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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Perhaps it was laced with LSD or PCP?

You'd have to be pretty naive to think there's is 6 hour trip weed going about and no one bothered to save a cut.

Just saying',


PCP aka Angel dust can be smoked .
Shrooms or LSD I don`t think so .

I have overdosed on weed numerous times . Never once thought it was like psychedelics .

One time I invited a guy from the pub home for a smoke .
He had two bongs of leaf then jumped out of his chair and started talkin to God . Is that the kinda trippin we are relating to ?


The Haze Whisperer
There is a thread in icmag called The Search For Trip Weed it has Almost a million vuies and 4676 posts in it i am wondering have ethir of you gone in and accuse the Author of that post or the people posting in that Post that they are full of Shit or that just reserved for me ?.

Trolling people is against Icmag tor free tip.


Well-known member
Dunno what kinda acid you guys are takin , but it can`t be the good stuff if weed is just as strong .

How long was it between smokes when you had this LSD experience from ganja ?
Low tolerance then a fattie might get freaky , but trippin like LSD I find very hard to believe .

Trust me I wouldn’t believe it unless I’d seen it. I’ve done paper and liquid, and the C13 was like being on liquid for a couple of hours(?). I’m not really sure how long it lasted...you know how time slips when your tripping. Trip weed is definitely out there but I suspect the effects depend on several factors like delivery, dosage, tolerance, location, and the right blend of cannabinoids/receptors. Found a plant in SSH that, for me, was like Adderall. Wish I still had that cut for sure. Again, it’s out there somewhere. Ever try Salvia?


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Well different strokes for different folks I spose .

Tolerance can make ho hum weed seem omnipotent . Set and setting too .
But as strong as acid I still find it hard to believe .


The Haze Whisperer
British Hempire"wow, what a smoke, very very potent, all in the head, a clear, electric, euphoric racing high, I'm a very experienced, hardcore smoker, I smoke all day every day yet this stuff had me higher that I think I've ever been before and positively messed up my friends who tried some. I took a walk to my friends house, a place I have been many many times and couldn't find it, walked up and down the street looking for the house, then had to ring him on my mobile phone as I got really confused, just awesome stuff. I have been in a satate ot total euphoria on this stuff, makes you talk a lot about mad ideas, sing silly little songs to yourself and wander about looking very baked but grinning insanely, just as close to herbal acid as I've ever experienced, straight to the number one slot on my list of best smokes."

Terpene - "...all I can say is HOLY S***. If you are looking for the terror ridden, thai clarity..." "First two hours were INTENSE, scary to the point anyone who wasn't a seasoned smoker would not want to be high anymore..." "...you see at 2 frames per second and there are a lot of "whoa, how long have I been here...... wait, did that just happen?" moments."

Xinox - "...first time i try it, i just look at the street through the window and i literally bug on it..." "you have some kind of slight stroboscopic effect. Then you feel some waves in your body, like you are carry in a wave. We also try this weed at 5 on my vaporizer and the conclusion of the assembly was clear that this weed is heavy shit..." "The high is strong but also very clear, it's indeed very psychedelic and long lasting. This pheno is almost hallucinatory, with some very visuel kind of effects. I'm quiet sure that this weed could easily paralyze a beiginner."

Dubi - "Zamal has a unique kind of high, it's crazy, psychedelic and out of control, especially i have found extremely powerful and crazy plants crossing zamal with other sats and sat/ind hybrids. It has huge breeding potential to get incredible sativa experiences in the hybrids..." "...with a terrorific electric high. It can produce serious paranoia and anxiety when correctly grown..." "...some phenos produced some of the most powerful sativa high i've ever smoked. A mix between anphetamine and LSD." "It was an overpowering accelerated, psychedelic, disorienting crazy high." "Zamal lemon produced one of the closest experience to LSD i've had smoking cannabis."

VanVulpen – "...added a totally new dimension to the musical experience, and gave me the true meaning of "rollercoaster weed""

DeadM -"...another one was terrorific..many friend after one can't smoke anymore of it ..they were unable to speak and move..."

Chamba – "...it was very intelligent and trippy in a way that I often felt like (if I smoked enough of it) of watching myself from above which gave a new perspective of things..at the same time it took ages to put my shoes on!"

