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Raygun's perpetrecircoco multi strain grow show


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sour bubble BX (SBBX)

sour bubble BX (SBBX)

JS - Thanks!

Here is the SBBX #11 the last branch cut.
This is around 57-58 days.


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I get a vicks/menthol taste with this some times. I will have to grow out more the next time with the clones... Only thing is I got the room booked for at least the next 4 months with up and coming attractions...

Coming up next are 3 separate SBBX's all from seed and in about 10 days I'll take them down. Then I have one of the shooting star (#3) and one SBBX (bubblegum pheno) clones which will be in another month. After that its 2 of SBBX #7 clones which are about 20 days in to flower now and I just put in 3 more shooting stars from clone 1 #20 and 2 of the unknown (hoping its #17 as that is the only one that I did not have clones labeled from and was my personal favorite:wallbash:)

Hope you all enjoyed and safe growing everyone.


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another tree falls

another tree falls

Ok here is SBBX #5 from seed harvested around 61 days

No real smell yet kinda a sweet grass aroma but its only been dry for a few days. Don't know if it's going to make the cut but its clone is huge so it will run one more time before I decide. This one is part of the batch that has some severe pH issues and caused stunted growth. Basically they did not stretch but a couple of inches so they were not able to live up to their pot-ential. :biglaugh:


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She probably could have gone a little while longer but I'll let the clone run longer as the pH issue is resolved and growth is booming on all the new recruits to the cannabis army. Plus I needed the room.

I'll get some picts of the cab once I get this batch out, Its a jungle in there.
Thanks for stopping by

Save growing


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and another one...

and another one...

Ok so here is the SBBX # 6. Taken around day 63 in flower and was from seed. This is the most colorful of the bunch so far. It has only been smokable dry for about a day now but I can already tell that this will be some fantastic herb once dialed in.
It has a very grapefruit/citron smell. Even the stems that I cut off the dry buds had this smell. Its too early for a smoke report but it does do the job:joint:

You can see all of them in my 1000 words album also.

I have one more to take down from the batch of seeds I started but letting that one go to about 68 days.

Looks like the rotation is in effect and I have my next 2 flower cycles planned out with a full load on deck now and a waiting list to take the tour. :woohoo:
Best thing about it is that I only have 2 more to harvest that were effected by the pH issue then its all green gravy from there. I'll try to take some picts of the cab.

Hope you enjoy

Safe growing everyone


mmmmm.....green gravy.....

nice pics raygun! I like what you're doing with coco!

You definately have some choice SB crosses on your hands!
(Makes me wanna dig out mine...:wink:)


Active member
Thanks Pete. They just keep growin.

Here are some more.

First up is the SBBX #14
This was the forst run from a clone and not bad if I do say so my self. Harvested around 55 days. I will be keeping this for future seed production. More bubblegum smell/flavor

Next up is the SBBX #11. You may remember this one from the previously posted picts but it just got better looking. These went 63-65 days there are 2 separate plants.

I got some time before the next harvest as they are some of the shooting stars and take around 70+ days. Probably another 20 or so days.

I just put 4 more shooting stars in to flower today all from seed so hopefully i'll find more of the orange/citrus phenos. I wanted to put in my Sourbubble X (grapefruit x C99) this time but no room as that thing is a monster and I just did not have the room for it. Gota wait another 15 days for that one. I put some Apollos Mist seeds down and got 2 originals to grow and 2 of my f2s going. I'll be starting a separate grow log for those in Rez forum.


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More updates

More updates

Well here are some more picts of the project.
These are of the Shooting Star #17 the frostiest of the bunch so far. She has a spicy smell.
These are at day 58 I believe. click on the link below for more details of each pict.

These are from day 19 of another clone of the same SS #17

Next up is the Shooting Star #20.. Stay tuned...


Active member
Here is Shooting Star #20, a more tangerine/citrus smelling lady. I only have picts of her at day 19.

A group shot #17 on the left #20 on the right.

Probably will take about 5+ more days to finish than the #17 will be harvesting #17 at 65 days and #20 about 70 days. I love the smell of this gal. Very similar to the mother a tangerine flavored and smelling apollos mist.

I get two very different smells from these gals so far. Many have a peppery/spice smell that I attribute to the Kali Mist/Haze back ground. The citrus has to come from the Apollo 11, (grapefruit x c99) side.

Here is a check of the Shooting Stars family history in case you were interested.

