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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Well-known member
Premium user
Didnt see the post up top. It was a nice ol grow. Hope you get a chance to run some more Sativas Flower! I started a few old Zamadelica f2's I am excited about. Double Jam from TRSC no males though. I was hoping for a male so may have to hit the Double J with the THH pollen which may or may not be getting a bit old. I'd like to run a few of the mint THH out and back breed them to the p1 males next year just to use it all up.
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Well-known member
I just noticed that the poster from RCC’s book is signed by RL.


The Haze Whisperer
Todd is a prolific liar
You do not have first hand anything as none of the people at MNSeeds were even around when I showed Neville his first Original Haze, he had never seen it before, he told me so, it was in 84, and Shantibaba was not even in Holland. I like Shantibaba and he just does not know the facts because he was not here, and/or he has been misled by others.
As for anyone (if I got this right) implying that Original Haze clones from 1969 are used, and alive, that is plain insane, there are no Cannabis clones from 1969, that is for sure. But maybe he meant seeds from 1969? And not grown until the 80's? To be honest I do not know, except the only Original Haze seeds sold prior to the 80's were mine, That I made after 1976. One way or another something is not correct about the 1969 date, and that is what you are going on. As far as I know all Nevilles work with Haze was from Original Haze he got from me, thats what he told me anyway, back in the 80's.


Well-known member
@@hempy don't muddy any waters as you have in the past or throw dirt on Todd

Sams can speak if he wishes

Sams confirmed he gave Todd stock , they are close friends probably more soo than anyone posting in our community. Soo the latest version Todd tells im sure is second hand from Sams

Maybe if Sams shared details about that Haze clone/s he shared with Nevil we could have more evidence to draw conclusions.

Hempy you forget abit but do you recall

Nevil admitted Sams gave him several clones / might have gave him clones

Sams stated he gave Nevil a male clone, his worst clone 😁

Soo Todd didn't pull this version out of the Air

Soo Hempy you got my wheels spinning again . There have been several Verison / Events of Haze history from Sams


The latest question comes to mind you said R was the main Haze brother n J moved to Mexico . You also said J helped G in the mountains before hooking up with RL

You also at one time said J n G are the same guy

Well this statement above has caused the community confusion, along with several others

I know you have admitted G the Surfer boy was the Originator / Main Grower

I also know RL was the one to move to Mexico not G

Maybe you can set the Record / your recollection straight a final time

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Well-known member
At this point, I have to ask if @Sam_Skunkman is just going around bullshitting people for shit and giggles. 🤣🤣🤣 View attachment 19128532 View attachment 19128533
"There is zero evidence that Nevil had any haze prior."

It's official. Sam never sold haze seed to Nevil. You read it here first. 📰🗞📣📢
The first quote from Todd its true nothing was released or spoke of by Nevil in regards of Haze until 1988 . Soo one could assume the possibility of Nevil actually using clones because it's likely he did recieve atleast one Haze cutting from Sams according to both post ive just shared they both speak about it

Sams post below

I see you posting about Nevile and the Original Haze, I have a question, what year did you first meet Neville? When did you come to Holland? When did you first see the Haze from Neville? What year did Neville get the Original Haze? If you were not there, how do you know for sure? I was there...

I gave and showed Nevile his first Haze, it was in 1984 and it was seeds. I gave him a clone the next year, my worst Haze, I gave him my worst because I did not trust him, he promised to only make new hybrids with the haze, and not with my varieties as the other parent. He broke his promise and I was glad I only gave him my worst haze, as he was soon making pure haze as well as all my other varieties, so much for a promise from Neville...
The Haze Bros never came to Holland, never gave Neville seeds or clones, the Haze Bros never even grew with clones! Neville got the Haze from me.

Old ED had nothing to do with Original Haze

I gave the Haze to Neville, not the Haze Bros. They have never been to Holland and never meet Neville. They never made seeds for sale, you could not buy Original Haze seeds until I made them. Both of the Haze Bros are very close friends of mine.
The reason I gave my worst Haze clone is because I did not trust Neville, and I was right. He begged and begged for a Haze clone promising never to sell it pure, and I gave him my worst clone because I wondered if he was telling me the truth, and yes I had bred the clone many times along with my other dozen haze clones and knew it was my worst from progeny trials. I had kept it around because it was from older Haze seeds, and I wanted to be sure it had no use. I still have it. I never said it was bad I said it was my worst, but the worst Haze can still be good....just not as good as the best Haze clone.
And Shantibaba, Neville did not have any Haze seeds from 1969, I did but I never gave any to him ever for sure. And he did not work with haze in the 1970's, he never saw or heard of Haze until 1984, when we talked about them. He did not even grow Cannabis or sell seeds in the 70's so you are just plain wrong. Or someone has lied to you.

