Hempy McNoodle
Well-known member
There's lots of pure afghanis out there. But, it sounds like you are looking for what is often referred to as 'pre-soviet' afghani. What I have may or may not be pre soviet. But, look at it this way, you can try to get a pre-soviet such as Maple Leaf Indica or one of those old lines such as Cider Kush or whatever its called. But, these are many generations removed and also their purity is fairly questionable because in the end, all you have is trust to go off of. Or, you can find a modern line from Real Seed Co that has a lower probability of hybridization. That might be your 'truest' afghani. I mean, it is straight from Afghanistan. You might wanna just get a bag of their Afghan mix and have fun. In afghanistan they mix their seeds together generally anyway, so any locality probably is enriched with genetics from all around the region to some extent, I would think. Maybe try their afghan mix, their kandahar to get plants from northern afghanistan and southern.Happy Hogmanay! Have you ever tested your plants for cbd? I miss the effects of Afghani but had given up on finding pure seeds so got quite excited about this one, hopefully it’s uncontaminated and still has the effects that I miss.