Kali-mist = (Haze x skunk hybrid) x (cambodian sat X silver haze)
Silver haze = Silver pearl x Haze
Silver Pearl = Early Pearl x Sk1 x NL [don't know how they were combined]
Early Pearl = early girl x Polyanna [have no clue where these two came from]

C99 = shiva Sk x (Jack H x Jack H)
Shiva SK = NL#5 x SK#1
jack H = SK#1 x NL#5 x Haze

Apollo 11 = C99 x Genius
Genius = shiva Sk x (Jack H x Jack H) different seed same as princess [precubed c99]

Grapefruit = C99 x fruity sativa [female seeds version]

SK#1, NL and Haze all have enough posted about them you can find where they come from with a little looking.

Here is the next 4 seed plants of the Shooting Star all female and one looking like it will be a heavy yeilder and I am excited about it. It is the first one you see in the line up it now is the furthest along in production and tighest internodal spacing. These have a ways to go as they were just put in to flower on 3/30

A few more days and I can get my sourbubble x (grapefruit x c99) in and that thing is just a monster. I'll get picts of the veg box in the next day or so and post full cab picts as well.

Oh and I finally got my pH pen working again and got 50 LR44 batteries for $4.04 with free shipping. Best deal ever for batteries. Even if half of them are bad that is better than $6 for 4 in the store...

Safe Growing

PS its kinda lonly in here...
wow, very nice ladies.
but i have a ton of question, as i have a cabinet about the same size. only i was thinking of splitting it to have a veg and flower chamber.
how big are your ladies before you put them into flower?
how big do they end up when finished?
also would love to see your veg set-up.

i ask about the size cause i'm trying to get an idea of the best size i should split the two chambers. i would hate to have to keep them too small and lose out on weight. or make the flower too big and hurt the veg space. basiclly trying to use the space at its maximum



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Thanks Joey R!
As to your ?'s For Veg most of my gals are grown in 16 oz plastic party cups to a hight of 8-12 inches depending on the strain. The indicas I will let get closer to that foot height and the stretchier sativas more about 8". With using LST and minor bending/stem smashing in veg and the first weeks of flower I am able to keep all my gals under 30 inches when finished. Check out my bio-bucket grow for a start to finish grow in my cab. Those were very sativa plants in there that time and you can see where they started and finished.

My veg set up is basically a contico 3x2 heavy duty tool box. I'll get some current picts of it for you soon.

Honestly I would not split the chambers unless you are going to hand water and go coco or soil. Then you can stack your grow and not lose out on horizontal surface area to flower in. Only thing you lose is height which you can control to some aspect.
I believe that you only need 3 feet of vertiacal grow space for any grow if you plant early enough and LST and train that lady to conform to your dimensions. Freezer boy ran skunkmans THUNK a thai x haze x skunk sativa in his freezer grow and kept the height under control so I know its possible.

What type of growing system were you looking in to?


Active member
Ok so they are a little photogenic. She kept asking to be let out in the sun and photographed.

SS # 17 day 60

Here are some shots of the cab. Oldest to youngest left to right with each row 15-20 days apart. The two rows on the left side have been beat up with a pH issues from before I got my pH pen fixed and batteries for my EC meter. So that is why they look less lush. That and the last row on the left has been flusing for 8+ days.​

Well I hope you enjoy the show. Happy 420 every one!:joint:


hey raygun, just watned to stop in and say your buds look awesome man, especially like a day such as 420 it would be so nice to smoke some of those herbs. i have a few questions for you about lollipopping
1) do you lollipop all your plants
2)do you seem to get a bigger yield from it?
3) what technique do you do as far as how do you lollipop your plants(cut the bottom branches off so the stem is visible and has breathing ability?)
4) when would you choose to lollipop vs not lollipop your plants

thanks they look awesome


Active member
hey raygun, just watned to stop in and say your buds look awesome man, especially like a day such as 420 it would be so nice to smoke some of those herbs. i have a few questions for you about lollipopping
1) do you lollipop all your plants
2)do you seem to get a bigger yield from it?
3) what technique do you do as far as how do you lollipop your plants(cut the bottom branches off so the stem is visible and has breathing ability?)
4) when would you choose to lollipop vs not lollipop your plants

thanks they look awesome

Well thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like the ladies. They enjoy the comments.

About your questions.
1) I guess its called lollipoping? I will trim all the small sucker branches when I transplant to flower. Then will trim any branches that are not clearly keeping up with the others every few days for the first 2-3 weeks. Most of it is done in the first 1-2 weeks. I'll leave one or two "hopefuls" sometimes that just don't keep up. I don't keep the canopy perfect so there are always some taller dominant branches.

