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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze



i think thats NEVILLE my friend, all i know is the vietnam - cambodian mj was akin to HAZE in its mind effects. ever seen a 6' hanging bud, seedless. in the swamps of cambodia. never knew that much on haze as i did not like the effects. good luck


Well-known member
Remember I suggest real Original Haze for breeding, not commercial crops, ....Just try and cross the best you find X your favorite varieties, and you will find lots of keepers.

So that's pretty explicit; haze hybrids are better for the consumers, original haze is better for the breeders..

That is my favorite use for O Haze, to make incredible hybrids often better then either parent. With any luck you will see what I mean.

But everyone wants the Original Haze.

I have suggested many times that Original Haze is "breeding material" not great commercial growing materials, but you seem to only notice what you want to notice.


All my best Original Hazes orver the years were late maturing not early.

So if the Original Haze is often stronger or better when combined to other strains, and if the longer flowering Original Haze is better than the short; perhaps we better lobby Sam to cross it to our favourite Kush, Chemdog or Sour Diesel, rather than selecting early flowering 'Original Haze'??

you may be lucky and find a real keeper for production, but the odds are low.


Well-known member
Yes Purple Original haze was absolutely a reality. It was around for more then a decade in the late 60's , 70's, and from then on in the form of hybrids. It came in silver, blue, reddish, as well as purple, and almost black. I grew, smoked, saw them all. They were real.

Purple Haze was Original Haze with Columbian bloodlines.

Purple OT Hz from Charlie Garcia

Using seeds from their favorite imported smoke, the Haze brothers came out with “Purple Haze’ “Golden Haze”

So the Original Haze was Punto Rojo?

It was not purple Colombian, it was Original Haze with Colombian bloodlines.

Ah, so Punto Rojo x what? “Golden Haze” - Oaxacan or Santa Marta de Oro?

It had several Colombian lines like Santa Marta Gold, Wacky weed.

To be honest the purple Hazes were maybe stronger but not as clear or as up and high. I liked the lime greens with maybe a bit of Thai blood.

There you go big herb, you can cross some Thai with your Punto Rojo x Oaxacan, to give it clarity, something like Charlie Garcia did with Destroyer...

The Original Hazes never did have much hermis, maybe the Haze with Thai bloodlines had a few. We just never used hermis for breeding period.
They also traditionally gave 60-70 % the plants female, the sex ratio was not 50/50.

Wild Sativas and Sativas cultivated for for sinsemilla like Thai have hermi problems, old time Colombian and mexican of the highest quality did not have hermi problems like you talk about.

To find 78 Thai seeds is a lot. I remember back in the 70's going through Kilo after kilo drying the sticks in the sun to be able to sieve the sticks and get the seeds, I was lucky to find one or two seeds per kilo of very top notch Thai sticks. The sticks then had buds with no leaf, no seeds, and so much resin the sticks would pass the italian test, throw a stick agaist the wall and make it stick.


Well-known member
It is absurd that neville said he got 1969 O Haze seeds from the Haze Bros.

I read back on the early pages of this thread with regret that Sam had to answer this sorry line of questioning. Perhaps when Neville opened the bag labelled #69 and thought, this must be from 1969, he was in fact opening a bag from a particular plant numbered #69, #70 etc.

We realise however, that #69 is an apt number for what Nev and Sam subsequently did to each other :)

Take the Haze brothers. For four years they’ve been captivating American potheads with what they brazenly declare to be the “finest pot grown anywhere on earth.”

So commercially it all began in 1976.

Haze Hybrids that mostly used my Original Haze as a parent, directly or through a Haze Hybrid based on my Haze genetics available from 1976 from me.

And then everything folded early in the 80s

the main Haze Brother, R was gone, retired in Mexico by 82 he did not come back for 10 years. He was the one that created O Haze. The second Haze Brother J ... lived a few hundred meters from my house until he departed to Mexico.

Both went to Mexico. R said the subtropical climate was the best in the world for cannabis cultivation. The haze story became famous cos he could relax and write....

Or not...

i also was privileged to grow it in the 70's under the guidance of one of the masters of the time. unless you have actually grown it and smoked it
you should all be wary of commenting on it.

it provided an effect that i have not seen in any of todays mighty strains.
i live in the bay area and have tried them all. they are great, but do not
produce the same effect.

today i will be meeting one of the original haze heads, and am going to try and find out more about where it originated. when i was growing it in the 70s
i was not allowed to ever bred or produce seeds, that was part of the deal.
back then it was all about trust, and i obeyed the rules, hence i have no seeds.
unless you grew it and experienced it you can't understand it. it was truly unlike any thing i have used since. the combination of the taste and effect were very special. hopefully all the great breeders out there will come up with something as special.

the haze was like smoking candy, made you giddy, happy, creative and food tasted like you'd never eaten before. there was no paranoia or couch lock, it was heavenly.

