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Real OLD SCHOOL - Cherry Oil


See the world through a puff of smoke

For the purposes of this research, Roger Adams had obtained red oil extract of the plant legally from the United States Department of the Treasury and that was in 1940 where Dr.Roger Adams made his discovery of CBD.



Well-known member
I read this thread a while ago, so I apologize if you already seen this.

emphasis are mine

"Before I had learned to isolate D9 THC I had become obsessed with making red hash oil. At the time I was recovering from a motorcycle accident that left many bone broken inside and a lot of painful injury. I needed something to sleep.

I learned that if I slow simmered compound and provided good ventilation that the terpenes will slowly cook off. When I started with the compound in isopropyl alcohol and boiled it off along with the rest that the oil would turn ruby red. It tastes incredible but the high is very low. For sleeping under the conditions I was in it worked miracles. The terpenes actually change in flavor and to me (according to starting strain) the flavors seemed similar to a cherry flavor.

Not mediciney at all. I ran this way for a long time until certain ideas began to dawn on me about how I could refine the stuff to much greater purity. This red oil is obviously a breakdown product(s) from the acid forms of CBN and THC and through THC Delta 8 THC. I stumbled on this in an old archive. In some ways this red oil is much better at symptom relief than isolated THC which is a big cognitive high.

It sure is cool watching it turn red and starting strain played a huge role in how it came out. I found the dark indica varieties produced the best red oil. The light underneath the beaker is a sealed beam 35 watt display case light with an adjustable dimmer. There is a UV light filter on it that holds the 50 ml beaker perfectly. I have no way of knowing what the ratios end up being of D9 THC to D8 THC to CBN are but I think the CBN and Delta 8 tend to suppress the cognitive high of the D9 judging by the vape experience.

I chuckle about being stressed when I see the first signs of CBN formation on the isolate now when my first adventures in refinement had that as a target goal. I wanted to emulate Lebonese red hash and it is a lot of fun cooking it down like that. Generally reducing it through simmer by ⅓ of starting volume did the trick. Not potent but sure was tasty."


Well-known member
From elsewhere

"Before I had more sophisticated gear, I would prepare extract the old school way men have prepare it for eons. I learned that setting my beaker in a glass vac chamber with a small light underneath for heat would allow me to cook away the strongest parts of the terps, but also learned that when terps and extract are slow cooked together over a very long time and using high vacuum that a beautiful red oil is produced that has stunning flavor.

The pinene almost takes on a menthol taste and the other flavors also mellow and taste good. It is primitive but in absence of a different method to refine this method absolutely refines extract in a way that removes little but alters the flavor in a great way once cooked fully. Not over the top potent but delicious and a delightful high too."


"Here is a vid that shows a bit more. Very light extracts generally do not produce decent red oil. Locally the best I found is Girl Scout Cookie strain.

I always select indica varieties for this and see a better cherry oil when I start with dark terpy extracts. The same process absolutely cleans up the amber shatter too but the red really comes out with the indica strains that are darker to start with. In this video you will see the proteins, which I call wax" after they have been denatured in iso and are being boiled. Those "waxes" disappear as the proteins degrade completely and that cloudy white mass seen in the flask was only visible for pictures a few minutes. Heat wipes this stuff out in minutes after it appears out of solution.

The gentle boil used to cook off volatile smells brutally strong as a pine tree when started but the odor tapers off then fades to a menthol smell. Then the menthol sort of odor begins to,smell like something sweet - a few hours and after the extract has reduced about a third. At that point I then boil the extract in iso and things begin to clean up a bit. I ramp up the water to iso ratio until just a small percentage is alcohol. After the white "waxes" boil into oblivion I shut down and let cool. Then pour off the water and then a standard purge with heat and high vacuum."

Clicked the video, but it's gone..
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Well-known member
You also talked about a recipe, mentioning ph and such..

Found this

"How To Make Red Hash Oil

If you have some practical chemistry experience you can try making red oil instead of honey oil. Red oil is not as potent as honey oil, but if you use the same amount (and potency) of marijuana to produce both red oil and honey oil, the red oil yield will be larger.

You will be working with chemicals that will ignite if not used in a properly ventilated lab. Do not attempt this without a proper spark-less exhaust system if you are not working in a lab.

1) completely dry and grind material to a powder. soak material in petroleum ether for several hours, but less than 24 hours. strain, saving the pet ether/oil mixture... pressing out the material thoroughly to get as much solvent/oil out of the material as possible. filter the solvent/oil mixture through a coffee filter.