I don't really trim off all the lower bud sites from the branches that I keep on like I see some do. Typically if I kept a branch I expect bud from shortly after it splits from the main stem. I'll try to get some better picts of what I do with some of the newer plants. I did not think there was much interest in the preflower/prep stages so never really documented or included those.

2) I don't know about a bigger yield as I have no comparison without doing what I do. Been doing it for years now. I know that the few buds that are left and underneath the main canopy are not as dense when some get left. I know that farmers will thin out a plants and fruits to produce fewer, larger fruits. So I can only hypothesize that it works to help improve the final product of what is harvested. Weather that be the same volume of final product but the thinned out harvest is just fewer and larger fruits vs. the non thinned being lots of little fruits but the sum of them ='s them out???
Does that make sense? I guess a simple way is I think I get fewer but larger and higher grade buds when doing this. The final amount I get keeps me happy.

3)Yeah that is part of it along with the previously mentioned reasons. Since growing in coco I noticed that I get a lot more leaves down by the coco die early and can only chalk it up to the higher humidity right above the coco.

4) I always do what I do. Perhaps if I was growing outdoors guerilla style and could not get in for any pruning/thinning of lower branches. Unless you have light penetration all the way to the media, like in a SOG if you stuck to one plant, one budsicle like corn row grow, why waste plant growth and energy on fluffy popcorn buds and wispy branches. Just my thoughts

Thanks for stoping by!


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Here are some Veg picts and other misc cab photos.
These are some of the new Apollos Mist F2's and Sourbubble X petrols seedlings and the others are of my veg box. Packed crowd in there I'll let you guess how many plants in total are in there?:yoinks:

I just liked this last one of the canopy top of the veg box.

Here are some of my sourbubble x (Grapefruit x C99). This is the sole survivor of my 6 seeds I had of this unexpected cross and its a girl. Already showing pre-flowers:woohoo:


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Here is one of the Shooting Stars that did not make the cut to keep. Flowered out in a 16 oz party cup around day well click the pic its labeled.

Here are the up and coming Shooting Stars. Photo is out of focus but you can see the inter-nodal spacing and Bud development. This is one of the new seedlings Shooting Stars so I'm really excited to see it when it is done! This is day 21.

This is SS #17 and just caked with resin​

Here is a full cab shot and some more of the SS#17 & 20​

Well I think that is it for now.

Bombdot- if you look at the sourbubble x (Grapefruit x C99) pic you can clearly see the sucker branches that are not keeping up with the rest. Those will end up as clones for this gal prior to going to flower. Then a couple of the other branches will probably be trimmed as well leaving only similar sized and vigor branches by the 2 week of flower.
ray - i like the setup you've got goin' on there. got a few q's for you though maybe i missed it somewhere. what are you feeding with and how? i noticed you were going perpetual and had them all hooked into the same drip system reservoir, so how do you deal with the different nute requirements for the different stages of flower?


Active member
HoP- Thanks for stopping by. Its been a bit lonely in here. As to your questions,
I feed with

-Floranova/licious/plus, grow & bloom
-koolbloom powder
-liquid Karma
-well water/RO water .2 ec and ~7.8 pH to start. I have a pre-rez that I will fill up with this plain water and adjust the pH accodingly to keep my flower rez at that 5.8-6.2 range. Sometimes that means making my pre-rez 4.4pH to compensate for increasing pH through out the grow. Since my water source is so clean the pH drifts so much more than it did when I used hard tap/RO combo. Read Big Tokes water chemistry thread in the hydro crowing section to find out why. Actually my rez is based off a bio-bucket system and as I stated before consider it an active/alive rez much like a fish tank.

This is my base nute mix. I try to keep it under 1.6 ec 1.2-1.4 idealy.

Feed schedule:
-4 times per lights on for 2 min (this varies currently run times are 4mins, 2min,2min,2min)
-pH sits 5.8-6.2 I don't mind the fluxuation and neither do the plants so far. I also think that this helps deal with the requirements of the different plants at different stages. At the different pH levels the nutreients are available more or less depending on where the pH is.

Fortunatly the only adjustment I needed to make was backing down the EC as I would push it between 1.6-1.8. The sourbubble crosses could take that all day no problem but the others fried. So now its 1.2-1.6 max and the SBBX's don't seem to be growing any less and the Shooting Stars are growing crazy. I will top dress with some higher N organic ferts when I transplant them or flip to veg. I'll also make sure that they are nicely watered with the Veg nutes before putting to flower to keep some higer N content in the coco and will not hook them up to the drippers for the first few days to allow the coco to dry a little (not visually dry on the surface just dryer than the others in flower on a watering cycle, perhaps only the first 2 days no water) and roots to go searching for water in the new coco. Now if I'm planting from a seed plant that is unknown in sex there is no transplanting right away to conserve the coco and the plants are hooked up on the flower juice from the 2nd day they are introduced. However upon transplant and first inital watering after transplant it is left with no daily watering for aprox 2 days to accomplish the same effect in the root system.

