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Republicans come out against MJ bill in Cali.


Active member
The GOP is finally bringing in some NEW INFO :D

OWE WAIT! No they singing the same old tired ass song and dance :( It sux that they can't be CONSERVATIVES that use their BRAINS and not the STATUS QUO to continue down a path that obviously leads to more JAIL FOR INNOCENT PEOPLE that bother NOBODY!!!


I feel as if half or more republicans would disagree with this guy. The rest receive cash from anti MJ lobbying companies.

There are different types of repubs as well.
These evangelical, anti drug, religious minded republicans are still crusading against MJ because they believe a community is still against it. Funny, if they look for once at the bigger picture, they will see they are aiding a black market - fueling all negatives associated.

Mt Toaker

Thats funny when he said the social costs are only hundreds of thousands and I read they are projecting 7million in tax revenue from the first year of having it legal. . . Apparently Republicans don't know that thousands are less then millions.


Thats funny when he said the social costs are only hundreds of thousands and I read they are projecting 7million in tax revenue from the first year of having it legal. . . Apparently Republicans don't know that thousands are less then millions.

He was referring the "hundreds of thousands of more Californians using" not any dollar amount. From what I read the California BOE is projecting revenues of $1.5 billion a year with a $1 billion saving in law enforcement costs. A study in Canada concluded that the health cost to society for each cannabis user is a mere $20 per year. If they tax it at $50 an oz like has been suggested, a cannabis user will pay their societal costs for 2 and a half years just buying about a months worth of cannabis! And these people wanna sit there and complain about the societal costs! Ignorance isn't bliss, these people are gonna be pissed when all their propaganda is thrown in their face on election day. It sucks being on the losing side of history.

Mt Toaker

Thanks for the info Chronjohn! I apparently misread what he was saying. I didn't realize their projections have been in the billions for that state, if it works out and other states see how much they are saving/making off of the legality of cannabis hopefully other states will quickly follow!
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