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Real Gorilla Glue


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So sweet. I just got done with my days work and I get so sit with a bowl. I spread everything out and supercroped one of my he taller unmarked cuts. I got B,C, and unmarked. And I dropped my lights and adjusted them. Now there’s more room for moms and clones.
We’ll everything greened up ice and they’re outgrowing they’re ruffness. They had a ruff start. I got new hydroton and I didn’t pick out the tiny ones and they didn’t get enough flow around the stems. And I had my light to low too I think. I never used t5’s before. I sure do likem tho. Damn, I bet I flower these out in 3 weeks or so. This is like therapy after work. Now I just gotta mix some nutes, top everything off, an check ph’s😃.


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Couple pics


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Damn it feels good to see everything doing as well as it is. I expected a few bumps along the way. It’s been a good while since I grew anything. Like 2014. I’m just a bit rusty I’m getting it to where I’ll have a great schedule.
My first grow was 02. I started with Sugar Shack by Prairy Pride out of the kind seed catalog. It was a beautiful herb. 22% thc. I cut my teeth to growing on Aeroponics. I rooted like I do now, but I flowered into an aeroponic system of my own design. There’s a thread here I think. Sugar Shack Junk Yard. That’s my old thread back from the day. I averaged 6 Oz every 2 weeks with 1200 watts in the flower room. Then I moved and started doing rdwc with 3600 watts in my flower room. I did that from bout 09 till 2014. I liked the rdwc for its simplicity and also its yield.
Damn. It sure is bout time I get back into this. It’s what I love doing and I’ve missed it for a long time now. I’m just so glad and thankful for this. Now I’m hoping to get a nice 4k room going. Nice and quietly. My body’s just breaking down faster than I can work. All along with my general arthritis, DBD,DAD,DDD,DJD and all’s the other debilitating diseases I got, it’s a big job for me to tie my shoe🤪. I wanna try to get it to where I can go out to work a bit less. My bones hurt and I want to play with my grandson.
Things look pretty good today tho. I’m just gonna top everything off and check the ph for now. I just asked a friend when the next time he can help me out again and I’m just waiting on word back. I wanna start hook in up my flower room. I gotta get to a hardware store and get 12’ of 1.5” pvc to hang my lights from. I wanna stretch it cross my flower room to hang my lights from. I wanna try to get 4 k in there. That’s a little tight for a 12 x 9 room but I wanna see. If not, Il run 3 k. Damn! Long post. Just sittin, smokin, thinking🙂.
Here’s a pic


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Just a note. I also bumped the clones up to aggressive strength 326. Now they’re at 75 ml per 5 gallon bucket. I didn’t wanna forget that.


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Just a note. I also bumped the clones up to aggressive strength 326. Now they’re at 75 ml per 5 gallon bucket. I didn’t wanna forget that.
Although I'm not all that familiar with your grow method, they should happily take to the increase. Pretty soon you're going to find yourself in a jungle of green gorillas. :canabis:


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Thank you PJLive! I think they’ll like it too.
But now I got a dilemma. This is the clone I supercroped. It looked k when I did it but now I find it just busted up to shitt.
So now I’m not sure if I wanna leave it. I’m afraid it ain’t gonna be able to hold buds to maturity. I always tie everything up to the ceiling in flower but it’s pretty busted up. I’m thinking bout just cuttin the whole top off rite at the damage. Any opinions? All are welcome! Oh yea, Il be flowering them out in bout 3 or 4 weeks.


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Thank you PJLive! I think they’ll like it too.
But now I got a dilemma. This is the clone I supercroped. It looked k when I did it but now I find it just busted up to shitt. So now I’m not sure if I wanna leave it. I’m afraid it ain’t gonna be able to hold buds to maturity. I always tie everything up to the ceiling in flower but it’s pretty busted up. I’m thinking bout just cuttin the whole top off rite at the damage. Any opinions? All are welcome! Oh yea, Il be flowering them out in bout 3 or 4 weeks.
I'm not sure. But I think I'd give the plant just a little more time in good conditions to see how she continues. If she looks like she just doesn't have the juice to recover fully, then I think you should do what you know works for you and your chosen grow system. If your genetics are anything like mine, these are extremely robust plants. So, she could bounce back on her own if the environment is favorable for it.