IF a plant seems to be lacking in somthing I will top dress it with what I think it needs but so far so good none of that has really been needed. I've been experimenting with adding some Kool Bloom directly to the coco around the 3rd week of flower for some of the plants but honestly can tell if it is doing anything different so probably will not continue that practice.

I think if you have a healthy rez that is well ballenced in its nute profile and do allow for some pH fluxuations growing perpetually with different strains is a piece of space cake. So far I have only experimented with these two groups of seeds, SBBX's and my Shooting Stars. So only two different types but polar opposits. Up comming I'll have 4 varieties all growing in the cab at once so we will see what happend in the comming months.
interested in seeing how the next one works out. i tried the whole perpetual thing w/hand watering and found it to be a pain because i had some that were N-hungry and some that were almost done and needed no N, but lots of P-K, or just plain water. i was thinking of trying it again, but adding dry ferts to the pots as they go into flower and top dressing as they needed, but running in the res only water, humic, fulvic, and blackstrap. i dunno if or how it will work out, but i guess the only way to really know is to experiment yourself instead of relying on others.

oh yeah, do your reservoirs recirculate/constantly mix the nute solution so it stays mixed up? if so, do you have 2 pumps in each to accomplish this(1 for drip, 1 for mixing/aerating)?
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Yeah HoP you just need to dive in and grab the bull by the horns. I guess I have been lucky in that so far I have not had plants that need way different requirements. I try to keep each row of plants similar to each other. Like all Sativas or all Indicas so I don't have to deal with it too much. So far top dressing the organic ferts high in N to them is working like a charm and by the time they are done flushing the run off is normally like .5-.6 with a start of .2-.3 ec.

In my main rez I just have an airstone but in the pre-rez its a fountain pump that will constantly re-circulate that water as well as it's what feeds the auto topper.


Active member
Hey raygun. I like what you are doing with the small space you have. My 12/12 area is 4' high and I'd like to have a recirculating drip system with coco.
How high is the space with your res?
Do you have to empty/change the res often?


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Hazy thnaks for stopping by! If you go back a page I have a pict of my res space. Total is probably 13-14 in. at the bottom of my cab then the rest of my cab is left for growing. However I try to keep my plants no taller than 30in total with container. Basically I want no more than 2 feet tall plants and even better around 18 in. I think any taller and you light penitration is greatly decreased with my 400 watt. Really anything lower than the top 8-12 in never gets solid colas just golfballs.

I could cut down the res space almost in half but then my res would be filled to the brim and make it very difficult to move with out splashing water everywhere. With this I can keep my res beteen 5-7 gal and in the middle of the res with no problems or increase it to ~10 gal if I wanted and still have a few inches at the top.

When my system is dialed in I only need to change once every other month or so especially if I am mono cropping and not going perpetual. I think recently I have been changing once a month but that was because I did not have a working pH pen so the only thing I could do was change to hope the natual buffers in the nutes did their thing. I probably will continue with this once a month change as I am now multi croping and going perpetual so only time will tell. I don't like to have to change out my res because its just a PITA so I'll stretch it. If the plants look OK no need to chage. IF pH is in order and has been over time and ec is not increasing I believe everything is ballenced and working as it should. Basically I took my Bio-Bucket res and the theory behind the "active" res and implemented it in my recirc grow. This also helps save on use of nutes. Once dose every two months with perhaps a booster shot of juice half way if needed vs. complete change every 2 weeks. I'll take the 1st as long as it works and for me it has as long as I have been on the boards here. Never grew hydro with out the "active" res.
i have no clue when it comes to hydro-based growing; so your res never actually gets empty? i'm assuming it stays the same level because of the autotopper. do you just add nutes to correct your ppms?

as i've been designing the drip system i want to implement, i was thinking of like a 20+ gal reservoir so i could go away for a few days. currently, i mix in a 5-gal bucket and i always leave a little in there to activate the water coming in. i like the idea of keeping it more alive, like yours. i really dig the concepts of bio buckets and aquaponics, which have similar bio traits.

oh yeah, is that a homemade tray i see under those?