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Real OLD SCHOOL - Cherry Oil


update on my experimental grow this season, with my own hybrid
in search of material to make a real authentic cherry oil of the late 70s early 80s

below hybrid cherry bomb female X pure red leb male


close up- note red stems, and more of a sativa looking leaf structure
red leb is a landrace out of bekka valley -indica
cherry bomb from cali....sativa hybrid


another close up of early bud structure, creamy white pistils



Looking good, I hope you find that special girl

you know, I will
im purple monkey balls deep -just on her specific scent.....

ahaha....I dunno, just educated guess(s) and experiments
to re incarnate the dead....(late 70's real authentic cherry oil)

I must process, some select strains
available along the hippy trail....during the era
and ingest, to evaluate the properties I seek,

currently working on lebanese red, and PCK , chitral hash plant strains now,
still- 2 yrs deep now and working on finding exact material utilized,
then worry about the chemistry in process to manufacture said red cherry resin

then worry about taste, color, and smell....
and adjust to suit through chemistry technologies of late 70's, to replicate resin
all this, just to be able to "ballpark it" -eh bro(s)

other strains that have my devout interest is equator stuff
panama red and a strain called rojo red/purple

-this endeavor will take years and patience

I believe now, patience and moving forward. is the key

-axle out
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Below is my one and only, last surviving red lebanese plant
(it turns out to be a female, finally i got 1).....
now i wont have enough material to run a batch of oil from it....but i will be able to zone into its properties eventually....

red leb is on top of my list of potential old school landrace candidates of authentic red cherry oil of the late 70s early 80s
red leb is an indica landrace hashplant....

other strains of interest of mine for cherry oil candidate
are PCK from citral region, panama red, rojo (i have a PCK growing indoor right now too-another landrace hash plant),
and a few other newer hybrids of red flower....
(red hot cookies,red manderine,red poison auto)

the newer hybrids are not the material used back in the day decades ago, because they are newer,
however im curious to see what they will bring to the table, so i am going in that direction too

problem is, it will literally take a few years to source material adequate to make the elusive cherry oil
-but worth the venture
trust me....lol

check out the bright red pistils below, mmm~mmm




also, i did have the smarts to clone her, prior to going outside
so i am growing her clone indoor now too, for next season outdoor
i hope to up the ante, with 4 clones going outside in the spring

such that i can run a batch of oil from the material, utilizing an isomerization process
that im guessing will enhance a red color and a "percieved cherry flavor" with the exact properties i seek
however, this is just my best educated guess and speculation, i wont really know until i get there and say -eureka




Well-known member
You may want to check out the Romulan for red. My Romulan cross seed strain has purple/red stem streaks, and have pink in the pistils, and purple/red that goes into many of the trichs. Since 'cherry' taste is reported in spacequeen and crosses, perhaps much of that comes from the Romulan side.

Also, when it comes to red dirt, usually it is red because of iron oxide. We can get red dirt in our diatomaceous earth, at local Tractor Supply co. I forget, RedEarth or something.

Interesting thread.


cannared/ these red pistils are outdoors, i have not yet raised one to flower indoor
so i cant answer your question, now my hybrids (cherry bomb X red leb) are outdoors too,
and do have pink pistils (red pistils watered down it appears like)

nannymouse/ thank you so much for your comments,
i will be looking into your suggestions especially anything that is promising red trichs
and i am aware of iron oxides and its role in soil, the "red" actually being rust
like in the province of PEI, its all red soil out there, they grow potatoes

diatomaceous earth is very interesting, that i will have to hunt down as well
i do have 1 red leb female clone im raising indoors for next season
when she gets bigger maybe late nov or dec, i will make 6 clones from her
and put them outside in the spring at 4' tall (this year i want to proof them into flower mode before they go outside),
so they have all summer to flower not just the last 6 weeks-dont know if this will be effective or not, but will try it

it would be fantastic if i also had red earth ready for them, next season
and do an experimental grow with it, with the red lebanese

thanks guys


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I have yet to see a plant have pink pistils in my indoor garden

if i remember correctly,
2 yrs ago i had mr greengenes -cherry bomb hybrid (30 yr genetics)
and i had a plant with red stems and pinkish pistils indoor grow

i will be doing a red leb, indoor as i took 1 clone from the moma that went outside,
so in several months i will let you know about red pistils indoors.....interesting point you made, so lets see....

