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Ricky Hatton v Floyd Mayweather


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I just watched the weigh-in on youtube, man was GMT right hatton looks like he went on a crack diet. He looks sick as hell. But i did notice mayweather is already gettin in his head. Rule #1 dont talk $hit to a $hit talker, thats not his style.

PS mayweather's gonna beat the breaks off hatton then everybodys gonna say hatton got robbed cause he didnt get knock out.

To bad i dont care for boxing dont ever really watch it, so im just talkin out my behind anyways. LOL

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
im watching rioght now...and omi****ingod that dickhead ref isnt helping mjuch is he....let em do the job they getting payed megabucks for joe
i mean jeezus
whoops, naughty rick just cracked him ion the back of the nut when he looked like he was spewing over the ropes
ref is indeed a wanker
no way hattons gonna win with this c u nt in the middle unless he bangs maywanker out
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Active member
Wow...I read Hatton has a point loss

Too bad,,,,He's sounds like his trying to crowd him

Doesnt work.... Terrance Ali who fought Rodger Mayweather and won taught R.M how to box.R.M Was holding Up Floyd As a kid when he won the 2nd fight with Terrance Ali... T.A was retiring and one whole year off then fought Rodger and it was so obvious that he didnt want to fight no more...Because his boxing skills were not there ya now :)

Rodger went back to the gym to do what Terrance Ali did...Then fought him again...Taught Floyd How to Win At Boxing...Seems to be doing good


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
He got knock the F%#k out!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant blame the ref for that A$$ whipping he just took. LOL


**** can't that scum just die. looks like we're shit at everything. im ashamed to be english as usual.
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
yup fair enough indeed he did get knocked out fair and square...
anyone who saw it in the 1st three rounds has to agree that the ref was a prick then though.....


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Ok ok Harry now that the fight is over can you please get that DIY Super Temperature control unit done. Been waiting on that for awhile. LOL

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
smoke1sun said:
Ok ok Harry now that the fight is over can you please get that DIY Super Temperature control unit done. Been waiting on that for awhile. LOL

certainly..... just send me a money order 4 the the components and ill get right on it lol....
things r a bit tight right now but it is gonna be coming---eventually and it will be worth the wait...however it wont be cheap



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Ref got paid by Mayweather to break the fight up everytime it got interesting. still mayweather is a brilliant boxer who almost won fair and square. the limelight seemed to get to ricky, it would be good if they fought in his hometown.
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I haven't seen a Brit take a beating like that since 1943

I haven't seen a Brit take a beating like that since 1943

Biftaman said:
Ref got paid by Mayweather to break the fight up everytime it got interesting. still mayweather is a brilliant boxer who almost won fair and square. the limelight seemed to get to ricky, it would be good if they fought in his hometown.

Holding is not interesting. Unless you're a Hatton fan, good ol' Hook & Hold Hatton. The ref did exactly what he was supposed to do, stop them from holding. If he didn't stop them from holding, he wouldn't have been doing his job. You do know what a referee does, right?

Floyd did when the fight fair and square. He knocked Ricky's punk ass out. Everyone talks about Floyd being arrogant, but those people look the other way when Ricky's talking about his marching band, the songs sung about him, and the way Floyd trains. Ricky screams like a bitch when he's training and his fans gave him an ego that his abilities don't match.

His fans, a bunch of wankers too drunk to realize he was getting his ass handed to him. Ricky and his classless fans got exactly what they deserved.

Fighting in their hometowns. That seems to be the case with every major euro fighter. Calzaghe being the main chump. Euros think of this guy as a legend? He's constantly fighting hobo fighters and he's afraid to leave Wales. If he fights B-Hop, I do think he'll win. Not because of his abilities but because B-Hop is like 60 years old.

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why u saying shit like all hattons fans are wankers and euro chumps you patronising prejudiced cnut. hatton is an exciting boxer whether you agree with his tactics or not. all i'm saying is the ref was shit and played into mayweathers hands. yes he won because he's more able boxer no one denied that but the ref ****ed it up and didn't allow the two to go toe to toe and the fight to flow like evryone envisoned and allow the fans to enjoy a proper fight. hatton got a bit too emotional and felt hard done by and lost because he kept going for head shots and mayweather is too quick to compete like that.
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