2) extract pet ether/oil mixture w/ an ~ 4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in alcohol solution three times.

3) acidify the NaOH/oil mixture w/ HCl (diluted 2:1 or 3:1 with distilled water) to pH 3. filter the acidified mixture through a coffee filter.

4) extract acidified mixture w/ pet ether three times. evaporate off pet ether to yield red honey oil!

NOTE: this recipe works well w/ small quantities of material.

when dealing w/ large material quantities, replace 1) w/ ->
- dry, grind and soak material in 91% (or higher) isopropyl alcohol for three days.
- strain and filter, saving alcohol/oil mixture.
- evaporate off alcohol down to ~ 250 - 300 ml of alcohol/oil mixture.
- extract alcohol/oil mixture w/ pet ether three times.

* extract = placing two solutions in a separatory funnel, mixing thoroughly, and allowing the two phases to separate...
--- given pet ether & alcohol >> (pet ether on top) (alcohol on bottom)
--- given pet ether & NaOH soln >> (pet ether on top) (NaOH soln on bottom). same for pet ether and acidified NaOH solution.
* to make the NaOH solution - mix 40 mg of pure NaOH pellets into 500 ml of distilled water until dissolved thoroughly. then add 500 ml of absolute grain alcohol (everclear), yielding ~ 1 liter of the sodium hydroxide solution.

* white gas can be substituted for pet ether (verified) muriatic acid (swimming pools) can be substituted for HCl (verified) lye can be substituted for NaOH (verified)."

hope this helps:joint:

Ps: this recipe is from somebody quoting it, I havre not found the original yet.
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Well-known member
"Hash oil or cannabis oil is an oleoresin obtained by the extraction of cannabis or hashish. It is a concentrated form of the plant containing many of its resins and terpenes – in particular, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), … So called “butane honey oil” was available briefly in the 1970’s. This product was made in Kabul"

this place calls it cherry oil, there is no mention of color... Made from og kush and pink bubba they claim it has a cherry flavor.


252. Telegram 153341 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Nepal, July 16, 1974, 1900Z.

the Department also forwarded to the Embassy a summary of DEA actions and hashish oil production techniques, noting that several large seizures in the last two years involved hashish oil smuggled from Katmandu. (Ibid., RG 84, Katmandu Embassy Files: Lot 77 F 31, SOC 11-5)

(I could not locate the DEA files teaching us to make hash oil, hahaha. Says "could not be declassified in time for publication. M.)

-found it. It describes a refluxing apparatus, like a recirculating coffee machine made out of 55gal drums.

At the end it says

That's it for now!
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Well-known member
Axle has not logged on since my last posts.

In hope to help with the quest for the red oil, I've searched far and wide, even talked with strange characters who might know something. At almost every turn I would find traces of Mr.Axle. That being said, I do believe he has left a few stones unturned. I now have a better understanding of exactly what he may be after and will present a second and last part to my findings.

An exact recipe could not be found, but by process of elimination, narrowing the paths to attain the mysterious oil, the numbers of experiments required shriveled to a reasonable few.

I'll be back here in a month or so...


"Hash oil or cannabis oil is an oleoresin obtained by the extraction of cannabis or hashish. It is a concentrated form of the plant containing many of its resins and terpenes – in particular, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), … So called “butane honey oil” was available briefly in the 1970’s. This product was made in Kabul"


At the end it says

That's it for now!

Dude this is amazing great work. I hope axl comes back this thread has been amazing.

Please share whatever you have!

I found this which talks about how back then a lot of the hash oil made back then was converting CBD to THC. Isn't this how people make Delta8 these days?

Starts around page 123




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I have came across a massive organization during that period smuggling tons of hash oil in from the area called the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. Apparently the main chemist for the oil was Ronald Hadley Stark - whos life story is insane.http://www.brainsturbator.com/posts/...he-lsd-curtain

You can read a lot about what they did here

Hashish smuggling and passport fraud : ''the brotherhood of eternal love'' : hearing before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress, first session, October 3, 1973