BongHitter99 - "…walking back to my room and WHAM! I’m fucking high now!....electric fiery energy courses through my body…heat felt in chest and face…my hearts pounding hard now, I know im in for a ride....feeling extreme euphoria, almost like I want to love the whole world…this is some serious love weed for sure!...very UPBEAT! And motivating …..clear, no couchlock or heavy body load, ….this shit is great for club hopping, partying, socializing….this high just takes your breath away in awe..."

Unknown Guest - "No doubt the very best weed I smoked in my life was Zamal. It only happened to me a couple of times to find some stash that reminded of zamal's quality in holland. The best weed is the one that was not touched nor fertilized by man during its whole life. When they hear about our HPSs and fertilizers stuff, they laugh a lot."

Laugan Gaucher - I love Haze! I don't like most of powered zamal/haze hybrids. psychotic and hallucinogenic. Like Lsd or psilocybine you can have good time and bad time at the same time."

Mosca Negra - "Gerrit's Zamal is some SUPER FINE SMOKE!!!"

Any good thread has lots of pictures, IMHO, so here are a couple from my first Zamaldelica:

Happy Hunting,



So they full of shit to ?


Well-known member

Just had mushrooms myself hempy. Never really came in waves. Just when I was pulling out of it I'd be tripping, then normal, tripping, normal, tripping, normal again etc. I didn't like that part.

I actually never experienced the weed that comes in waves either. So feel free to help a brother out ...just kidding

What I'm trying to say is sure you can have a trippy experience from weed, usually after smoking some good stuff after a long tolerance break ime, but if you smoke it daily it won't keep getting you there. It won't be no where near as intense or long lasting as shrooms ime. Also not everyone who smokes that trippy weed will experience trippy effects. Mostly a tolerance thing I imagine.


I was watching Once upon a time in hollywood last night and Brad Pitt's character had a cig laced with lsd so just assumed. But overheating and stripping down is a classic symptom of PCP I hear.



Well-known member
Yeah I grew and smoked Zamaldelica and just got trippy effects on three occasions. I smoked about 4oz of it total. It's a nice but mild smoke good for socializing imo. I only experienced the trippy effects after a long tolerance break and testing my limits.



Well-known member
Thanks guys appreciate the respect , We’re way off of the main topic

From Original Haze to Nevil adventures to tripping out

Where will we go next


honey oil addict
"thanks..... so about 4-5 hours later, holly shit #3 is strong..... Like too much = disorientating mushroom trip, close eyes and strobe city, spin some like feel like a damn teenager again shit........ I suspect there will be some scare the shit out of people within this line, some euphoric bliss too, gotta walk up to the edge though and all........... wowzers"

here is a quote from a different forum about a Columbian Durban cross I am gonna test out soon....


The Haze Whisperer

Just had mushrooms myself hempy. Never really came in waves. Just when I was pulling out of it I'd be tripping, then normal, tripping, normal, tripping, normal again etc. I didn't like that part.

I actually never experienced the weed that comes in waves either. So feel free to help a brother out ...just kidding

What I'm trying to say is sure you can have a trippy experience from weed, usually after smoking some good stuff after a long tolerance break ime, but if you smoke it daily it won't keep getting you there. It won't be no where near as intense or long lasting as shrooms ime. Also not everyone who smokes that trippy weed will experience trippy effects. Mostly a tolerance thing I imagine.


Like i said mate there is a whole thread devoted to tripping weed in Icmag we are talking about a type of high not tolerance of set cannabis.

I would assume Dubi is a every day smoker as were others in that post all talking about a LSD psychedelic cannabis high.
There is a whole thread of people talking about electric psychedelic LSD affects from some set cannabis strains.

I have a Thai that has that type of high you cant smoke cannabis like this then expect to be in a social environment were you are the only one high.


The Haze Whisperer
Thanks guys appreciate the respect , We’re way off of the main topic

From Original Haze to Nevil adventures to tripping out

Where will we go next

Happy to stay on topic but confused what that is ?.

BigHerb i wondering did you find the post i posted from the OHaze reproduction project from Todd who is being advised by Sam that has pictures of the selected Female and male used in the reproduction of OHaze helpful ?.

I find it a little odd that again Todd also says Ohaze is not good smoke and needs to be hybridized to a completely different line to bring out its best.

