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Reikox's Workshop 2024


Knight of the BlackSvn
So summer is winding down here. It's only supposed to be 97°F today. It's about time to fire up the indoor garden. I don't really know what I want to do.

I have about 11 clones just taking up space in my veg room. I could plant them all in my beds and do a quick SOG run, maybe a week of veg and let them rip.

I had wanted to do a little perpetual deal in the veg room with feminized autos. Planting one plant every couple of weeks type deal for some variety in flower.

Speaking of feminized seeds, I kind of want to self my keeper plants and make some feminized crosses. I already have the crosses in regular form, but if I'm going to self a plant, I might as well pollinate everything.

Finally there's the seed collection that needs to be popped. Some notable packs that call out to me are Creme Brulee by LED Seeds, Pure Love by Irie Genetics, and something by BOG (can't remember off hand).


Knight of the BlackSvn
I made some really good progress on the kiddo's studio this week. I managed to get the ceiling painted Tuesday night. Wednesday night I was about to put the fan up when my washing machine overflowed in the basement. Thursday I took off work so I could snake the drain. Friday night I got the trim and edge work done.

Saturday I got the bookcase painted. My daughter isn't too crazy about the color. I may add some more trim highlights such as the trim piece around the doors and the shelves.

Sunday I finished the walls.


Knight of the BlackSvn
I got some free time to clean up in the workshop this weekend while the kiddo was at moms. First thing that desperately needed done was to trim up my mother plants. They were getting a bit unruly, so I trimmed them back to about four growth tips each.

The next thing I did was transplant the lone Solo's Stash clone into a one gallon container that had an auto in it last run. Then I ran about half a gallon of nutrient solution through the pot to get rid of any salt build up. Finally I trimmed it up and put it in the QT tent set to 12/12.

After dealing with the mother plants, I turned my attention to the flower room. I swept up the dead leaves and cob webs from the floor and removed the top layer of trellis. I put three clones in each bed. The left bed has three Chem91 x Orange Sour Dub, and the other six are Dominion Diesel. Instead of digging into the bed, I just moved the mulch and put the wax cup in the bed whole. The plan is to give them a week or so of veg then flip them to 12/12.

With all the extra room in the veg, I decided I better pop some seeds to fill it up. For the perpetual auto run, I picked a feminized Forgotten Cookies x GLo. I also decided to pop 1/2 of my SourBluTooth by BOG. These came directly from the legend himself as a thank you for distributing his seeds for an OG auction.

Finally, I fired up my colloidal silver generator. The plan is to reverse the Solo's Stash in the QT tent.


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Knight of the BlackSvn
I got 100% germination on the BOG SourBluTooth. I think it's funny that I double planted one though.

I was able to successfully separate the two plants and transplanted them into solo cups of coco. They should be able to stay in those cups long enough to get a few decent clones and sex them. The auto in the back got pretty lanky, so I put them all under the 100W light and in front of the fan.

The clones in the flower room look like they are starting to get their roots into the beds. I did end up removing the paper cup, since they were drying out and not pushing roots through the cups.

I have been spraying this Solo's Stash clone with CS daily for the last week. She's a bit worse for wear, but should produce enough pollen to create a few crosses and S1s. After that, I going to let the mom go. I have plenty of crosses etc to find something comparable later down the line.
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Knight of the BlackSvn
It's been two weeks since I popped the last autoflower, so this week I popped a Ghost Toof x GLo.

The BOG SourBluTooth are doing well. I expect them to really take off in the next couple of weeks.

The clones have reached the bottom trellis, so they have been flipped to 12/12.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Flower room at day 16F. This is on "easy mode", small plants, no supplemental lighting, no CO2, no feedings. It's just water only with the Blumats. You can really notice the difference in stretch between the Chem91xOSD (left bed) and Dominion Diesel (the rest of them).

It has been about six weeks since I trimmed these mother plants back to just a few growth tips. They could use a good trim and maybe even a root pruning to shorten them up.

The BOG SourBluTooth are at about six weeks since I popped them. They have gotten about six nodes now. I'm going to sneak them into the flower room for the next three nights, then move them back into the veg room. Within a week of being put back into the veg room, they should show sex. The males will be tossed this round (I'm making Solo's Stash S1 seeds right now).

This week I dropped a Grapey Walter x GLo for the perpetual auto SOG. I ran out of one-gallon pots and coco, so I need to run by the grow store today after work.


