far beyond driven...
dear haze brothers(and I really dont mean those Nevil´s trolls). I have to share my recent experience with you bros. I was doing some work around and with hazes I got from Mac(if you look to his album he calls it simply Sam´s haze). they are at ten weeks of flowering from seed. I was like WTF! I got that corona shit hehe. I had mild headache and my stomach was like on the water, mild nausea. no fever though later I figured out that I didn't feel well because.. drums.. I inhaled too much of haze smell! it is reeking by wet pissy basement, sandalwood and incense!!! so loud! amazing and incredible. only MAD RESPECT to Mr. MAD Mac... thanks!!! in this regard I state that Nevil´s hybrids will be forgotten soon, but this original haze will stay as great breeding tool around here for long time. incredible strong odor! - little of funny definition: "Odor perception is a complex process involving the central nervous system and can evoke psychological and physiological responses. Because the olfactory signal terminates in or near the amygdala, odors are strongly linked to memories and can evoke emotions." hahahaha
what a nice review
thank you my friend for da flowers...
lot's of work... but it was worth the ride...
the first repro was to safe the genetics...
the second was to make it something...
took me some time to find the girl's and boy's...
but i'll see now the outcome...
and that makes me really happy...
but be warned...
it makes addicted...
and if you don't control...
you maybe end like me...
all the best