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Revival of the REVIVAL of the ULTIMATE SATIVA THREAD a.k.a R.U.S.T II


ICMag Donor
Ok thanks for the info. I sort of geek out about first hand info on seeds, breeders, ect.

Mine are recent, last couple years for sure.
I wonder if they are outsourcing like alot of bigger names are, notably to Spain or elsewhere. That can lead to lots of problems...
Or if it's a lost parent plant situation. I also have experienced breeders having completely different stuff released under the same name, later to research and find out they lost their original cuts to raids or other issues.

I think I ran KwaZulu awhile back and it was good,but mild flavored. Reordered seeds recently so if I ever get around to em I'll report back about consistently.

On deck
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The pictures on here I saw of Destroyer were spectacular, I had to order some seeds. It's a real life struggle not to when you see pics that good.
Chem d Spoon Regular seeds from me 👌, has an incredible lineage including

Swiss Thai Green hornet
Nevil Haze
Sour Diesel
Mullumbimby Madness
Chem d

How can you go wrong ?

More for the Pearl pheno crowd as i used the Pearl clone from the Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil strain and hit with the Chem d Madness Male ( Chem d x Nevil Haze 21 x Mullumbimby Madness Male)


Active member
Ok, gracias por la información. Me encanta la información de primera mano sobre semillas, criadores, etc.

Los míos son recientes, de los últimos dos años seguro.
Me pregunto si están subcontratando, como hacen muchas de las grandes empresas, sobre todo en España o en otros lugares. Eso puede acarrear muchos problemas...
O si se trata de una situación de pérdida de la planta madre. También he tenido la experiencia de criadores que lanzaron productos completamente diferentes con el mismo nombre y luego investigaron y descubrieron que habían perdido sus esquejes originales debido a incursiones u otros problemas.

Creo que corrí a KwaZulu hace un tiempo y era bueno, pero con un sabor suave. Recientemente volví a pedir semillas, así que si alguna vez consigo comprarlas, les informaré sobre la regularidad.

En cubierta
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Las fotos que vi aquí de Destroyer eran espectaculares, tuve que pedir algunas semillas. Es una verdadera lucha en la vida no hacerlo cuando ves fotos tan buenas.
Quien subcontrata en España?


Chasing The Present
I got wild Thai wos @2012, some were exceptional and iirc back then $25 a pack ;) - I bulked them into two buckets, one hybrid leaning another more nld/equatorial
Any examples of good and bad?
My understanding is their reputation is in question regarding the purity of the lines, that most had og kush crossed into them to cut down the flowering times.
Based on my limited experience with Wild Thai, I could believe that og kush story. It was the opposite of Wild, which is why I made a cross with it and called it Tame Thai.
But it did seem to have strait sativa effects. Which is great. But growth pattern type it wasn't anything like you'd expect from a landrace sativa, it stayed short. Chunky. Had a spicy profile with some skunk/kush stink to it.
I'm happy with it overall. Shoot under ten weeks and sativa effects plus a decent flavor profile... I'm on board, even if it's not pure.
I don’t know how old your seeds are and how close they can be to the ones @led05 had in 2012, one of the problem with WOS is consistency,buying the same pack of seeds with a few years gap won’t always give you the same seeds/ The Colombia Gold I got in 2015 are gone now, the seeds sold with this name today won’t provide the same plants.
I’ve seen a few growers having issues with the more recent crosses they are selling as well.

My earlier post (see above) mentioned that WOS stock all way back in 2012 (I believe their 1st year in business) was already not as described fwiw, that said it doesn’t mean some of them weren’t great…

It’s very rare for ANY Seedbank IME to sell any pure sativas/NLD, for most they are ungrowable and frankly are super rare to begin with; even the very best I’d say are more an 80:20 type deal; when you grow pure sativas, especially inside it’s a real shit show tbh


Well-known member
My earlier post (see above) mentioned that WOS stock all way back in 2012 (I believe their 1st year in business) was already not as described fwiw, that said it doesn’t mean some of them weren’t great…

It’s very rare for ANY Seedbank IME to sell any pure sativas/NLD, for most they are ungrowable and frankly are super rare to begin with; even the very best I’d say are more an 80:20 type deal; when you grow pure sativas, especially inside it’s a real shit show tbh
Ya I hear ya. I wouldn't really want a pure landrace that's for sure. Herms, terrible plants, weird growth. I'd prefer it be worked at least a little.
I hear what your saying. As long as they are pure in the sense of a sativa type high, I'm good with whatever lineage they may have haha.


Well-known member
Quien subcontrata en España?
I'm trying to think who it was.
I think maybe Dna/Reserva Privada, Royal Queen, maybe Blimburn (im guessing).
Whether it's Spain specifically or elsewhere, it can be tough to control quality when outsourcing or subcontracting imo.
I must have read it somewhere or heard it on the Potcast. So take it for what's its worth, mainly hearsay.


atomizing haze essence
chocolate thai x posi haze



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm growing 3 choc thais, a Lao/Mango Haze,a ThaiA5, Malawi, all under 11/13 from seed. The TA5 and choc's are going to be huge. I have had to supercrop the ThaiA5, otherwise it would be about 6ft now. I'll get pics up later in the grow.


Well-known member
I mean theoretically you could grow four 5-10 pound plants and produce 20-40 pounds from 4 plants. But you can also grow 10 small plants and yield less than a pound. Plant counts are meaningless. They're just another means of control and a symptom of rampant government overreach. Why can i grow a whole acre of tobacco with no permitting, but i'm only allowed 6 cannabis plants?

Photo for relevance....
Grapefruit x O. Hz at 84 days, bit more time to go before the trichomes finish developing
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In my country it's illegal to grow any cannabis plant but also tobacco, this is very controlled because of the taxes the gov get with cigarettes sales. Greedy bastards.

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