when i did run the cherry bomb indoors, i came up with a trick that seemed to work somewhat....the last 3 weeks of flower cycle
i piped in AC cold air into bottom of cabinet thru the night to get the 20 degree drop from daytime to night time

my theory was to try and replicate outdoor conditions
forcing the plants to realize frost is coming soon and to manufacture extra resin to protect itself from frost

that was my working theory at the time
i believe it was successful, i did get some reds in leafs ,stems
and what appeared to be pistils

of course after harvest and curing,
it all looks like a bunch of red hairs and you'd never know
what it , (the color palate) looked like green at the chopping block
when chopped down

are you a kanuk too ??




Well-known member
i have seen pink pistils indoors before.

axle2u maybe a strain from turkey.
the buds from there long ago were red.


pure red leb - seed from bekka valley

a very late bloomer unfortunately
next year, i will be on top of this shit.....lol
my clones will be 2-3' high and put thru flower mode prior to going outside
so she got all summer to bud,
this one didnt really start to bud until maybe a month ago



further research, after the fact
bekka valley is around 34 N lat, i believe
which when cross referenced say LA, Cali
is the same latitude

im growing at 42 N lat, and she went out in june not a hair on her
wasnt until i proofed her clones indoor, that i even knew it was a female....in bekka they plant in march
at 42 N never plant before MAy24 i think it is
she went out june 18, my fault a late bloomer

next year i will do better with it knowing what i know now
next year out by june 1, and at 3' height and proofed into flower stage, so they can build buds all summer long, like in bekka valley

march to sept is her requirement
thats not possible at 42N, but perhaps can work around
and stack the deck next year




if i remember correctly,
2 yrs ago i had mr greengenes -cherry bomb hybrid (30 yr genetics)
and i had a plant with red stems and pinkish pistils indoor grow

i will be doing a red leb, indoor as i took 1 clone from the moma that went outside,
so in several months i will let you know about red pistils indoors.....interesting point you made, so lets see....

when i did run the cherry bomb indoors, i came up with a trick that seemed to work somewhat....the last 3 weeks of flower cycle
i piped in AC cold air into bottom of cabinet thru the night to get the 20 degree drop from daytime to night time

my theory was to try and replicate outdoor conditions
forcing the plants to realize frost is coming soon and to manufacture extra resin to protect itself from frost

that was my working theory at the time
i believe it was successful, i did get some reds in leafs ,stems
and what appeared to be pistils

of course after harvest and curing,
it all looks like a bunch of red hairs and you'd never know
what it , (the color palate) looked like green at the chopping block
when chopped down

are you a kanuk too ??



No. Virginia US.
The purple Satellite had dark maroon/ purple stems. Some had pinkish pistils but not like that. Tho I did see a pic of someone else's ps that had pistils just like those posted earlier.

You are right tho, it never stays pink after the dry and cure.


forging forward in my cherry oil quest....
here is a hybrid i created, towards this goal
just to find a material, worthy of making an authentic
old school cherry oil....first, the material used must have
the correct properties.....right

the buzz, was euphoric, uplifting, creative, focused, happy, non couch lock
active, pleasant, non paranoia , social, as i remember its properties....
in high school we used to smoke it at lunch time on the church steps,
then go back to class -happy as fuck....lol -very early 80s
almost 40 yrs ago...vanished right off the fucking planet, forever

the world is chalk full of pure bullshit....period
the shite dispensaries sell as a "cherry oil" is only an oil of any material on hand,
winterized with charcoal....poof
because it has a red tinge to it....they label it cherry oil
WRONG DUMBASS......apples and oranges
it IS a "misnomer", if you're educated enough to know what that is

thats what happens, when the "millenials" take over
the sippy cup crew, and pull up diapers....are at the helm

when i was a baby, iodine was the cure all, and it was not painless
bandaids, ripped your skin when pulled off, my mom had to wash all the diapers
there were no "sippy cups".....or videos in the back seat of the car
everywhere you went was full of tobacco smoke, our house, grandparents
the car, bars, reastarants.....there was no internet or cell phones to look shit up
you only had your brain, and maybe a pencil if you lucky enough to have a pencil
to figure shit out on the move...

