Yeah thats what i really want to find but they're not common so im going to make some F3's with all of the females as back up incase i dont find the grape dark purple phenos cause i dont want to lose this strain no matter what, the other phenos are still really good too.
I definitely feel that, but hey, here's to hoping you find those grape ones. I'll be watching. Who knows - if you find the right pheno and strain it out, those seeds would be worth somethin' to some folks.
Its looks like i have 3 males & 3 females two of the most vigorous were males & one was a female also to my surprise the shortest stockiest one was a male. The shortest male reminds me a lot of the Urkle that i used so i will hold onto it with the others. I also took 2 clones from each female just in case i like the outcome of one.
whats good people?....So they are 2 weeks into flower not much to look at yet the most vigorous pheno #4 is close to 2ft tall & bushing out while the other 2 are more squat pole type & a lot less stretch. Its getting cold here now around 65F in the tent & they are looking a little light on the younger leaves so i started feeding them some Silica Blast this is the first time i've tried using it. I also removed a few big fan leaves so the light can get to the branches below & the plants won't be so crowded. I also have 2 more seedlings in veg a few weeks old but wont post those until they start to look decent.
I made it back for an update
week 4 flower starting to get a little frosty & just starting to stack, i'm starting to get grapey scents from the flowers.
The number four grows like the sunset sherb cut I just received,bushy at the bottom stretchy at the top haven’t flowered her yet to authenticate her but def similar,I hope that’s some grape gas @icon cheers!