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Republicans come out against MJ bill in Cali.


I love my life
:laughing:Man she looks like that old lady from the movie Legion, so ugly and evil looking.:biglaugh:

Kind of scary and cool at the same time. If this photo makes you think of a movie instead of the crazy former first lady and her role in the war on drugs; then the government really can't do a damn thing.


They spent billions driving this image and the message "Just say NO (to drugs)" into our brains; but the younger generation thinks how funny looking that demented grandmother is ;)

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
what i dont get is what the republicans have to lose from this bill?
or anyone for that matter.
i mean i know leo is against it because of funding and shit, but what happens to all that cash those dept's save once this bill passes? they will have the sickest cruisers ever!! lol

i am very glad this is a bill the people can vote for and not something our "representatives" will have to pass.

Half the pigs will have to go unemployed and the pork would rather be spared the knife than have better slop or a pen.

All those with power have something to lose when the status quo changes. It is simple logic that the new way will necessarily include others outside the established power group; therefor the chance of diminished power is more scary than the opportunity of increased power so all those with vested interests decry change.

When change comes they'll roll over like sheep and say they were for it all along.

Just the same lame game of control that we've seen for the last century and a half or so.

Peace, :joint:


We are Farmers
“California Republicans will fight this and any other measure to expand drug use in California,” Nehring self-righteously proclaimed.

So no more laws that benefit pharmaceutical companies?


New member
They're just mouth pieces for the corporations. Most of them do all the things they stand up there screaming about. They should treat them like Nascars and put freakin ads on their jackets. At least we would know who they represent.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
All of these politicians are going to look quite foolish when it passes in november by a landslide....:tiphat:


@ 6 bucks a pack they're legal. I now only smoke from a pack of store bought cigarettes on special occasions. The latest tax increase put them out of my price range. Although they are still about $15/pound if you roll your own, and don't buy cigarette tobacco. You must buy the stuff called pipe tobacco. Its the same as cigarette tobacco but lableing it pipe tobacco eliminates the $25/lb tax.


New member
The bill is going to pass, the days of reproblicans controlling the whole state outside of LA and SF are over.


Who gives a shit wat these dumbfucks have to say! They can say it till theyre blue in the face. WE are the majority and WE will win in the end!!!


partisan bitches? your the one calling yourself a conservative bro.

Is that a party? I don't think so. Is the current GOP conservative? Nope.
I do think there are allot of people that use cannabis that automatically trash Republicans with out doing any research at all, they just go right to the talking points. Notice how you went right to trash talking instead of engaging in a constructive discussion concerning the very real possibility of electing a Senator from California that actually supports Hemp production? The republican party is going through its own little civil war, and will not be the same party by 2012.

Why don't you spend some time with your bong, then Google, and come back to play nice?
:thank you:


where are today's tea spillers?

need more upheaval aimed toward people's education instead of legislating free will away in the name of "public health"


No reason to get your panties in a wad. To say that all republicans will follow this dolt is like saying all democrats will vote for the tax bill. Republican reps want to keep the jobs that the people put them in. So they will vote to keep there jobs not follow some dinosaur. The main opposition comes from the dealers and gangsters that are padding pockets on both sides of the isles.


The Republican party of lincolns time was more akin to the Democratic party of today. It doesnt matter anyways, the two party system now is a joke, both of the main parties are corporatist. One leaning toward fascism the other slightly more left. I like ron paul, not on everything but it hes actually one few politicians who i like


Thank you kiffen.

a lot of people dont know that the republicans used to be the democrats...

Ive got news for americans, the two party system does not fucking work for the people..

Technicaly speaking you are a republican if you belive in conservative goverment.. which is supposed to mean less goverment

prohibition is a pretty good example of a whole lot of goverment. yet so called conservatives support it..

they are all a bunch of hypocrite idiot fucks.. our founding fathers would slaughter the whole lot of them.

I voted for nader.


one more note..

The whole reason the constitution was written was to prevent an elite few to controll the many. checks and balances.. the people are supposed to have the power.

where did it all go wrong..?

about a decade ago when they let lobbyist into Washington.

well karmas a bitch and although the many can be slow.. PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP.. AND we are the many, we are the power, and THEY are the few.

LOOK AROUND PEOPLE! ur future and our childrens futures are at stake here. this is about more than a plant, its about more than prohibition. its about the PEOPLE.


I think that we need a national "French Revolution Awareness Week". It will include historical films, educators and historians compairing and contrasting the political climate in America now and France then, and on the local level such fun historically inspired crafts as constructing guillotines in the town squares, everywhere! For real though we need a symbol to topple like in V for Vendetta. If you blow up a building people would just write you off as a terrorist. But if instead we were to blow up an institution if you will, perhaps that could have a similar effect. The Revolution will not be televised!