the komondor is banned in more countries than a pitbull ever could dream of.
And that is something to be proud of ???
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the komondor is banned in more countries than a pitbull ever could dream of.
no im making a point....jesus fukin christ.
and even tho the point went over mr intendeds head and hit yours ...oh fukin well.
maybe youll learn too.
go walk your poodle and dont worry about it aiight.
ignore me then...i obviously dont shut up.
You weren't trying to do some type of bragging with the above statement ?
It is all entirely how the animal is raised,period!
There is no such thing as bred for fighting,you can breed traits,stature,size,etc,etc........fighting is taught.My point is that altho people origionaly bred pits for the traits they wanted,strong bite,muscley front,fast and lean etc.......that doesnt make them fighters or biters.
I have owned 2 pits,2 chows,and a dozen beagles in my time,at any time in my childrens life as infants they could crawl on the dogs and nothing would happen.Hell my kid as an infant would hang on Sampson and poke him in the eye(a mild irritant)
The dog would do nothing aggresive.I have never had a mean aggresive dog,and raised all of them from puppies.
They breed charectaristics and stature......ya dont breed fight.ANY dog,chained to a tree and beat daily will turn junkyard,any dog.It is entirely how a dog is raised that determines his temperament.
Or any animal,including us!
LOL,Oh he was IGro,but he was aiming it at me.It didnt go over my head I just didnt respond.Our friend Yukon has thought the komondor the toughest animal on the planet for a while now.I'll give him one thing,he's got his opinions,as we all do.
ro, is right. as soon as pits come out they bite, they tussle, and are overly aggressive. they must be taught discipline and not to attack everything moving. their are exceptions to the rule i'm sure but, haven't seen them......ever
you dont teach a kom to fight to raise it w/ it's then decides when to fight , and it will fight till death if needded.
they come out the wound fighting. They all do what there bred to do