years in office, President Bill Clinton and his Justice Department presented 6,057 warrant applications. The FISC approved 6,055 of them, modified one and rejected one.
It seems they get basically everything they have ever asked for.

Yep good post RUKIND. I find that part scary but I am crazy :D Seems like how they got a foot in the door after WWI.


Barack Obama's 32 Month Report Card by Rich Carroll

Mr. Hope and Change wants to create a nation humbled; humiliated, casting-aside capitalism and individual freedoms for one where we the people are government controlled. This would be a system that genuflects mediocrity, steals personal aspiration and opportunity, and punishes those who strive to succeed.

A gallon of regular gasoline the day Obama was inaugurated was $1.79 on average in the U.S. Today that price is $3.59, a 100.6% increase.

The number of food stamp recipients has risen since Obama took office from 31,983,716 to 43,200,878, a 35.1% jump.

Long term unemployment soared 146.2% during the same 32 month period from 2,600,000 to 6,400,000. Staggering hope and change isn't it?
American citizens living in poverty have risen 9.5% from 39,800,000 to 43,600,000, and the number of unemployed has jumped almost 25% from 11,616,000 to 14,485,000 as of August 31, 2011.

The number of unemployed blacks has risen from 12.6% at the end of George Bush's term to 15.8% today, a 25.4% increase, and finally, our national debt is up 34.4% from 10.627 trillion to 14,278 trillion

Keep these figures in mind as we recount the number of firsts for this presidency:

First President to refuse to show a valid birth certificate.
First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit rating of the United States .
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .
First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs and later admit there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to terminate Americas ability to put a man in space.
First President to encourage racial discrimination and intimidation at polling places.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly speak-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state they are allowed to locate a factory.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 Czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office.
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to coddle American enemies while alienating Americas allies.
First President to publicly bow to Americas enemies while refusing to salute the U.S. Flag.
First President to go on multiple global apology tours.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends, paid for by the taxpayer.
First President to refuse to wear the U.S. Flag lapel pin.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000.00 a year at taxpayer expense.
First President to repeat the Holy Qur'an tells us, and openly admit the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

Remember that 32 months of Obama White House we the people have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27 times as fast as during the rest of our nation's entire history, as the Obama's plan their next extravagant vacation to the Indonesian Island nation of Bali . Hope and change anyone ?????????

sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Wall Street Journal, Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Dept of Labor, Standard & Poors/Case-Shiller, Federal Reserve, US Treasury, Heritage Foundation.


Says a guy that would point out that CHEMO is a FDA approved treatement/drug. Look into holistic medicine, that is what the Rothchilds kept using as they destroyed holistic medical information, books, and even killed or suppressed the Drs. In other words, the Rothchilds will not use their own medicine but sell it to us while using holistic medicine on themselves.

Disco didnt say it, i said it.

Ive had chemo (less than a year ago). Only a fucking moron would lookin into holistic medicine when they face this.

My type of chemo wasnt even around 20 years ago, the Rothschild's would have KILLED FOR IT. Youre a genius. Dont ever forget that.

IF NWO does exist, they arent trying to kill you with drugs, they are trying to squash you into poverty, and your entire thought process plays right into their hands.

like a race car driver who has been lapped, but thinks because all the cars are behind him, he must be in first place.


There are many things that I do not understand, like this post.. I really dont get half of it. Chicken little? Falling skies? I am so far behind? of what? I did not know we were competing.

That entire post was about drug prohibition. The tax thing was very minor.

You dont know who chicken little is?

You dont understand falseflag operations? I though you were one of the two people posting the conspiracy shit, i apologize if i was wrong.

if you were posting about conspiracies, do you think only militaries are capable of rattling everyone cage with Northwoods, Gulf of Tonken, Soviets shelling themselves from Finland, Germans shelling themselves from Poland, shall i continue?

I understand what the post was about, but i took exception with that false blurb. Its one thing to say it cost too much, its another to say the tax system is stretched too far. Mittens @ 13.9% isnt going to starve if they tripped his tax rate.

That Communist lover Eisenhower would tax his ass way more than 40%




Active member
Disco didnt say it, i said it.

Ive had chemo (less than a year ago). Only a fucking moron would lookin into holistic medicine when they face this.

I said I was blind in one eye and had a cornea transplant. I may have to do the other eye too. I hope to get lasik. That is Western Meicine too.

I am open minded enought to admit both have uses and even the FDA too.

You and your oversized ego seem not to be able to comprehend the other inforamtion that is out there thought.
MMJ is a joke to all the other candidates and the FDA. Only Ron Paul says it should be available as a medicine. He is smart enough to see that the FDA causes that issue. He knows that ORGAINIC FOOD is good for you and isn't waging a War on Raw Milk. Ron Paul is the answer to issues like this too. He fixes more issues than any other candidate.

I'd suggest that you reframe from commenting if you are going to cuss and name call every other post.... We all know you would love nothing more than to have ths thread shut down. Stop your childish tatatics and grow up. You post a picture of cancer that you had and I hope you were cured from. That said the FDAyou love and trust so much is saying weed is useless for your ailments. I hope you obeyed their command and took all those other drugs you trust with your life. You did obey the FDA, Right? You didn't smoke any killer weed, killer meaing literally to them. It is more dangerous than cocaine and has no medicinal value according to the FDA.


You dont know who chicken little is?

You dont understand falseflag operations? I though you were one of the two people posting the conspiracy shit, i apologize if i was wrong.

if you were posting about conspiracies, do you think only militaries are capable of rattling everyone cage with Northwoods, Gulf of Tonken, Soviets shelling themselves from Finland, Germans shelling themselves from Poland, shall i continue?

Yeah I wasn't really posting the conspiracy stuff. I believe it is all possible, but I dont read into it all that much. Yes I know what a false flag operation is.


Active member
Under Ron Paul we could pay 0% income taxes and 0% Capital Gains, and end Corp. loopholes while they pay 15%- Switzerlands rate :D

TOP THAT!! Yearly tax due and your taxes graphed below

0 and the graph ................ Each dot is a tax return for the past so many years and the 0 is the TOTAL AMOUNT PAID IN TAXES.


I am open minded enought to admit both have uses and even the FDA too.

You said MMJ was a stoner joke, now you say you are open minded

You and your oversized ego seem not to be able to comprehend the other inforamtion that is out there thought.

I'd suggest that you reframe from commenting if you are going to cuss and name call every other post....

We all know you would love nothing more than to have ths thread shut down.

Stop your childish tatatics and grow up. You post a picture of cancer that you had and I hope you were cured from.
'My ego and childish tactics', i post fact, figures, i cite more shit than most do, and i dont do it with 10 minute long videos.

Youve had no retort for anything ive said, i guess youve settled on 'my tactics'.

That said the FDAyou love and trust so much is saying weed is useless for your ailments. I .
Where did i say this? One of us is delusional, im sure YOU think its me. I bet other readers might have a different opinion.

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