Otherwise, you're going to have plenty of good work ahead when you flip. They really move into and through flower with extraordinary acceleration in growth.

There should be others here who are astute at super-cropping stresses and how to best manage them. But even if they don't jump in I still think you're going to be fine.


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These will veg for bout 4 more weeks, then they’ll go to the flower room.
I’m thinkin bout fimming them. I’m not sure yet.


Well-known member
Hey sofa, I'm impressed with how green you keep everything. Any chance you can share your EC/CF levels at the different stages and your pH levels and anything else you can think of?
I have some KA5H going in DWC but I'm lacking consistency. One will drink hard out but not the other one sometimes
Last time I did DWC was years ago and I was on tap water and used different nutes and never checked the pH at all but all went well till one day we got root rot and it seemed to stay around after that


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Hell yea my friend. I always like to share.
Tho you may not believe it my tekneque is really really simple. When I started doing this back round 01 I was doing some really complicated aeroponics. I was mixing a 15 0 0 at 400 pms with a 0 27 16 at 800 ppms as a base that I would add a couple plant life products to along with cool bloom. I did that all along till my wife got sick. I couldn’t keep up with the aeroponics as well as keeping up with my wife. I searched for effective and simple ways to do things, and I found a thread on the KISS tekneque. I use maxibloom in the flower room now at 5 ml per gallon phed to 6.4. As for the green in my veg room, I use nothing but Fox Farm Grow Big 326 at 5 ml gallon for cuts that just got roots and I bump it up kinda quick to 15 ml per gallon for “max strength”. That’s all I do to keep it green. All phed to 6.4. Try it out, it works great! Ya gotta get the 326 tho. That’ll keep it green for sure!


Well-known member
Hey thanks Sofa (y)
Your pH is higher than mine which is 5.8
Do you know what those ml per gallon equal in EC/CF ? We have different nutes available here


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Sorry Sticky. I’m not sure of the ec cf, or ppms. I had many ph meters and ppm meters but now I use ph test drops and I mix by weight.
In general I feel happier, and my plants like it just the same🙂.


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Hey howdy! I finally got some clones in flower now! Yep! A great friend of mine came over and helped me out yesterday and I was able to bring these up and get the room started!
This is bucket B clones, bucket C clones and 2 buckets of non label. I did 2!non label buckets because I understand that the original plant is tall and lean, so I went with 2 buckets of those.
I gottem on Maxi Bloom at 2 tsp per gallon, ph’ed to 6.4. Under a 1k I power lite. With a nice little 12 outlet air pump. And a I power fan that’s adjustable. With a cool tube in a reflector.
The room was also figured out for 2 more lights, or 3 if i can fittem. I got a nice big nute pump too but I didn’t have the time or resources to recirculate them yet, I figure Il recirculate them next run with the added lights.
The clones are way bigger then I usually put in but I just haven’t been well and I couldn’t do it without some help. So they’re all too big and my moms are a real mess. But my Breth is gonna help me out.
So tomorrow I’m goin downstairs to the mom and clone aria and get ready to take some more cuts. I gotta have like at least 4 of each cause I still don’t know who my mom will be. And Il get things ready to take cuts. Then Il get with my grow bud and figure out when he could come over and cut with me. I’m really excited to pass this down to someone. And I really need the help now. Guys a natural too.


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It’s 4 days into flower and I’m thinkin bout supercroppin the tall ones near the filter. I figure itl help me even the canopy. Any opinions? I never had an herb so lanky. I figure if I do it , I should do it tonight. They’re only bout 4 days in.


Well-known member
I have pretty much always used trellis to hold and manipulate them. Super cropping would be more of a higher stress training method. I have seen it used effectively. They look in top health so it should not be a problem. Glue, or the original clone only is lanky as fuck and likes to stretch about 2-3 times it size in flower. Needs support in my opinion to reach its fullest. Some look at the lankyness being a problem. I do not. it lets more light into the buds and helps prevent budrot and mold issues late in flower.
Your doing great so far there bud! I am seeing no red in the petioles, correct?
Have a great day man.
Peace, negative.

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