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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Well-known member
Did you put anything to that fine ass lady?
Yes, the OH#7 male from the original seeds Mac sent, he was one of two best guys in the selection based on smoke test, stem rub and structure.


Well-known member
20+ females since 2020. Given the high female-to-male ratio (4:1) of Original Haze, that means 5+ males over 5 years. Or, if we assume a 2:1 ratio, that's about 2 males per year.

Plenty of time for fancy male smoking.

And this is what he thinks of my breeding and the 10 years spent keeping clones for the Golli OH.

I dont care that you want to be fancy with it and call it 10 years of progeny testing and keeping clones. Its still "F2"


Well-known member
Johnny Chicago

Great to see you posting here again

NY saying it is what it is , please light up that church and spread your wisdom

I've not been asked to grow anything by anyone

There is no breeder who ever sent me Original Haze seeds . I've never been gifted Original Haze seed stock or clone from a breeder or preservationist . Ojd is the exception he kindly gifted his Haze hybrids of his ⛪️ offerings

Much Respect 🙏


I was referring to the expert who mentioned that only the best-yielding females were sent to Pro Seed by MadMac. He also suggested that you try other seeds to get a broader spectrum of Haze genetics.

I’m curious what other seeds were meant?

If MadMac’s seeds were from an open pollination of Golli's and my seeds, the genetics are as follows:

Golli OH (fruity type) 30% x Seedsman Incense 30% x Seedsman Metal 30% x 4 seeds from original Seedsman.

There should be no seeds with a broader spectrum of genetics from Golli and me.

I'm interested to know are you releasing any of your Haze work Johnny ?

Recent reports lead me to believe soo . Spread the word please. Because I'm extremely interested


I had been working on a project that I wanted to release last summer, along with all my other work, but due to personal reasons, I wasn’t able to. Now, I've lost the motivation.

Maybe one day you'll hear about it. Time will tell.
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Well-known member
Hi folks,
This seems to be the maybe the best thread to ask this question.

I'm interested in having a go at some long flowering hazes, what breeder/bank would be a good place to start and grab a pack of regs?

Edit - to make it easier to answer... If you had to only own 1 pack of haze beans that are available right now... Which would you choose???

(I'm UK if that helps too).

Cheers! :tiphat:
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Active member
Hi folks,
This seems to be the maybe the best thread to ask this question.

I'm interested in having a go at some long flowering hazes, what breeder/bank would be a good place to start and grab a pack of regs?

Edit - to make it easier to answer... If you had to only own 1 pack of haze beans that are available right now... Which would you choose???

(I'm UK if that helps too).

Cheers! :tiphat:
Seems like no one wants to light the match in a room full of dynamite 🤣
But i would like to know too.


far beyond driven...
back from the master....
should say many many thx for all the good wishes and hello's ... ❤️
he is fine so far but needs oxygen all time...
but his sense of humour is still the same and that is wonderful :)
this visit was really all about seeing and talking... like visit a friend...
and we had a very good time... man i'll still missed so much info's about breeding
but this time we did not smoke the best resin all time... i'll remember all topics we covered.. hehe
did not ask all questions i#ll had prepared but the important are covered...
to da Haze...
first he had 10 girl and 10 males where all seeds are made from ...
later he reduced... and the last OHz seeds he made where done with the best girl and the best male only...
at moment he grow's the Thunk behind his window... it's more thai dominant he has this year...
Thunk was born with idea to shorten the flower time but get bigger yields and keep the uplifting high...
it's made of the best Thai he found and one of his haze dudes... the best from the offspring got crossed with his Skunk#1 male he kept all the time... Thai/Haze x Sk#1 ... damn need to check that out as well and the Thai x Haze too ... well talked really more about breeding and how to improve the haze... in autumn i'll go back with flowers than to check out... after seeing those mouthwatering macro pictures... where are the flowers... -> i'll could not resist 😙... sure Mac ... next visit bring some with you... ! haha


some very old Sacred Seeds packaging and info i'll got for my archive...

conclusion after being back
i'm on the right path with the breeding...
more to come... Thunk ?!
thx all


far beyond driven...
If you had to only own 1 pack of haze beans that are available right now... Which would you choose???
Seems like no one wants to light the match in a room full of dynamite 🤣
🤣 👍🏻
ahh maybe i'm the wrong to answer this...
but let make it clear for all that are new to da haze...
it's damn not easy to finish one proper...
1. you need a cool place... over 26°C and they shoot
2. good soil ... light mix with less N -> N makes them shoot too... they don't need much really
3. strong light
4. flower from a cut
5. patient

well i'll would go with the Original Haze ... if only one time and only one chance... than would get S1's
get hazed' ... it's time now
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Well-known member
🤣 👍🏻
ahh maybe i'm the wrong to answer this...
but let make it clear for all that are new to da haze...
it's damn not easy to finish one proper...
1. you need a cool place... over 26°C and they shoot
2. good soil ... light mix with less N -> N makes them shoot too... they don't need much really
3. strong light
4. flower from a cut
5. patient

well i'll would go with the Original Haze ... if only one time and only one chance... than would get S1's
get hazed' ... it's time now
Thanks Mac!

Good tips there to get me started on them long flowering hazes.

I ran Positronics One Love Haze recently but it was not what I was looking for.

Cheers dude, I'll go mooching for some Original Haze when I get 10 mins.
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Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch

I grew a thunk cut for twelve years, flowered 14-16 weeks on average.

Micro style under 165W PPL.

Lost that thunk cut years ago. Still hold some cobb and hash yield.

Made a few crosses with assorted genetics along the way, whose seeds I still hold.
Those crosses were a mixed bag with cat piss, root beer, lime, and the cracked pepper

I have some thoughts about the experience I've had and would like to share them here with permission.

Will be popping seeds of said crosses this season.


Well-known member

I grew a thunk cut for twelve years, flowered 14-16 weeks on average.

Micro style under 165W PPL.

Lost that thunk cut years ago. Still hold some cobb and hash yield.

Made a few crosses with assorted genetics along the way, whose seeds I still hold.
Those crosses were a mixed bag with cat piss, root beer, lime, and the cracked pepper

I have some thoughts about the experience I've had and would like to share them here with permission.

Will be popping seeds of said crosses this season.
I remember your old grows of that Thunk, looked great even done under such a small light.
Please do share, Im sure there are others interested as well.
I think I have a pack of Thunk in the fridge too, would love to get into it one day..


Buenas,perdón por entrar al post y escribir en español pero mi inglés no es muy bueno.Tengo que utilizar el traductor para entendernos más o menos. El caso es que soy un fan de la haze desde hace años y ahora mismo estoy intentando una reproducción de thunk que hize hace años y que creía que ya no germinarían pero han germinado y me he alegrado mucho de encontrar la información de la genética exacta de esta planta y de ver que todavía quedan haze adictos yo la mejor que provee por efectos fue la de tfd pre 2000,una lastima que ya no existan desde que sensi compro a flyn duchmen.un saludo a todos los haze lovers.