Who needs a fuggin' AC or heater when you can liquid chill/heat?
Haha, definitely a bit outside my budget...for now!
Who needs a fuggin' AC or heater when you can liquid chill/heat?
So I might have an extra room in my house next year and a real good job lined up... who knows what it might lead to
Sealed, Co2'ed, 5400 watt room with all the specifics?
You already know I'm down G_T! Hehe :friends: growin good kind in the 5 - 0 - 9 ;-)
We gotta work on that name tho lol
hey mash this my ax10 as it sits now im trying to figure out a chassis to build got any ideas? also there is my lil rc18T, that little shit will go over 90mph actual NOT SCALE speed
and i remember you saying you cant take em apart with out destructions, this was a maintenance venture