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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


DEA Agent
Premium user
In your attempt to bully Hempy you just exposed the racist prick that you are. Comprehension is low when one has parents that speak another language? Because what you wrote can easily be understood as such. I think you meant to say his parents did not speak English, but again, ignorant racist prick talk. I think Hempy is from the same part of the world that my family originate from. Are you by ethnic origin Australian? Didnt think so. So hows your Aboriginal Language skills?

In your attempt to flame Hempy, you disrespect any person with parents who arent native English speakers. Was that your aim? And just because you CAN say something doesnt mean your pea sized brain SHOULD let it leak from your gob!

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Well-known member
hi bro, very nice! I still like to read you smoke report on THH. I think it fits here just right. :D hehe

hey man,

thanks, yeah this plant was pure magic, I miss the high and herbal metallic smell on her very much! After some cure, it got really fucking strong, everybody was so careful when smoking this one xD. It was the thai pheno.


Well-known member
Any pics of your fasciated male? No problem if he is not flat on the pics.

And good luck and patience with your Hazes :)
Are you giving them 12h light a day or less?

I actually smoke tested the tips on this male, surprisingly strong flavor and very clear and focused high, good potency even from the tips. I will bring some pics after he grows a bit.

They are on 11/13 from the start and think they would benefit even from shorter period maybe. They flower so..very..slowly :) Thanks!

Donald Mallard

el duck
In your attempt to bully Hempy you just exposed the racist prick that you are. Comprehension is low when one has parents that speak another language? Because what you wrote can easily be understood as such. I think you meant to say his parents did not speak English, but again, ignorant racist prick talk. I think Hempy is from the same part of the world that my family originate from. Are you by ethnic origin Australian? Didnt think so. So hows your Aboriginal Language skills?

In your attempt to flame Hempy, you disrespect any person with parents who arent native English speakers. Was that your aim? And just because you CAN say something doesnt mean your pea sized brain SHOULD let it leak from your gob!
get a life you fool ,
you have no idea at all ,
ignorant racist my ass ,

go troll someone else in another thread somewhere man and get out of my face ....

your post has nothing to do with the thread , keep it to yourself ,

btw my native australian language skills are just fine,(you probably dont know how many we have here)

id say id know more words of the local dialect than the average aussie by a darn long shot since i spend time with elders on a regular basis and take an interest in their culture, something a racist prick wouldnt do ,, i bet hempy doesnt ... lol ..


Active member
No they are not Donald (native Australian language skills), its arse is Australia, not donkey (ass)

lol sorry couldn't help meself there, carry on


Well-known member
@ yesum. I think the Reason why the Legendary old Strains tasted different could well be your Lighting, probably more than Soil. If you look at spectrum-analysis, you will see, that none of the common Lamps produces Spectrum like Sun. Or if you outdoorgrower and you are at more northern Latitude, sun will be weaker.

If i look at Landrace-creation, i could imagine that Nature guided Landrace-style. If i then think that non-native selection might vastly change a Genetic, we come to the Idea that: like you said: Soil, probably even more Light changes Expression, and probably pretty fast.
Again, nature might guided LAndrace-style. I never heard of a Africanstyle Landrace in SEAsia, never heard of a Columbian exotc Rush in SEAsia. Never heard of that seriouse-type SEAsian in Columbia.

Snowhighs, aswell many collectors Strains might be changed vast, so you may also not gain Incense Taste when growing those in Origin Country.

I hope we find a way to let Genetics unchanged while reproducing them, but im unshure about Dooability, and i am feeling we shouldnt select for a few King-Phenos (in my Oppo), rahter keep a high Percentage Keepers, while still selecting. This alone could be the reason you dont get Incense, if im allowed to loudthink. Said method would come probably closer to Landrace-breeding . If we aim on stabylizing, we probably use a different Approach alltogether as Elders?? We should find out how to maintain LAndrace, or do we know already? As long , the change of Taste is an important Information.

And i have my unprooven Points again, one more Time.. The: "How are Lanraces made"- Points .
Whats behind those Breeds.. My Quest nr1


Well-known member
@ hashmasta

a unatural Light can make the Taste more dark, bit more musty, where Light with full Spectrum (LEP Lamps, or natural-indor-comby) can make it more bright, pronounced.

Im leaning wide out Window when i think a Incense Smell , darkened could fast turn to Chocolate Tabacco, since its a pretty subtile Smell.

My only Tripweed i smoked had Incense smell aswell, it was pretty subtile, i say its not like a Fuelly Gas smell. Gastaste can for shure not change that fast.

