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Reikox's Workshop 2024


Knight of the BlackSvn
Veg room is getting overgrown again. My mother plants desperately need a trim and I have fresh clones getting used to their bigger cups. Taking up the most space are the BOG SourBluTooth on the top shelf. I was able to identify one male in the QT tent (#3) and it has been removed from the QT tent, the cloner, and the top shelf in the veg rack. So far I have identified four females and one male. Leaving me with three undetermined plants still.

To make some room in the veg rack, I removed the Forgotten Cookies x GLo auto on the top rack at about 10 weeks from germination. I’ve just kind of been letting it die on the vine in the workshop for the last day or two.

Luckily, the flower room is about ready to harvest, they are on day 59F. I'll likely let them go another week before harvesting. My plan this time is to do a half dry (3 days) before freezing the buds and making the hash. My logic for this is that the Dominion Diesel is a bit too gassy, and I prefer the taste of the rosin after the jar has sat out for a while. I’ve also heard that it increases yield, so I’m interested in comparing it to the jars of fresh frozen rosin I have in the fridge.

Dominion Diesel



Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub




Knight of the BlackSvn
The flower room is about ready to harvest on day 67F. The two right beds have the Dominion Diesel in them and they are starting to fade and flop over. The other bed has the Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub and they are still quite green. I think the plan is to harvest them this weekend and get them frozen so I can transplant the BOG SourBluTooth.

The BOG SourBluTooth are more than ready to go into the beds. Out of the eight seeds I planted, six were female. Of the other two seeds, one was a male and the other was a runt. The plan is to put two females in each bed, let them veg for a week or two, then flip them to 12/12.


Knight of the BlackSvn
I spent most of the weekend harvesting the beds. In the past I have used ziploc freezer bags and they have made the freezer and fridge smell like weed. This time I used vac seal bags. They definitely don't smell. The Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub yielded 768 grams wet from one bed. The Dominion Diesel yielded 1039 grams wet from the other two beds.

I wasted no time getting the SourBluTooth plants into the beds. They were top dressed with ⅛ cup of craft blend each. I plan to give them about a week to adjust to the beds before flipping them to 12/12. They were getting a bit yellow being so close to the light and lack of sufficient watering.

I trimmed up the Forgotten Cookies x GLo auto and put it in a jar. I ended up with 20 grams, a bit short of my 28 gram goal. This week, I chopped the Ghost Toof x GLo, along with the Solo's Stash plant with the S1 seeds.

When I harvested the Dominion Diesel, I noticed quite a few late flower nanners. The plant is also vertically challenged. I'm not really fond of the rosin either, it's too gassy. For that reason, I'm letting the mother plant go. I decided I would put it in the QT tent along with the C91 x OSD mother plant. I'll hit them all with the reversed Solo's Stash pollen. To make room, I tossed the SourBluTooth clones I was sexing in there.

I planted a rooted clone of each of the SBT females into the fabric pots. I also transplanted a couple Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub clones into fabric pots. I tossed all the other clones except two Dominion Diesel clones for my dad. This freed up a lot of room in the veg rack.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Ran the yield stats on the last grow.

Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub 1A yielded 299 grams wet (60 grams dry*)
Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub 1B yielded 235 grams wet (47 grams dry*)
Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub 1C yielded 234 grams wet (47 grams dry*)
Dominion Diesel 2A yielded 176 grams wet (35 grams dry*)
Dominion Diesel 2B yielded 231 grams wet (46 grams dry*)
Dominion Diesel 2C yielded 127 grams wet (25 grams dry*)
Dominion Diesel 3A yielded 148 grams wet (30 grams dry*)
Dominion Diesel 3B yielded 154 grams wet (31 grams dry*)
Dominion Diesel 3C yielded 203 grams wet (41 grams dry*)

Total 1807 grams wet. (362 grams dry*)

Vegged for 14 days at 11.91 kWh per day
Flowered for 70 days at 10.89 kWh per day * 0.7 = 7.62 kWh per day
Average wattage: 908W * 0.7 = 636 W
0.57 g/W, 4.31 g/day, 0.52 g/kWh, 15.08 g/ft2
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Knight of the BlackSvn
The BOG SourBluTooth plants have from coco and Jacks 321 to the living soil beds. A couple of them struggled at first, but new growth looks happy and healthy. I plan to flip them to 12/12 this weekend.

The clones from the BOG SourBluTooth are doing well, they will stick around until they have been turned to rosin and sampled. Then it’s Highlander rules, there can be only one!

I sort of let the autoflower SOG peter out. I was getting crowded with the SourBluTooth plants.

Travis Kelcee

Well-known member
The room looks great. Not sure if it was done when I left the other forum a few years ago. Say Hi to Jake and tell him I expect to see the Nuggets in the NBA finals this year. He'll know who it is.


