first time since I've adopted Scooby I accidentally left her un-kenneled with Alice while I ran to the local store (10 miles round trip & 20 minutes time) for a few items, of course as many of you have read through this thread you know there's a chance that Scooby would attack Alice and w/out my being there to stop it immediately could be tragic.
I always sit on the edge of my bed to change clothes to go out in & all I ever have to do is reach over & latch her kennel, when Scooby sees me getting ready to leave she gets in her kennel w/out me asking, she knows the routine.
So lucky me (& Alice), when I walked in the 1st thing I noticed was the kennel door being open and Alice laying in her usual spot in front of Scooby's kennel while I'm gone. I'm thinking that Scooby is so used to the routine that she knows she should be in until I come home, but have no intentions of risking that move on purpose to find out.
Scooby's such a good little girl but her past is a mystery to everyone including the rescue league I adopted her from. She's entitled to share the bed while I'm sleeping and she always starts out doing exactly that laying next to Alice or snuggled by me, if she's next to Alice when I fall asleep she's in her kennel when I wake nearly every time, she likes her kennel and soft pet bed inside.