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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
Really depends on your enlightenment quality aka how much in er work you have done

The shipibo shamans we worked with take it upward of 300 x or more a year

I dieted bobinsina as a part of the medicine. And basically fasted for 33 days. With the exception of maybe an egg or a bit of fish at night.

P.s. these are traditional first nation medicine ceremonies....not trips

Call it what you like.I have never done it but I have seen videos of people who have and it looks just like a trip


Well-known member
Alright. This is for the forensic photo experts

A little competition for all yall.

These plants were the biggest in my summer garden. 8 to 10 feet tall at harvest, cracked sideways to fit in the hoop house when the cover went on.

Would love to know if it's a
- sativa
- indica
- hybrid
- landrace
- combination of answers

Small hint: it is not the colombian gold.

View attachment 18927642

Looks like an oldtimer haze hybrid to me. My guess is you’re growing ole BSV seeds trying to act like you got something aye ?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Call it what you like.I have never done it but I have seen videos of people who have and it looks just like a trip
To appeal to the western mind

I would call it an after life experience. But It can have other profound effects like: lucid dreaming, outer body experiences, insights into life experiences or illnesses, ego death. Seeing things for what they are not what we think thru conditioning and bias



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Alright. This is for the forensic photo experts

A little competition for all yall.

These plants were the biggest in my summer garden. 8 to 10 feet tall at harvest, cracked sideways to fit in the hoop house when the cover went on.

Would love to know if it's a
- sativa
- indica
- hybrid
- landrace
- combination of answers

Small hint: it is not the colombian gold.

View attachment 18927642
Pre Soviet Kabul's. :thank you:
Do I win some Peruvian skunk seeds?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
So you are finding Mexican phenotypes, RKS phenotypes and Haze phenotypes in a Pure Colombian that you sourced in Peru. 1 in 7 of the Columbian Landrace plants, in your own words, are like Colombian Gold.
Little confusing. :oops:
Get back to me when you learn how to spell colombia.

Then I will have a few more things to teach ya lol

Or you can actually read the thread and save me the time



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
What's blowing my mind during this whole thread. Aside from this incredible single sourced specimen I've been smoking as the plants prep for seed processing....is it SEEMS like not only are there all these colombian landrace experts that have never grown it....but said experts are confused.

We all have the internet. Why not use it if we don't want to read the whole thread?

What is a landrace strain?​

Landrace cannabis strains are the ones that have broadly been grown and selected by the local farmers of the regions in which cannabis cultivation was a centuries-old tradition, and that have adapted to the weather and the characteristics of their territory. It is these indigenous strains that we call landrace.**** Highly heterogeneous ****but with enough morphological traits in common to be grouped together, they can be considered the first step in cannabis domestication. Usually, the name of landraces makes reference to their geographical location, thus having landrace strains such as Acapulco Gold or Panama Red.

This is how landraces were created: local growers selected the individuals that for whatever reason had the desired features – usually the most adaptable and best-growing ones. Needless to say, the process was done at a guess and resulted in environmentally adapted morphological features. This is why, as a rule, landraces are 100% indica or sativa, as according to its location, each strain develops certain features.

Landrace strains are therefore a group that has been shaped but that still has a very large gene pool, as they reproduce through pollination out in the open, and many males get mixed with many females. Each female egg is pollinized by a different pollen grain, which does not necessarily have to be of the same male, genetic variability being thus very high.

Landraces are quite unstable if compared with the new generation of hybrids available in market. In order to stabilize the genetics and make them more predictable, we need to go a step further in the breeding process, but we will address this in the next chapter.

*****Even if landraces are less stable because of their greater gene heterozygosis****, they also show higher rusticity, meaning they are more resistant to adverse conditions and more adaptable to the environment. In fact, landraces – the step prior to cultivation and after wild relatives – can adapt to weather fluctuations and the threats of the environment thanks to the above-mentioned gene pool.

whoever told you guys landrace meant stable is totally lying to you. And why you believed them without question or a bit of research becomes a personal issue...not a med-man issue

Broaden your horizons, never stop exploring.

Chances are the advice you are getting from cookies isnt the most accurate lol haha

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Well-known member
Get back to me when you learn how to spell colombia.

Then I will have a few more things to teach ya lol

Or you can actually read the thread and save me the time


Anyone who read this thread or anything you have written all over the internet KNOWS for a fact that you should be the LAST person on planet earth to call people out on spelling. Especially when you can't even spell correctly the word "Because". :) :)


Well-known member
To appeal to the western mind

I would call it an after life experience. But It can have other profound effects like: lucid dreaming, outer body experiences, insights into life experiences or illnesses, ego death. Seeing things for what they are not what we think thru conditioning and bias

Buddy, that's you. Western mind, to the "T".
You have no sense of irony, zero self awareness, and a horrid personality... that's hard to fix.
After life experience? You are like a caricature of a wanna be wookie gangster, exactly the type they would make fun of among themselves.
And it's "out of body experience", not "outer body"... this fucking guy.
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Buddy, that's you. Western mind, to the "T".
You have no sense of irony, and that's hard to fix.
After life experience? You are like a caricature of a wanna be wookie gangster, exactly the type they would make fun of among themselves.
And it's "out of body experience", not "outer body"... this fucking guy.

that dude reminded me of Zamfir……



Active member
Get back to me when you learn how to spell colombia.

like you have been doing since february?

man, what's going on with you? you're constantly shooting arrows in your own direction.

this entire thread is just insane, but thanks for the great amusement...


my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since




Not ICMag Donor
It is a very funny thread but the funniest part is the people raging and seething at this clown who is so obviously having fun making all this shit up.

Most of us are just having a laugh here but you can tell there's a couple of people in this thread who are one step away from ending up in ER with a heart attack. This is a forum about smoking joints, you really shouldn't get this angry about smoking joints lmao. Just seething and insulting and making themselves mad over this guy's bullshit 🤣 Cannabis forums are the best hahaha

You are coping, coping and seething. You just can't accept what you're seeing. You're coping, coping and seeethiiing

Raging so hard over this idiot making shit up hahaha wtf 😂


Well-known member
I'm warning you all right now. Lol I have some family heirloom landrace central and north Ugandan strains. Jungle tribal shaman bud. Hand picked from tribal regions.

Best to do some studying ahead of time before that grow starts so you can say that isnt what they are Lol

I got them to select the most sour seeds.

Can't wait to hear everyone's responses to that one lol will be popping them In jan/Feb

Lol warning us? Where did you get this “Jungle Tribal Shaman Bud”?
Did you go to the Jungle…find a Tribe…. speak to the Shaman… and get the Bud kinda situation?


Well-known member
I'm warning you all right now. Lol I have some family heirloom landrace central and north Ugandan strains. Jungle tribal shaman bud. Hand picked from tribal regions.
ok bro..I am into that type of shaman high....
I know there must be swallow your tongue weed in Uganda
send me a few of the scariest..I will grow it..and support your warning
other wise ..its just ..well..a warning.
I admire your pluck..
now I need to admire you sharing something ...
I have more sativa genetics than brain cells but would take a chance
so I could tell everyone how correct you were
other than that..well..I only ask for “Science Randy”-Jim Layhe
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