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Red_Greenery's Handyman's DIY Grow Tub


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Hey, thanks I2KanGrow. The doc says it can take up to a year to heal,and it happened in February, some days are good some are not, but everyday it's there and I can feel it.
Please do join us in the outdoors, I'm going much bigger, like on JJ's scale for personal use, plus spots with a relative. I enjoy my indoor grows a lot, great hobby.

Budless, I've personally went 5 days without water and came back to wilted plants but still alive, I do weekends regularly. I also have used pro-mix all year for seedlings and haven't had a problem. I should note, I've never left seedlings(10 days or earlier) for longer than 2 days, so if that's what your leaving I'd just wait till you get back to plant(if you haven't.)


Active member
I brought them out of their tub for a photo shoot.
This one showed hairs the other night.

I had topped it so I'm attempting to clone it, by putting in my cactus tub during the day(when lights are off in the tubs) and back into the flowering room at night when the lights are on.

This one showed a few days earlier, maybe a week[even though it was planted days after the above plant.

Getting fatter everyday

Here's the sativa that's its own jungle.

I start all my plants under 12/12

Oh yea, group photos
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That's wonderful looking. I hope you can dig that out after it's done flowering.

I have a n00b question that I don't have a definate answer on.

How long do you want your plant in a veg cycle? As long as I want? Plant specific?...

If it's plant specific I'm going to be growing Sweet Tooth(assuming my seeds arrive).

Also does anybody know if Sweet Tooth is ScrOG'able?


Active member
Thanks Makavellian, I would love to have about 10-12 of them in my tubs. Maybe I'll try and reveg it then take some clones and see about SOGin it :)
But I'll probably just keep planting a seed or two every other week or so, as I like variety and having them in different stages.


Hello All, another inductee in to the Red's Rubbermaid. I have assembled all of my parts now. I cut holes last night & started to install the emergency blankets. Wow what a pain, should they be tight against the tub? I am having hard time not only trying to keep straight but keeping tight too. I think I may tear out what I did last night & cut small sections to install in each tub.
I noticed POMH said she had a heck of a time using the spray adhesive.
Any good suggestions?
I also would like to check my thought on the light traps. Just paint the inside black & cut the side out for air(pointing down)? & put the precut side(opening you pull tissue thru) against the hole cut into the rubbermaid.

Just checking also I see places to order seed, possible to order clones?
Thanks For any Help!-Jewwells :badday:
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I had a pain in the ass time getting the mylar to stick well too. I cut mine into 5 sections per tub. I over lapped on the bottom and a little over the lip of the tub. I then taped the over laps down on both regions and sometimes in the corners. Just try to use tape sparingly when it comes down to the last little bit. Try to leave as much reflective surface as possible by using tape sparingly at the point and time.

Is will transparent plastic(can see through, but not completely and clearly) disrupt the light traveling to my plants? I need to find something good to use to section off my light attic space so I can cool it separately. Also when sectioning off the attic area how can you make it so that removing or replacing lights?

I thought about cutting the very top part of the box off and just making the bottom half of the box sealed and the top part removable for easy acess. Any ideas?


I think nexttime i do mine, im going to either try the 'Reflectix' everyone talks about, or Im just goin to exclusivley use the foil tape i was using to secure the crappy emergecy blankets.

The one layer of the super cheap-o emergency blankets wont keep all your light inside and you have to end up double layering it. But the foil tape(also called flashing tape i think) comes in huge rolls for cheap, and its obv. all adheeeeeesive backed, so it sticks everywhere&lightproof.

Maybe someone will chime in with how much worse it is at reflecting than other options, but meh.

Also, i just have my emergency blanket in my bottom tub draped allover the place bc i got sick and tired of cutting pieces and just dropped a whole one in, slapping foiltape everywhere i could.

Last hint: If you do use foil tape, wear winter golves or something when your smoothing it out inside, I must have gotten at least 50 thin-foil-paper-cuts just from running my fingers along the edges.


jewels...i found it to be easier to cut it in sections rahther than one big sheet..but the blanket is a pain for me too....kinda the reason im holding off on a veg chamber hehe...thinking of other ways to do a grow room/spot....


Thanks for the info! Hell yes, these pieces of mylar are a pain. I think I am gonna just rip out & start over. I bought three at wally world just because I knew I would screw one up. I will do as advised, 4 or 5 pcs will be easier to deal with.

Bud, I would just stop by hardware store & get a section of plexiglass or lexan cut.
I just had a piece cut yestarday for $5.00 12x19 for 18 gal tub. I also am getting kinda custom, I have cut & drilled 1/2" x 1/2" wood strips to mount the plexiglass to.

Does anyone have any ideas for me on the light traps? I know to use the kleenex boxes, just want to make sure my idea to remove a side is cool. Is there any other products that can be had cheap that anyone has used? I only ask this because I would just have to buy kleenex for the boxes. We go thru about a box a year.