Nevil post below

Still a lot of questions about haze and apparently a lot of conflicting stories.
I haven't been paying attention to what Sam the Skunkman has been saying. He lost me years ago and if he wants to come out from behind his alias and go toe to toe with me, well that will be just fine with me (hey David).
If he is saying that he gave me Purple Haze and it was crap, Well that's true. If he is saying that his lime green Haze was crap , well that's true too. If he is saying that he gave me a Haze cutting, well to be honest, I can't remember, but if he did it was crap. I seem to recall that he entered his lime Haze in a Cup, if he did he got his arse kicked.
The Haze seeds I got from Sam were grown in America in 69/70.

Seed bank description below

Northern Lights #5 x Haze F-1 Hybrid
Due to tremendous customer demand, we have spent years searching for a superb Sativa/Indica hybrid that is suited for indoor growing, but still retains the unique Saliva qualities in the high. The Haze x NL#5 hybrid is the result of this search.

Haze is a late Sativa from America, widely agreed by experts to be the best pot in the world. Very popular in the 70’s, it nearly became extinct in recent years as as growers switched to easier varieties. We managed to salvage a few viable seeds from the last crop grown in the US, and we have used them to prooduce this remarkable hybrid

Nevil also told different verison of his Haze Origins, Soo let's not forget this example here.

1969 or 1981 ???



Well-known member
On the subject of Haze stock origins and Thai being heavily associated with Haze . Our THH growers and Thai lovers

If Nevils Haze stock was Thai / Colombian and Tom Hill Haze is Thai Dominant

Why don't we see more similarities between Posi / THH

If Nevils Haze hybrids are mostly Thai Dominant which are the traits that express the Thai side ?

What Aromas / Taste share similarities?

It seems lemon lime mango metallic mint thyme rootbeer are common in Toms line

But Nevils Haze hybrids seem more Spicy incense similar to Sams cultivators choice Haze hybrids

If Posi/ THH and Nevils Haze come from Sams Stock , I think we could assume they use the same Thai parents .
But why would they not share more similarities in traits ?


Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
yo bh…with those dates associated with… hard to believe wasn’t bastardized by across the pond crew that typically figured they could improve upon American so called hay….
from haze experienced in 70’s …
ganj on…


Well-known member
The first quote from Todd its true nothing was released or spoke of by Nevil in regards of Haze until 1988 . Soo one could assume the possibility of Nevil actually using clones because it's likely he did recieve atleast one Haze cutting from Sams according to both post ive just shared they both speak about it

Sams post below

I see you posting about Nevile and the Original Haze, I have a question, what year did you first meet Neville? When did you come to Holland? When did you first see the Haze from Neville? What year did Neville get the Original Haze? If you were not there, how do you know for sure? I was there...

I gave and showed Nevile his first Haze, it was in 1984 and it was seeds. I gave him a clone the next year, my worst Haze, I gave him my worst because I did not trust him, he promised to only make new hybrids with the haze, and not with my varieties as the other parent. He broke his promise and I was glad I only gave him my worst haze, as he was soon making pure haze as well as all my other varieties, so much for a promise from Neville...
The Haze Bros never came to Holland, never gave Neville seeds or clones, the Haze Bros never even grew with clones! Neville got the Haze from me.

Old ED had nothing to do with Original Haze

I gave the Haze to Neville, not the Haze Bros. They have never been to Holland and never meet Neville. They never made seeds for sale, you could not buy Original Haze seeds until I made them. Both of the Haze Bros are very close friends of mine.
The reason I gave my worst Haze clone is because I did not trust Neville, and I was right. He begged and begged for a Haze clone promising never to sell it pure, and I gave him my worst clone because I wondered if he was telling me the truth, and yes I had bred the clone many times along with my other dozen haze clones and knew it was my worst from progeny trials. I had kept it around because it was from older Haze seeds, and I wanted to be sure it had no use. I still have it. I never said it was bad I said it was my worst, but the worst Haze can still be good....just not as good as the best Haze clone.
And Shantibaba, Neville did not have any Haze seeds from 1969, I did but I never gave any to him ever for sure. And he did not work with haze in the 1970's, he never saw or heard of Haze until 1984, when we talked about them. He did not even grow Cannabis or sell seeds in the 70's so you are just plain wrong. Or someone has lied to you.