A super interesting read. Here is just a small part

Mr. Bartels. At some point late in 1967 or early 1968. members of the brotherhood developed their most important foreign contact for hashish. According to subsequent indictment, this was the Tokhi brothers who reside in Afghanistan on the outskirts of Kabul, its capital city. Brotherhood smugglers developed elaborate and success- ful means of getting the hashish into the Ignited States. One of their earlier techniques was to hide quantities of 15 to 20 pounds of the drug within the interiors of fiberglass surfboards which they manufactured. This was soon considered too small a quantity, however, and they grad- uated to specially designed traps in Volkswagen campers or other ve- hicles which could hold up to 1,300 pounds in a single shipment. Their mode of operation placed heavy reliance on the use of false passports; and with their financial resources and false documents, they achieved complete international mobility. Dunno: the period of their successes, we have estimated on the basis of hard intelligence that approximately 24 tons of hashish Avas smiiofjrled into this country. Although most of this drug came from their dealings withm Af- trhanistan. we also know that shipments were brought m from both Lebanon and India. Mr. SouRwiXE. Do vou mean that statement to be exclusive, that is, that the only places it came from were Afghanistan, Lebanon and others or were there other minor sources ? i • i i ;Mr. Bartels. There may have been other sources of which we have no knowledge. Mr. SouRWiNE. Thank vou. Mr. Bartels. Moreover, the brotherhood was not content merely to smuggle and market hashish. Under the guidance of one of its chief chemists, the brotherhood developed the manufacture of an even more potent product called marihuana or hashish oil. In the course of our investigation, six such hashish oil laboratories were seized.

Also recently read for a brief time back then there was an extract called "The One" which used hydrolic presses to press bricks of red leb hash. LEO found out and was easily able to track all the presses so never came back. Early Rosin it sounds like.

I have been seeing a machine called the ISO 2 Machine being mentioned by a lot of old timers. This sort of extraction technique also is in line with what all these old DEA reports and pictures seem to be talking about but made for home small scale use

Video of the ISO 2 Machine



A modern take

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Well-known member
i grew a bunch of different strains this year, looking for a good clone for this climate, so a lot plants didn't finish well, didn't really finish, or couldn't handle the wet, cool, short season, and molded. i was going to let two late big grow spots with half assed finished plants rot, but decided to try to harvest the plants on site, wash them right then and there on site, with 1 gallon[4liters] of 99.9% methyl hydrate, take the methyl hydrate home and evaporate it off. i did each site on consecutive days, each spot's wash was funneled back into it's 4liter container, one spot had two large cbd plants that i put into one wash with a few purple plants, but mostly green plants, and that's the only difference from the other spot. after i let them settle out for 24 hrs, i ran them through a filter, the first one was green, but the one with the cbd plants was red/pink, but i didn't think anything about it till a saw this thread get bumped. i didn't think at the time to separate them and see what happens, but i'm thinking of trying it next year. it could be just some weird fuck up, and i'm not sure if it means anything. both days were about 10 Celsius with a tiny bit of mold left in the plants. it was just something to try, rather than letting the plants rot, the oil is in the final stages of processing and looks greenish, but i will put up a pic when it's ready...


wow.....ive been away for quite a while, and just bounced back in for a look see
and holy crap, all i can say is wow.....thanks guys alot !!

i havnt read all the posts yet, but looks amazing, there is a shit ton of good stuff
the exact stuff i was hoping someone would eventually post,

no I havnt finished turning stones over, and i too believe its aquired through more of the process, then the material used.
however, having the exact material used back in the 70s would be awesome too, for a real replication of authentic cherry oil

ive always thought through logic, that it was a large operation, making the stuff by the gallon and shipped
i always thought either the hippy trail, or central america the BOEL fits, just saying
never had i ever smoked such a absolute devine resin,
it was so good, it was hunted down and shut down, never to be seen again, 40 YRS AGO

i hope to read and absorb all these amazing posts over christmas holidays

cheers everyone !!


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Here is a picture of our isomerized BHO extracted cannabis essential oil:

The three different sized pick marks are from three different safety meeting samplings spaced in time.


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star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I want to know what accounted for the “lung expanding” properties of the red hash oil ? From the mid ‘70’s …

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
For sure:wave:… OK we’re talking about 1974 maybe 1975 on the East Coast where I grew up …now once and only once this red cherry Oil became available ,and yes it was unbelievable , a red thick viscous oil , we were using it on aluminum foil heating it up underneath with a lighter and then sucking it up with a straw or a pen container (chasing the dragon) when you inhale the vapor and held it it would literally expand in your lungs like a balloon… you could feel it…Now ever since you got me started and taught me how to make concentrates all the way back in 2013 I don’t even know if you remember I’ve had a lot of experience since then nothing was like this so whatever process they use it with something scientific and different


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
"Expansion" is the feeling that you HAVE to cough out, because the hit is making you feel like your lungs are gonna explode from too much gas inside. It could also be irritation.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I know what expansion is as opposed to just gagging on a toke , and I know what I’m talking about ;) The vapor actually expanded in your lungs & I’m a theorizing it was some kind of product of isomerization ?
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ok, I thought that was what you were saying, but wanted clarity.