Have a lot going on in the next few days, but I am hoping to finish my project this weekend. Will take some picture soon as the project is done.


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The one layer of the super cheap-o emergency blankets wont keep all your light inside and you have to end up double layering it.
Foil tape will be more expensive in the long run, I just bought two emergency blankets at Wal Mart for $2.14 each, and they were each 52"x84". I have them layered four times, I haven't tested it out yet but I think it'll be lightproof.

I know you can find little 4" round light traps (darkroom louvers) on amazon, those would probably be good for a tub grow.

While I'm here, I suppose I'll mention that even though I've got a 150w HPS cabinet going, this thread continues to inspire me. I've taken a spin off of the original design, and I'm setting up a trash can grow.(Reason: a little less out of place looking, i also just want to be different) The price will be about the same, I'll be using eight 15w cool CFLs for veg and if I decide to flower in it I'll use eight 26w warm CFLs. I think it might just be a veg chamber for now though. I will definitely post some pictures once I can though, maybe give some people some ideas.
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I originally wanted to do a total stealth trashcan grow but then i was looking at it and couldnt figgure out how i would get my plants up and out of it to work and such. Those huge rolling curbside ones would be perfect for vegging a few plants. But if you can scheme it up, it would def look alot more stealth.


Thanks, will check Amazon. Have all put together now minus the light traps. Those will not be so necessary for a few weeks yet. I decided to germ some bagseed just for good measure.

I just put one layer in for the liner. I will really only need to mask smell. I have it tucked away pretty good. :chin: :smoweed:

Darn AA's dead in the camera. Will post some pic's of the boxes I made.
My only change is my plexiglass is just pushed in tight. I mounted wood strips which keep the bow out of the plastic. Squares it all up. I just wanted access to the lights with out removing the foil tape.

Sure hope a girl or two pops up out of the bagseed.


Active member

I wanted to share pictures of my seed starter/Harvest drying (I hope!) lid, this is a mod that borrows from both Red's growtub and drier/seed starter - it uses a slightly modified Red_Greenery scrubber... let me show you:

This is the top - I used what would be the top-half only, of Red's scrubber design - Rubbermaid makes a small plastic box, which I feel is shaped a little better then the Sterlite box. I use 120V AC fans, and put a dimmer on them to control volume of air movement, and ultimately box temperature.

Looking at it from the side you can see that I made a light baffle from a leftover piece of plexiglass, it's wrapped in leftover space blanket mylar, and is standing-off of the lid with 4 2" screws w/ 3 nuts each. There's lot's of clearance between the baffle and the scrubber, for air movement.
Clearance is about the same as if you use one of those tru-air filters.

Finally, here's what the business-end of the lid looks like. There's 2 ea. 26W Cool white and Soft white CFL's in there.



New member
Need help with wiring

Need help with wiring

I've spent hours-- days even reading this whole thread. Its totally doable for me if can just get some additional help on the wiring piece. I am completely a newbie when it comes to electrical, but I can follow directions. I bought a rubbermaids and the 3 light socket with the intention of setting this part up first before I commit more $, and then buying the rest of the set up this wkend. The rubbermaid would be my veg box. My NL seeds popped & have their first true leaves and the one of the Hashberry seeds I put in the dirt is waking up. Anyway they will be vegging under the cool white strip fluoros for a while so I have a little time before I need to finish up this project. I have tons of extension cords and I have AC adapters fr old answering machines to hook up the computer fans that I will be getting.

Sorry if this is covered already - I've reread the thread many times, looked at all the photos and the wiring directions for the light socket and on this thready -- still a little confusing

First for the light socket, I drill a hole in the tub and pull through the top the one white, one black and one bare copper (I guess this is called 'green' even though it is not colored green). Now what? I have a two prong extension cord, will this work ? When I strip it, won't I only have two wires exposed on the extension and the one black to extension wire, where does the bare/green hook up to? soliciting help. Thanks! :confused:


lollol said:
First for the light socket, I drill a hole in the tub and pull through the top the one white, one black and one bare copper (I guess this is called 'green' even though it is not colored green). Now what? I have a two prong extension cord, will this work ? When I strip it, won't I only have two wires exposed on the extension and the one black to extension wire, where does the bare/green hook up to? soliciting help. Thanks! :confused:

You dont worry about the green copper cord. for safety you should hook up all three but you light will work fine with out it.

hope that helps
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New member
Wow. It did work. The first time it cut on a half second and then went out, which was disheartening and a bit scary. Took a breather, then I respliced and rewired nice and snug and voila! let there be light (but I had my fire extinguisher ready by my side jus' in case. Safety first.) Any hoo, thanks for the reassurance, Flutch and thanks to everyone else for the inspiration via postings on this thread. - I'm on my way!