Truth is most of us experienced something like that when we were young and flushed full of serotonin and other endorphins. Then as you get older and the endogenous opioids are exhausted, none of us can find those same cathartic highs from our youth. Tis only natural. Look at the Kush craze. They're having themselves teenage epiphanies on indica!!


who were the HAZE brothers? another CANNABIS MYTH! as the old breeders grow older or more senile in some cases; its hard to get to the truth. i been researching LBO's and hybrids for 40 years and have to laugh at who knows what and where a certain strain originated. i have magazine articles going back from before the computer and many differ in story from back then to now.

sam the skunkman knows the true story of the skunk. how else would we have the jack herer and therefore the jock horror which i bred into blue horror. hehehe


Well-known member
If you weren't here you really don't know how it was then in S.C.
I met R.L. in the early 70's and shared a log with him and as you said he was pretty cocky.
After smoking a thai x afghani x punta roja joint he got a bit quiet.

Sounds like the Afghans went into the mix early. By the time "R" wrote about the taste test in 1980, hashplant was the standout! and the purple hazes were well past their prime.


Well-known member
Do you think we can infer Raco, by the preponderance of purple hues in Tom's Haze, that his stock more likely comes from the early Punto Rojo crosses, rather than the later Thai ones?


Well-known member
Not. Punto Rojo means red tip, which accounts for the sangre de morada in the early crosses.


happy holidays brother

I much to tired to answer all your interesting post but its clear you been smoking some of those great sativas probably abit of MM.

Id like to point out your quote above was not a post from me an im not sure how or why you put my name to the post

This is just part of the post from bluebeard i beleiev post #154

Yep, the red sap is supposedly why the Colombians called it Punto Rojo, and have seen it in the finer more pure leaning Punto Rojo's so I think it could be true. Possibly a sign, that perhaps a few different types of colombians were used by the bros in the haze's creation

I think its great you sparaked this thread again ,i would have loved to have had this discussion in my origins of haze thread but im sure ,your hopin to get Sams involved in this convo .Although i dont think it will happen



Well-known member
Do you think we can infer Raco, by the preponderance of purple hues in Tom's Haze, that his stock more likely comes from the early Punto Rojo crosses, rather than the later Thai ones?

Hazy Lady said:
Hey, you know that smell?, Tom Hill calls 'metal shop', I call it an 'oil' smell, my older brother was sniffing around my grow and said it reminded him of when we were kids and could buy Sarsapirella cordial by the pint, when I smelled a couple I had to agree, it really took me back, If I hadn't forgot all about the drink I would have made the connection ages ago, while I was looking for some online I read that Sarsapirella is known in the US as Root Beer!

The root beer aroma of the Purple Haze was said to be present in the first backcross of "G's" Punto Rojo in 69 or 70.

bigherb said:
During the next year the seeds produced the four varieties. I was given a description by Sams of “fruity``, “sour``,“rootbeer``,“cola``,“chocolate`` and “hashy``. Later, a more accurate description of each variety was given. The first being Magenta, which those in the inner-circle knew as the “Rootbeer pheno``, and the rest of the world knew as “purple haze``


Well-known member
The root beer aroma of the Purple Haze was said to be present in the first backcross of "G's" Punto Rojo in 69 or 70.

You have some interesting quotes in here id like to touch on ,but not at the moment

Id appreciate since your active here if you can respond to my post # 1050

Good point on the Rootbeer trait

The is very interesting as hazylady had brough this to my attention long ago an ive made this a point .That this trait is present in tom hill haze aswell as other colombian traits such as sandlewood incense but SHHHH he doest like when i mention that :) .The Thai traits in his haze line have been reported by Tom aswell as others .but it seem that this new batch has brought about the colombian traits .Incense has been reported by quite a few of the recnt growers of the line

Im not sure if the longed inbreeding or further stabilizing has brought about some of the original traits of haze it be interesting to hear thoughts on that



Well-known member
Hi bigherb, as you can see I quoted you correctly, though due to the inept quoting mechanism we are taken to another post. Yours is #795

Yep, the red sap is supposedly why the Colombians called it Punto Rojo, and have seen it in the finer more pure leaning Punto Rojo's so I think it could be true. Possibly a sign, that perhaps a few different types of colombians were used by the bros in the haze's creation.

Sam, what do you feel the Colombians that the Haze bros used were like? Were they longer flowering than the Thais and Indians? Have you come across any hazes which went for ten to thirteen months or more of long nights in the populations you grew, or plants which reached floral maturity and went back into vegetative growth without any change in light cycle? If so, what part of the pedigree did you feel these lean towards?

quoted from bluebeard

som very interesting insight to ponder on from bluebeard and no response to this question ,this guy was a wealth of knowledge i miss his presence

its more interesting now with the rewritten history of ohaze



the pure purple sativa that i've kept for 30 years (my avatar) i always thought it had a dr. pepper smell but it could be root beer too; really notice it in late flower.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
this trait is present in tom hill haze aswell as other colombian traits such as sandlewood incense but SHHHH he doest like when i mention that :)

That's because I know the line better than any of them, and I know the uptown frankies too... Now go and find just one of them that know both, and ask that person if they are even in the same ballpark, answer,, hell no. They are just searching for a description to a very complex terpene profile and regurgitating what they've read online. If you grew out a hundred, you'd agree. But I'll be quite about it, let's not let the truth get in the way of your research...


i've grown the jack herer cut gifted to me by the man; jack herer and it takes 16 weeks to fully flower. i crossed it to NL to get the jock and then to B/B sativa = blue jock. i think sam created it; jack herer, am i right?