Knight of the BlackSvn
The flower room on day 24F things are still on auto-pilot. All I have to do is fill up the water reservoir every couple of days.

The BOG SourBluTooth are out growing their solo cups pretty quick. I took a close look and nothing is showing sex yet. I will likely top and clone them some time this weekend.

My mother plants are still in desperate need of a trim and root pruning. I may do that this weekend and take some more clones as well.


Knight of the BlackSvn
The Solo's Stash in the QT tent is doing well. The other day I noticed my RH was around 90%. I took a look at the logs and noticed it has been like that for a while now. I adjusted my fan to come on when the RH is above 60% now.

After a few days with the lower humidity the male flowers began opening. They are dropping small amounts of pollen. Not that it takes a whole lot of pollen to make seeds. 😁


Knight of the BlackSvn
I spent the afternoon catching up on some tasks in the veg room. Mainly taking clones and root pruning. Last round of clones, I ran out of root plugs and just used these paper cups with coco. It worked great, so I'm doing it again. Each plant gets it's own pair of shears That are sterilized with Vircon S between uses.

The bonsai mothers got a trim and a root pruning. After taking clones and trimming them up, I carefully pulled the fabric pots down and trimmed the roots in half. I placed them back into the pots and filled the top with fresh coco.




I topped each of the SourBluTooth at the 6th node and will try and clone them. Then I trimmed off the bottom two nodes, leaving me with four nodes each.

Finally I dropped a Delicious Candy x GLo auto in water this week.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Flower room day 24F. Not looking too bad, but I took a closer look at the Dominion Diesel buds and they all seem to have brown pistils. The Chem91 x OSD doesn’t seem to be affected. I hope that it’s not some lingering pollen from the last round of testers in there. It’s not very likely, I removed the intersex plant early in flower, and took the whole summer off. I didn’t, however, make any attempt to clean any pollen.


The 72 hours of 12/12 didn't work this time. It's been two weeks since I flipped them and still no signs of sex. I think it's due to them being under 20 hours of light instead of 18.

The Solo's Stash in the QT tent is dropping pollen. it's clearly viable. I have plenty of S1 seeds forming in the QT tent. I collected a little bit and set it aside for later.


Knight of the BlackSvn
The plants in the flower room are still lush and green on day 44F. I still have done nothing to these plants. No top dressing, no weekly feedings, no supplemental lighting, no CO2, no trimming… Nothing! This is the 10th cycle in these no-till beds, and honestly one of the healthiest.

So far only one of the BOG SourBluTooth have shown sex (female). They are really outgrowing the solo cups. I may have to take another round of cuttings and just keep these around as bonsai mother plants.

Speaking of cuttings, the little cups filled with coco work pretty well and are super cheap. It’s my new favorite cloning method. The last time I checked, several of the Dominion Diesel have already rooted. Those are usually the fastest to root out of all my mother plants.

Speaking of mother plants, they have all recovered from their trim and root pruning by now. I was planning to let the Solo’s Stash go now that I made S1’s, but somehow there is still a plant hanging around (square pot).

Speaking of the S1’s, I’ve been slowly collecting small amounts of pollen. I probably got a couple of ml in the freezer, plenty to make another round of pollination. The reversed plant isn’t giving off a whole lot more pollen now, but it was first sprayed 58 days ago.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Yesterday I decided to transplant the rooted cuttings into the next size up paper cup. I ended up with two Dominion Diesel and 4/8 of the SourBluTooth (numbers 3, 5, 6, 7). Since none of these SourBluTooth have shown sex, I moved them over to my QT tent which is on 12/12. That should force those to show sex. I’m not planning to keep any males or pollen at this time.

In order to make room for the rooted clones in the QT tent, I took out the seeded Solo’s Stash mother. I sprayed the plant off and moved it back into the veg room to finish ripening up the seeds. The Solo’s Stash plant has been flowering for five weeks, so it should finish ripening just fine under the 18/6 lighting.

Since the SourBluTooth are overgrowing the solo cups, I aggressively trimmed them back. Since I have to keep these in the cups for another 2-3 weeks, I trimmed each branch back to its first node except for the runt (number 8). I noticed a few of the taller plants were yellowing at the tops that were getting too close to the light.

Finally, after cutting back the SourBluTooth so much, I went ahead and took two more clones off each plant.

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