Nevil post below

Still a lot of questions about haze and apparently a lot of conflicting stories.
I haven't been paying attention to what Sam the Skunkman has been saying. He lost me years ago and if he wants to come out from behind his alias and go toe to toe with me, well that will be just fine with me (hey David).
If he is saying that he gave me Purple Haze and it was crap, Well that's true. If he is saying that his lime green Haze was crap , well that's true too. If he is saying that he gave me a Haze cutting, well to be honest, I can't remember, but if he did it was crap. I seem to recall that he entered his lime Haze in a Cup, if he did he got his arse kicked.
The Haze seeds I got from Sam were grown in America in 69/70.

Seed bank description below

Northern Lights #5 x Haze F-1 Hybrid
Due to tremendous customer demand, we have spent years searching for a superb Sativa/Indica hybrid that is suited for indoor growing, but still retains the unique Saliva qualities in the high. The Haze x NL#5 hybrid is the result of this search.

Haze is a late Sativa from America, widely agreed by experts to be the best pot in the world. Very popular in the 70’s, it nearly became extinct in recent years as as growers switched to easier varieties. We managed to salvage a few viable seeds from the last crop grown in the US, and we have used them to prooduce this remarkable hybrid

Nevil also told different verison of his Haze Origins, Soo let's not forget this example here.

1969 or 1981 ???

It was seeds in a baggie that said 69 (not 1969). Three popped, two males used in breeding and one girl that wasn't. Everything else is mud.

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
Sam had challenged me stating I couldn’t have had Haze to tend in Santa Cruz county…Corralitos specifically… cause no one else had it…bs…. could line up the folks still alive that can swear by ….was a good alternative to the infamous RKS…as highs at opposite ends of spectrum ….
ganj on….


Well-known member
yo bh…with those dates associated with… hard to believe wasn’t bastardized by across the pond crew that typically figured they could improve upon American so called hay….
from haze experienced in 70’s …
ganj on…
Respect OG

Always a pleasure to hear from you

Historical Fact checks that can only be done by VERY few who've had the true experience of Yesteryear. It's a blessing to have you here to share your Experiences and the details of the past

Im curious of your specific thoughts
What dates exactly do you refer to ?

I believe All the Haze was bastardized by the Dutch after Sams shared the Initial stock at some point. Soo later years phenos were very different to early releases such as TFD etc



"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
Didn’t Sam say he had batches with Thai and South Indian and some didn’t ? If nevil got a batch that had the Thai and Indian I can see where the incense smells would be increased from the Indian .. I kno there’s Thai in it for sure I just think the Indian part is vastly overlooked or discussed people seem fixated on Thai

I grew ace thai and grown a few hazes and the one of the distinct smells from haze is Thai my best Thai chi smelled like haze minus a little pine


Well-known member
Sam had challenged me stating I couldn’t have had Haze to tend in Santa Cruz county…Corralitos specifically… cause no one else had it…bs…. could line up the folks still alive that can swear by ….was a good alternative to the infamous RKS…as highs at opposite ends of spectrum ….
ganj on….

First I've heard , I didnt think anyone doubted your connection to the Haze . I recall that historical poster or sticker from you of the Surfer boy

Do you know Grandaddy Mike or anyone in that circle ?

I know who are the 3 Haze brothers originally from NJ . I've spoke with 2of them, the eldest past not long ago. Which is why it's a blessing when these stories are shared or passed down

Most people in life prefer to doubt or make a fantasy movie out of a Simple story

The High times article by R of the Haze brothers told the Origins before ICMAG was born . Super short. It sounds fantasy but was the solid 💯 Truth

The Surfer boy aka G was the first to plant the magic bean. Purple Haze begun since it's inception and the 3 brothers were coneuesuer from back East

There is several cats still around who were part of it . Someone of the community not IC was gifted OHaze seeds from G

I pray they can put it in the right hands for germo plasma or whatever technique the smart guys are doing 🙏


Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
I knew of two sources… one locally in Watsonville/Rick @ 75/z who we finally got seed from to tend… and 2brothers from Boulder Creek who I met through older kin…they were both very tight with and don’t even ask for seed… but quick to sell at 90/z …and back then that was high $…