Knight of the BlackSvn
The flower room was flipped to 12/12 on Sunday, making today Day 3F. I put up the second screen and top dressed with ⅛ cup of craft blend to each plant.

The Grass Fire OG in the QT tent is about done. This one wasnt optimality pollinated, but I should get a few seeds from it. The Dominion Diesel and Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub are about two weeks into flower, ill pollinate them around week 3.

I trimmed up the Ghost Toof x GLo and it was only 10 grams. I chopped the Grape Walker x GLo though, and it looks like it will be much larger.

That leaves the veg room pretty bare. I will start some more seeds after the holidays.


Well-known member
The flower room was flipped to 12/12 on Sunday, making today Day 3F. I put up the second screen and top dressed with ⅛ cup of craft blend to each plant.
View attachment 19106983

The Grass Fire OG in the QT tent is about done. This one wasnt optimality pollinated, but I should get a few seeds from it. The Dominion Diesel and Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub are about two weeks into flower, ill pollinate them around week 3.
View attachment 19106984

I trimmed up the Ghost Toof x GLo and it was only 10 grams. I chopped the Grape Walker x GLo though, and it looks like it will be much larger.
View attachment 19106985

That leaves the veg room pretty bare. I will start some more seeds after the holidays.
View attachment 19106986
Craft Blend is 40% off right now. $84 for 44 lbs. I just ordered a bag and they look like they're going pretty quick. Nice looking plants by the way.


Knight of the BlackSvn
I cleaned up under the first trellis today. I took off anything that wouldn't make it through the first layer. I also trimmed up any of the leaves that didn't make the transition from solo cup to living soil.

The rest of the canopy is almost Through the top layer at day 12F. Plenty of time for them to grow through that top layer.

Remember the bare looking veg room? Needs some trimming done this weekend.


Knight of the BlackSvn
I spent some time in the veg room yesterday afternoon. I took six Solo's Stash clones and 12 Grass Fire OG clones. Then I moved the Grass Fire OG mother and one of the Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub plants to the top shelf. One of those will be reversed next, probably the Grass Fire OG. Finally, I trimmed the SourBluTooth clones and moved them to the bottom shelf.


Knight of the BlackSvn
The flower room on day 29. The buds have stopped stretching and are starting to bulk up now. It’s starting to smell good in there when I open the door. Still just getting water only through the Blumats.

I spent most of the day Sunday cleaning up my workbench in the workshop. Things have gotten cluttered and dusty. I also put my dab rigs in the cabinet since I don’t use them on a daily basis.

I also washed some dirty pots, cups, and trays. Then I took the two pollinated plants out of the QT and put them on the top rack in the veg room. I turned the top light to 12/12 to match the light schedule in the QT. I also noticed some thrips damage in there, so gave everything a good spray of Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew.

I up-potted the Grass Fire OG mother into a 1 gallon plant and put it in the QT tent. I’ll begin spraying it with CS daily until pollen sacks form.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Happy New Year! I'll finish this round of flower, then make my 2025 log.

The flower room at day 39F. The plants in the right bed seem to be yellowing out a bit. The Ecowitt moisture meters seems to be reading low, but the blumats are working and it feels like there is some moisture. Not too stressed about it.

The veg room is doing well. I trimmed up the mother plants on the bottom. I also transplanted the clones into solo cups. Finally, on the top shelf I have the Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub and Dominion Diesel ripening seeds on the top shelf.

I've been spraying the Grass Fire OG daily with CS for the last nine days. I had to make more last night.


Knight of the BlackSvn
A few weeks back, I washed my most recent harvest. I washed a little over a kilo of wet Dominion Diesel buds. This time I separated out the 45u and I’m glad I did, there was a lot of green in that micron size that just wouldn’t wash out. The 73-160 micron range didn’t dry evenly at all.

I pulled out the dark pieces that didn’t dry and manually pressed it between some cellophane. It pressed easily and left me with this beautiful bit of pressed hash. It weighs close to 5 grams. I dabbed a bit and it sputtered like there was still some water in it. So I wrapped it up in the cellophane and tossed it back into the freezer so it doesn’t mold.

The remaining was about 6.5 grams. And I pressed it out. This time the rosin was much better quality than last time, but I’m still not a fan of this plant. Due to the low yields and the difficulty of working with its resin, this plant has been chopped.

The Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub, on the other hand, yielded quite well. I washed a little over 700 grams and got about 19.5 grams of hash in the 73-160 range. It produced a good amount in the 160-220 range too. I saved it for later, but did not weigh it. The hash pressed out into a beautiful piece of rosin.

All in all, I ended up with about 16 grams of nice quality rosin to dab on until my next harvest is complete (a couple more weeks). I’m down to my last jar of both the Grass Fire OG and the Solo’s Stash rosin. I have plenty of clones of both of them waiting in the veg room. I just have to decide if I want to grow both, or just one.