I grow lowgen-vietblack sidebyside with strong selected vietblack, the strength of Smell is like a third stronger in Lowgen. I feel even unshure if it same Strain, but everyone agrees, there is basically just one Vietblack-line under Collectors, so i guess Selection changes much (ok this Vietblack is Viet x China, so not exactly A Landrace). I strongly preffere the Lowgen atleast in veg. I say Incense -Taste might vanish.


honey oil addict
I've grown the same plant indoor and outdoor, side by side basically, and the indoor is better stuff, less leafy, nicer overall flavor. They both tasted very similar though, it makes very little difference to genetics what light they get. Organic soil mixes can make weed taste like the shit its grown in though, fairly unpleasant.

Donald Mallard

el duck
I've grown the same plant indoor and outdoor, side by side basically, and the indoor is better stuff, less leafy, nicer overall flavor. They both tasted very similar though, it makes very little difference to genetics what light they get. Organic soil mixes can make weed taste like the shit its grown in though, fairly unpleasant.
i dont get the same where i live though ,
id say climate plays a big role in the outcome ,
perhaps the light in your growroom is better than your outdoor light??

thats not true here however ...

i would argue the same with soil type to be honest ,
that makes a big difference ,
a crap clay soil vs a nice friable soil is going to definitely show variation..

i use fish , seaweed and chicken shit to grow my plants ,
i never noted them tasting like any of those things ,
id be disappointed if they did , but i never had any complaints about taste ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've grown the same plant indoor and outdoor, side by side basically, and the indoor is better stuff, less leafy, nicer overall flavor. They both tasted very similar though, it makes very little difference to genetics what light they get. Organic soil mixes can make weed taste like the shit its grown in though, fairly unpleasant.

I grow organic or what I call organic, not to the snobs over at organics maybe? Kidding kind of.:flowers2:

No shit taste here. I think really intense light will make the terpenes go wild, so a difference there. Not sure why the incense is completely lacking though, it would be less intense but still there with indoor lights. Right?

Genetics is number one for sure, but great differences in light intensity or spectrum coupled with different soil would effect the phenos that you get, I am sure of that.

The Colombian seeds that were saved were from elite buds and tended to be from early stock, like 1972. The heyday of Colombian was from about '74 to 80 or so in terms of being available. By then it had been diluted with indica and the quality was not so high in general. They had seedless buds of Colombian in the sixties.:hotbounce Rare of course.

Late sixties to early seventies it was on another level. The incense taste or smell may have not even been there at that time. That early Colombian was rare, mostly Mexican and that was mostly average or below average. Satva here clued me in on the early Colombian situation as I was either not smoking or only had Mexican.


honey oil addict
Exactly, I've said this for years, even a poorly grown plant, possibly even really badly grown plant, if its killer genetics, its still gonna be a pretty great high, even if the product is lacking in quality. People often surmise about the roadkill skunk for example, that it needed special soil and manures, stuff like that. Pure bullshit, it grew stinky as fuck in any soil, and even a shitty grown plant still got you stoned as fuck, and tasted super skunky.

To those balking at the concept that organics can affect the flavour sometimes detrimentally well it can. For sure. We grew the skunk for two decades, I know what it tasted like very well. One time a buddy brought me an 1/8th of some skunk(same clone) his buddy grew organically, with steer manure, and no word of a lie, it smelled and tasted like shit! It was so gross, I never thought the skunk bud could smell like that except for that one horrible bag i got. Was really strong in shit smell too, not subtle. It was well grown, buds were nice, but gross smelling. Of course not all organic soil mixes will do this, I am not claiming that, just that strong odors and flavors can come from organic material for sure.


Well-known member
for me the same cut has had a longer lasting effect under the sun than indoors even in soggy ol england ,also had different expressions of same cut under say led to hps or cmh an sunlight nothing huge but noticeable my blue haze has a pronounced creamy vanilla aspect outside thats a lot more subtle inside with the fruit dominating ,,agree with some of the comments above a Thoroughbred always gonna smoke a donkey even on the worst feed possible


Well-known member
Exactly, I've said this for years, even a poorly grown plant, possibly even really badly grown plant, if its killer genetics, its still gonna be a pretty great high, even if the product is lacking in quality. People often surmise about the roadkill skunk for example, that it needed special soil and manures, stuff like that. Pure bullshit, it grew stinky as fuck in any soil, and even a shitty grown plant still got you stoned as fuck, and tasted super skunky.