Some thoughts:

1. In the 70's the way I smoked cannabis, was deep inhales, that pulled the smoke to the bottom of my lungs, where I held it as long as I could. The way I experienced red oil was dribbled on a joint, which did make all in the circle cough.

It was also a hot boxed joint from being passed, which delivered smoke that was hotter than usual and when it hit the bottom of my lungs, they rebelled, giving me a coughing fit from "expansion" and "tickled" lungs.

These days I vaporize concentrates on an electric nail far under plant combustion temperatures and take small dabs with normal breaths when I inhale and exhale. I don't try to maximize my inhale or hold it as long as possible, because if I do it still gives my old lungs a coughing fit.

2. Residual solvents?

3. ?

Marijuana Chemistry by Michael Starks, copyright 1977 suggest using Chloroform as the best choice. He also listed Petroleum Ether, Benzene, Ethanol, Methanol, Isopropanol, and Methylene Chloride as alternatives.

He also relates DEA raids on oil producers using alcohol, hexane, chloroform, or petroleum ether.

D Gold in Cannabis Alchemy, 1973/1989 references Starks, but uses primarily alcohol.

Has anyone here extracted with Chloroform, Benzene, Methanol, or Methylene Chloride?


Well-known member
"Eventually, a material dubbed “red oil” was found by a Cambridge group (Wood, Spivey and Easterfield) to consistently summarize the intoxicating properties of cannabis (Wood et al. 1896). The red oil, basically a distilled Cannabis resin, was the starting material for all early studies on Cannabis, despite the difficulty of its preparation. It was obtained by distilling under reduced pressure (3 mm) an ethanol or ether Cannabis extract, collecting vapors boiling between 100 and 220 °C, corresponding to a bath temperature of 170–300 °C. The ruby red distillate could be additionally purified by washing with water and by fractionate distillation under reduced pressure. An inactive fraction composed by the crystalline hydrocarbon nonacosane was first obtained, with the purified active fraction (ca. 2% yield) boiling at 175–195 °C and 2 mm pressure. The preparation of the “red oil” was technically demanding, and great care was necessary to keep foaming under control during the distillation (Adams et al. 1940a). Red oil had a relatively narrow boiling point, range, and could be obtained also from various cannabis-based commercial products. It was therefore at first considered a pure compound. The ruby red color developed already during the first distillation step and intensified with light. It could have been related to the formation of quinoid forms of the native cannabinoids during heating


Well-known member
That was around the summer of 71′, which is right about the time ‘The One’ showed up on the scene.” “The One” It’s been over 40 years since Pyrat last smoked “The One,” but he still talks about it with a hushed reverence that borders on religious. “It was some good shit, man. They called it ‘The One,’ not just because it was made from Red Lebanese hash oil [a highly prized variety at the time], but because it only took one hit to get you stoned for like a f*cking day,” he said. “It was a very clear, red liquid (and) it was so clean — looking at it was amazing, it was almost translucent.” The One was so strong that it inspired Pyrat and his crew to perform an early version of “twaxing,” only instead of using cannabis joints as the vehicle for the oil, they rolled cigarettes from dried mint leaves and coated them lightly with the potent oil. “We used to take a regular gumless paper of some kind and take a tiny drop of this stuff and spread it a thin as we could on the paper and roll up a joint of mint leaf,” he said. It was definitely a liquid, cause you had to use like a needle and get a drop on the tip to spread it, and then you could smoke it and be just f*cking ripped.” Pyrat said his friend’s go-to dealer just had it one day, and that it was gone just as suddenly. “It just appeared one day, my buddy Bob had picked it up. It was $30 a gram, which was a lot back then, and it came in a little one-gram vial with a cap, which was very unusual at the time,” he said. “One day his dealer told him ‘here, I got some neat stuff,’ and just like it floated in, it definitely just went away one day.” Ancestor of Hash Rosin? But perhaps the most interesting thing about The One is why it went away. Pyrat said it had to do with the unique process supposedly used to produce The One. The CIA found the oil presses and stole them all — these were five ton hydraulic presses that were used to press the oil out of bricks of red Lebanese hash,” he said. “The CIA located all of those presses, cause apparently they were fairly unique items and were easy enough to trace, and they stole them back from the drug manufactures and that ended it.” ********* reached out to the CIA for confirmation, but at press time they had not responded to our inquiry.

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