That is 3 people saying that Todd Sam Neville.

Do you think this is an important part to the Ohaze conversation or do you feel this should be completely over looked and ignored ?.


Well-known member
Maybe I should have been clearer in my earlier post, but I'm well aware that Biggie started this thread and why. Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

To be honest, I'm not particularly worried about Biggie or Sam's perference...I'm more concerned about having Nev's info buried in a thread that was originally addressed to Sam and his haze work. Sam and Nev are forever intertwined, but there are others that played a role in helping Nevil do what he did...like NL Greg, The Indian, S. Murphy, Herbie, etc...that are just as important to his legacy...perhaps more so in some ways.

Gotta say I'm glad you agree with having a thread dedicated to Nev, Raho. The only reason I asked this thread's participants what they thought about creating the thread is that I wanted to see how others felt about the idea. No one seems to be against it so far...now we just have to hope Hempy will somehow get the ball rolling in the right direction.

Having all of Nev's info in one place would serve all us well as it would maybe clear up some misconceptions regarding Nevil's life and work. I know I've gotten some things wrong...and it's mostly due to being misinformed/mislead and not thinking objectively about his life and what he did for cannabis in general.


I think it's a GREAT idea amigo :)
Imagine a thread that collects all the great Nev quotes from his time at MNS in one place.
Comments/descriptions/pictures of all the lines he worked and sold: Indicas, skunks, sativas, hashplants, and all the hybrids.

I've been thrilled with the way people have reacted to the Haze Hybrid thread.
Ideally, a thread about Nev's work would turn out like that one did. There is a chance it could get nasty though. We all know the topic of Nevil can bring out some pretty strong emotions in people. People dig in to their positions/assumptions, take sides and peace seems impossible. When it goes that way, nobody enjoys it.
It's a challenge for most of us to pull out of the "death-spiral" when neither side is listening anymore and yelling louder about the thing they "know" they are right about :)
Do you think it's naive to believe people would care enough about making something special in "The Nev thread" to avoid those petty feuds?

Thanks for allowing these spin-off thread discussions to spawn here. I think the haze hybrid thread has helped reduce discord here in your thread, and having a new "Nev thread" may help even more.

I might suggest though that you edit the first post in this thread here and state a new goal to better capture what you want it to be now, as it is no longer a thread for questions to Sam about oHaze. It seems like it is just "The oHaze Thread."
Maybe Gypsy would even consider renaming it for you if you wanted him to?
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The Haze Whisperer
So what you guys are saying is we need to stick to the threads title question for sam the skunkman on the original haze.

So only post a Question for Sam and let Sam alone answer it.

So if we want to discuss haze be it Sam's or Sam's seeds Neville used we need to start a new thread .


far beyond driven...
back to Ohhhh-haze

back to Ohhhh-haze

oh endless discussion about the high...

do you have quotes about Sam saying OHz is not good smoke?
don't know Todd but if he did not find a good OHz to smoke
you should better not buy his OHz release when available...
I#m not sure if Nevil said it's not good smoke...
what Sam and Nevil said was it's not good for commercial production!
because of long flowering time and yield...
and there are very low yielding plants in the old OHz release...
but 2 of 10 are amazing and good yielder too...
if you look back (80/90)... nobody could really grow them to perfection indoors...
also in the netherlands it's impossible to finish her in greenhouse too...
without the power of the sun it will not show her real potential...
Yaxu showed us how a Seedsman OHz can finish in proper climate..
and that monster beat's most other pure sativas by yield alone...
indica user will find nothing on OHz and user who like devastating racy weed will also not find what they expect...
the Haze is for the connoisseurs ... not the nerds...
also you need to have the right receptors for it... it's like with every weed...
i only can speak for me...
and it's the best since i'm smoking weed (1988).
all my friend say the same...
plz more and only this...
i'm talking about people with age 40+
the proof is in the pudding ;-)
like we say here...
i've finished also some thai like Ko Chang, Thai Stick, Khmer Gold...
it's all in my albums...

OHz ... my 2 best yielder ... 1st is OHz 90' second Seedsman
the best is ... you need way less to get high...
so @ end i've the double of what you see

not much place left for resin... something to compare that is pure NLD?