To those balking at the concept that organics can affect the flavour sometimes detrimentally well it can. For sure. We grew the skunk for two decades, I know what it tasted like very well. One time a buddy brought me an 1/8th of some skunk(same clone) his buddy grew organically, with steer manure, and no word of a lie, it smelled and tasted like shit! It was so gross, I never thought the skunk bud could smell like that except for that one horrible bag i got. Was really strong in shit smell too, not subtle. It was well grown, buds were nice, but gross smelling. Of course not all organic soil mixes will do this, I am not claiming that, just that strong odors and flavors can come from organic material for sure.

ive seen plenty of different kkinds of shit added to soils never tasted it maybe your friend just dropped that bud in some lol

Nico Farmer

Authentic Strains Farm
Soil and light don't effect genetics as much as you might think. Hardly at all really.

In a way you are right but in addition with others factors like growers, wind, rain, nutes, etc... differences are produced.
It is the "terroir" (grower + cultivar + climate + soil).

About your indoor/outdoor grows, there are not big effects cause lot of conditions are the same like your grower's skills, the way you dry, cure, etc...

But the same cut, cultivated in another area and climates (valley, mountain, desert, oceanic,...) with different growers, and all that that entails as multiple variations, will create another terroir whose will affect the final product's smell, flavor, effect, terps and others compounds with more or less influence.


Well-known member
I was meaning the incense trait. Not the high or the flavor in general. If the incense trait is there in a Haze. It is there.
If you need the right environment for the incense trait to express, then we are not speaking of the same thing or it is not dominant enough.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Exactly, I've said this for years, even a poorly grown plant, possibly even really badly grown plant, if its killer genetics, its still gonna be a pretty great high, even if the product is lacking in quality. People often surmise about the roadkill skunk for example, that it needed special soil and manures, stuff like that. Pure bullshit, it grew stinky as fuck in any soil, and even a shitty grown plant still got you stoned as fuck, and tasted super skunky.

To those balking at the concept that organics can affect the flavour sometimes detrimentally well it can. For sure. We grew the skunk for two decades, I know what it tasted like very well. One time a buddy brought me an 1/8th of some skunk(same clone) his buddy grew organically, with steer manure, and no word of a lie, it smelled and tasted like shit! It was so gross, I never thought the skunk bud could smell like that except for that one horrible bag i got. Was really strong in shit smell too, not subtle. It was well grown, buds were nice, but gross smelling. Of course not all organic soil mixes will do this, I am not claiming that, just that strong odors and flavors can come from organic material for sure.

Yes it’s true ...I knew a farmer once ...he used cow shit fertilizer .. his buds smelled like cow shit ... go figure that out ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Exactly, I've said this for years, even a poorly grown plant, possibly even really badly grown plant, if its killer genetics, its still gonna be a pretty great high, even if the product is lacking in quality. People often surmise about the roadkill skunk for example, that it needed special soil and manures, stuff like that. Pure bullshit, it grew stinky as fuck in any soil, and even a shitty grown plant still got you stoned as fuck, and tasted super skunky.

To those balking at the concept that organics can affect the flavour sometimes detrimentally well it can. For sure. We grew the skunk for two decades, I know what it tasted like very well. One time a buddy brought me an 1/8th of some skunk(same clone) his buddy grew organically, with steer manure, and no word of a lie, it smelled and tasted like shit! It was so gross, I never thought the skunk bud could smell like that except for that one horrible bag i got. Was really strong in shit smell too, not subtle. It was well grown, buds were nice, but gross smelling. Of course not all organic soil mixes will do this, I am not claiming that, just that strong odors and flavors can come from organic material for sure.
thats not quite what you said though ,
you said lighting and soil made no difference ,
but it really does ,

for instance , you take that tom hills haze you complained didnt do well outdoor at your place and stick it at my place and you have a completely different animal ,
i agree good genetics produce a superior product to poor genetics , this goes without saying , but to get the very best from something , to allow it to perform as well as it can , you need to give it what it wants to thrive ...

climate , environment absolutely affects the outcome ,
particularly with sativas , give them poor lighting and you dont get near as good a product ...

ive seen plenty of different kkinds of shit added to soils never tasted it maybe your friend just dropped that bud in some lol
ive had the same experience ,,
the fish/kelp i use has a very strong odor ,
the chicken shit and pelleted chicken shit also has a very strong odor , particularly when wet

but the plants have never taken up the smell ,
not a sign of it , they smell like cannabis every time,
maybe if added late in flower , or as u mention dipped in it ... lol ..

peoples experiences vary ,
but when things are done properly , the outcome is usually good ,
not everyone does things properly ...

personally i dont think id be up for any bullshit bud ,, lol ..

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