milleanials eh......
they fuck shit up....if it aint broke
dont fix it....

popeye and batman were the heros
what is a pokemon....ahaha

fuck sakes, other peoples kids
will sell you snake oil, as cherry oil
its not real, its a terrible misnomer

real cherry oil, has not been reproduced in 30-40 years
one only knows this, if they acually had it, back in late 70s
early 80s....period, gone never to return, anywhere on the globe

2 yrs into it, and im developing a hybrid
that may have some properties im looking for, maybe not
im betting on yes.....so figure out the material properties right
then the flavor, and color....then density of resin
and all that, just to possibly "ballpark it"

why all this effort....
it is pure heaven, and divine
thats why, if you had it, you know

one of a kind resin oil.....
better then the best honey oil, you ever had
sweetest smelling cherries, you ever smelt
best tasting, cherry smoke you have ever inhaled

the room smells exotic, divine, mysterious....
and a definite money scent of allure and the forbidden
kinda like wearing creed aventus, at the mall....
($500 a bottle french cologne)-amazing stuff

if one can possibly replicate, its worth a million in sales
no, i dont want millions, i want my oil...so piss off...lol

pistils mid sept


flower devloping...pistils close ups


carry on

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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I think it was Weezard who put up a pic of "red headed step chile". It had very red pistils, and I thought of your quest. I can't remember the thread, but there were about 4-5 diff strains shown.


I think it was Weezard who put up a pic of "red headed step chile". It had very red pistils, and I thought of your quest. I can't remember the thread, but there were about 4-5 diff strains shown.

thanks bro, i will look into it...

just ordered up additional seed for next year
for another land race experiment forging forward,
with cherry oil material for experimental developments.

next strain(s) up are PCK -growing now
and Panama Red, seed on the way...

so experimental strains on the table are
-red leb (currently growing)
-red manderine (currently growing)
-PCK (currently growing)

next up, from my selection of seed already acquired
-panama red
-red hot cookies
-red poison
-fruity pebbles
-purpidol (17% CBD)

by the end of next year, i should be very close
to a perfect strain selection, then its on to recipe developments
this is what I'm aiming for....

prob create a another hybrid for the mrs. with the purpidol for pain management



ICMag Donor
Got a red, like cabernet red, a nice deep red that came frozen in a brick. You put the brick under hot water till it got all nice and liquidy, then snipped off a corner and squeezed it into gerber baby food bottles, getting about 1/4lb per bottle. About 1978 or 79 near Christmas.

Was the best hash oil I ever had. It all sold out in one night. So fast I figured what the hell, go ahead and sell the last 1/4lb I was going to keep for my head.

Never ever saw it again


Got a red, like cabernet red, a nice deep red that came frozen in a brick. You put the brick under hot water till it got all nice and liquidy, then snipped off a corner and squeezed it into gerber baby food bottles, getting about 1/4lb per bottle. About 1978 or 79 near Christmas.

Was the best hash oil I ever had. It all sold out in one night. So fast I figured what the hell, go ahead and sell the last 1/4lb I was going to keep for my head.

Never ever saw it again View Image

wow, thanks for this post....
this is very interesting....so your experience was with an import
by the way it reads....

do you have any idea of the material used to make it..
like what kind of weed was used ?....
do you have an idea of country of origin ?

any clues, may bring me closer to figuring it out
how to replicate authentic real cherry oil -resin of the gods

thanks pal


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