Ko Chang x Thai Stick ... call her big berta... great electric high ... but way to short... same flower time as OHz ...

well @ my age only the high counts...
i don't really care about yield...
i'll grow for the high .. not for a perfect yield compared to flower time...
i'll did pure Zamal with over 20 weeks

and all african you can get a hand on...

if you look in my albums you find it all... great plants ... finished all very well... but all lack of one or more features OHz has.
//sry but need to make it in bold.. looks like than you read it ;-)

Predator Haze

low yield but exceptional high!
the fasciated have something special...

it's true with the fasciated... now after a good cure...
damn that she is nearly gone... always the same...
and i've made some rosin...
never experienced this kind of high before...
many thx for all the info's ... really appreciated...!

and again... it's all individual ... some like it hot ... some like it cold...
i like it hazed
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The Haze Whisperer
Hi MadMac i have posted what Sam and Neville and Todd who is doing the Ohaze project had to say about inbreeding Ohaze.

This is what Todd said about smoking OHaze

Original Haze is not the best smoke on its own, but it is magical when you breed it with other plants, as Sam the Skunkman often stated; “Haze makes everything else better”.

Found here https://gramho.com/explore-hashtag/OriginalHaze

If you look back you can find both Sam and Neville's Quotes.

We can debate other points like indoors vs out but it maybe off topic and i dont want to upset bigherb .


Donald Mallard

el duck
id like to give it a go here ,
i definitely prefer strong sativas as you described the ohaze mad mac,
thats my go to weed too ,
i hate when indica gets added and theres that after lag , tiredness , lethargy etc

one of the reasons i really enjoyed the super laos was it smoked like you describe the ohaze ...

also for others , the affects of weed are subjective ,
you may not feel what i do ,

our receptors are different , the way the herb affects us is different ,
i believe people have felt as though they are tripping on weed ,
ive heard many mention it ,
yes their tolerances may be down ,
and possible the first time they have tried that specific profile of herb ,
it may have to do with set and setting ,

but i cant discount their experiences ,
i have felt some similarities with the occasional variety of weed and lsd ,
but not much with hybrids that contain indica , more so with pure sativa ,
some of that shit is downright scary with what it can do to your head ...


I have done tons of LSD and mushrooms to the point of not being able to see in front of me from the visuals many times and the Nevils Haze/Original Haze comes VERY close to 0.5-1g of Psilocybe Cubensis or 25-50micrograms of 98% pure LSD crystal. I definitely think there are psychedelic qualities to Nevils Haze and Original Haze. I did think the Nevils is stronger than the original haze cut I tried but I thought the original haze was clearer but they were similar. I am sure someday science will prove it that these strains have affinity to the 5ht2x serotonin receptors. The original Haze I smoked circulated in the BC, Canada area as a clone in the dispensaries , a selection from old Seedsman stock.

I am pretty sure Nevil said the best weed he tried was pure Haze , like the HazeB x HazeC and the HazeC reversed. So I dont agree that pure haze is not good in its own. He did mention though that the Haze lacked bottom. He described it, in music terms , as it there was too much treble and no bass at all. The 25% NL5 brings the base to the the haze high. I completely agree 100%.

Anyone who has smoked the Original Haze and the pure haze Nevils haze phenos understands that. Now whether you like it or not , its a different conversation.

Yassou Hempy, Hi Donald Hi MadMac!
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Well-known member
don't know Todd but if he did not find a good OHz to smoke
you should better not buy his OHz release when available...

It is just marketing to encourage "breeders" to pre-order untested seeds and at the same time he is promoting the XX Original Haze crosses he will be releasing.

"This is a more narrow leaflet example of #OriginalHaze - From plant to plant there is a lot of variation of tropical and equatorial qualities." #notCGI #lol #AuthenticGenetics


This is a more narrow leaflet out of Seedsman's Haze that had been posted by someone else.
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Well-known member
had some lsd new years eve certainly refreshed my insight into what i regard as trippy qualaties in weed ,had not taken it for over 25 years and after that amount of time you cannot be sure if your romaticing the effects etc i was reassured by the experiance that my judgement still in tact i dont even think mild trippy effects are that hard to find its the blast off rocket ride scary ones i find elusive the kind you cannot continue smoking for a while after one joint lol

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