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Reversing females in flower without spraying STS


Chasing The Present
Pretty neat stuff (I love a good experiment) but it’s so easy to create a strong CS/STS solution, isolate one branch, spray it once & be done with it…

Why is spraying silver a risk but transferring it via constant physical contact isn’t; both methods isolate a single branch after use you discard…right?

Ideally you simply don’t consume plants you flip, but if you must just make what’s left of them into edibles, it’s good for you.

GL w the tinkering


Well-known member
I confess ignorance on the topic cuz i dont need to do this reversing shit, i just wanna master the universe and all aspects of it and this got in my way. I know so little i inadvertently made highly neurotoxic metals.
The why it's different is my ignorance beyond i dont want to, nor will i have to, ever buy or store a metal laced liquid


Well-known member
Nothing yet but im not sure we should be expecting rapid response

Captain Red Eye

Active member
Very interesting thread. Thanks for sharing!

I'm curious how things played out with the emerging nanners from the very first post in the thread. Did they produce viable pollen ?

As an aside, now I'm now wondering if I split a branch and inserted a 99% silver round about the size of a silver dollar and taped it all back up if that might work or does the silver need to be in contact with the outer plant layer only?


Well-known member
Very interesting thread. Thanks for sharing!

I'm curious how things played out with the emerging nanners from the very first post in the thread. Did they produce viable pollen ?

As an aside, now I'm now wondering if I split a branch and inserted a 99% silver round about the size of a silver dollar and taped it all back up if that might work or does the silver need to be in contact with the outer plant layer only?
1st plant no seeds as stigmas were toast and i really just wanted to see if the method worked or was worth it. I just harvested plant and gave it no further thought for any seeds.

or does the silver need to be in contact with the outer plant layer only?
i don't think that's a requisite as we want the silver to eventually be on the inside to be able to be utilized. I still have no nanners on current test with necklace...been 2+ weeks so not fretting yet. We're in virgin territory capt...more hands on deck the better, shove that coin up a plants ass and tell us what it says 😅

Captain Red Eye

Active member
1st plant no seeds as stigmas were toast and i really just wanted to see if the method worked or was worth it. I just harvested plant and gave it no further thought for any seeds.

or does the silver need to be in contact with the outer plant layer only?
i don't think that's a requisite as we want the silver to eventually be on the inside to be able to be utilized. I still have no nanners on current test with necklace...been 2+ weeks so not fretting yet. We're in virgin territory capt...more hands on deck the better, shove that coin up a plants ass and tell us what it says 😅

Past few days I've been taking advantage of the great outdoors and pollen chucking some outside girls for reg. seeds but plan to get the indoor going again soon (seedlings are going in the nursery now).

I think I might do the silver round experiment indoors in a couple months, rather than outdoors, once I've selected the right female to clone. To eliminate some variables. I'll probably want to use a female plant that is known to be capable of reversing. I've had some in the past which were pretty stubborn and resisted making male flowers or made minimal pollen.

we want the silver to eventually be on the inside to be able to be utilized.

Hmm, good point. Although...In the past when making fem seeds using colloidal silver, I always sprayed the outside surface of the same branch or branches and the forming male flowers stayed in the area sprayed. Didn't get male flowers where nothing was sprayed.

Now, I'm considering scratching the surface of a branch in an attempt to get the silver round in contact with the vascular layer. Not sure if that will help or hurt male flowers to form? Will the silver in direct contact with plant innards fuck the plant? Maybe I should try it both ways, one on the surface of the branch like your silver necklace and one "embedded" in a branch.

Good luck with your experiment the rest of the way. I'll certainly be checking back in to watch and learn.


Well-known member
Didn't get male flowers where nothing was sprayed.
because flowering system is localized...meaning unless that Ag can travel to where plant hasn't been sprayed, flowering system on unsprayed branch doesn't get signals.

Captain Red Eye

Active member
Didn't get male flowers where nothing was sprayed.
because flowering system is localized...meaning unless that Ag can travel to where plant hasn't been sprayed, flowering system on unsprayed branch doesn't get signals.

Yes, that's what's happened for me in the past. male flowers were localized to sites sprayed and rest of plant remained female, albeit a little scraggly.

That's why I was wondering if I scratched the branch surface to get to the vascular innards would the silver in direct contact somehow "become mobile" (not sure if that's even possible) and create male flowers in areas away from the silver contacted site or fuck the plant?

I gotta think silver in contact with the vascular areas of the plant would cause some kind of response. Just don't want to create any werewolf weed, or maybe I do. :)


Well-known member
Yes, that's what's happened for me in the past. male flowers were localized to sites sprayed and rest of plant remained female, albeit a little scraggly.

That's why I was wondering if I scratched the branch surface to get to the vascular innards would the silver in direct contact somehow "become mobile" (not sure if that's even possible) and create male flowers in areas away from the silver contacted site or fuck the plant?

I gotta think silver in contact with the vascular areas of the plant would cause some kind of response. Just don't want to create any werewolf weed, or maybe I do. :)
The stuff that reacts with the Ag has a high 'affinity' for it...Ag doesn't get far.

Captain Red Eye

Active member
The stuff that reacts with the Ag has a high 'affinity' for it...Ag doesn't get far.

Okay, that makes sense. Maybe that's why when using colloidal silver solution, the suspended silver particles are supposed to be small, but relatively plentiful (at least 50 ppm) so the plant can more easily absorb them to induce the female hormone suppression / male flowers?

Now, I'm wondering how a silver article, earring, silver round etc. that is a solid and not a small particle in liquid solution gets into the plant. Which is why I considered putting the solid silver in direct contact with the plants vascular area.

I'm guessing, based on your earring success, even a solid piece of silver in direct contact with the outer layer of a plant would release enough silver particles to the surface area of the plant to cause the female hormone suppression. I'm a little out of my area of expertise, having made quite a few fem seeds using colloidal silver, but not really understanding the science of it as well as I'd like. Appreciate your entertaining my questions and hypotheticals, this is a really fascinating project you have going.


Well-known member
The number of molecules that make up the silver is just mind boggling bro, check this out, if my AI bots math is right
Therefore, there are approximately 5.78 x 10^19 Ag molecules in 1 square millimeter of 99% pure silver
so yeah it's putting off nanoparticles of silver just from contact. Leave it there 2 years and you'll see wear marks from ablation. There's alot i still don't understand myself but i know 'put silver on plant and record results'


Well-known member
Still nothing and i don't know why...it said 99% pure silver when i bought the necklace..


The time it takes to produce nanners doesn't matter to me, i just want to see it flip and collect some pollen, even if the branch is past harvest and rest of plant done and cut...just wanna see a flip..


Well-known member
I'm close to harvesting this thing and still nothing, experiment is formally classified as a failure. I've done a little further reading

Ok, it already is in ionic state...hmmm

Ok this isn't looking so bad...in fact i may want that higher ionic charge, regular silver isn't ionic..maybe why it didn't work.the higher reactivity may be needed since i don't have the accompanying thiosulfate...sooo, next test will reintroduce aluminum foil covering.
We wont be handling the actual molecules much and nowhere near 'excessive levels'...we're good to go to try it again with foil....fk i want this to work. I don't have anything ready to flower so gonna be a while before next update.