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Protecting Yourself Online


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897443.aspx for Windows users
linux and bsd(including MacOS) can run shred from cmd line.

Windows - http://www.heidi.ie/node/6

wipe your free space, dont keep cookies long, delete them every session and related web data. Keep sensitive stuff encrypted with gnupg / pgp. Individually or an encrypted partition. Use strong crypto standards...


--- Edit --- xB - http://xerobank.com/


Active member
Always good to be cautious but don't let the paranoia control you, I think as long as your not giving out personal information and blocking out anything identifiable in your photos your fine, I cant think of any bust from online other than child porn/identity theft/terrorist threats..

there's guys who run there mouth, everybody knows there moving shit and they've never been busted, if you got friends that run there mouth than maybe you should find new friends, you obviously don't go telling people you grow, but hiding it from your wife, and close friends is going to far, sure hide location of the grow, that's reasonable but being afraid of your wife?.. the paranoia is the worst part

Bragging doesn't get you anywhere in anything, if anybody asks you just make enough to cover the bills, its your profession and you do it for the love of the plant..

Let me point out that where im from you can get busted for 1000's of plants and not get anytime but you dont want that lol so much for your plants and you better dam well better have your taxes in order and make sure everything you own looks legit...and you can get busted again.. and who knows fines ? probably.. in Georgia like the topic starter they would probably hang you so might be a good idea to take nazi precautions.. lol


Active member
Steps to not get busted on ICMAG

1. You must live deep within uncharted mountainous forests on another planet or underwater deep in the ocean or in space or be a zombie warrior or a Jedi to mind trick.

2. burn your computer, it contains very sensitive information.

3. Forget how to pronounce words to save you from yourself.

4. Live like a Ninja

5. Only grow hybrid Cannabis Banana plants


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the expert opinion stating the same old blather. I appreciate it.
Let's see you in a desperate situation and what you will consider extreme then... Prevention is better than a cure... So on and so on.

To build your post count, go blather in the Toker's Den.

Burn one for me on your way there. :D

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Thx! I agree, being paranoid about your wife is a bit too much. Isn't one of the reasons you married her "TRUST?" I know I did.

Cannabis banana plants? WTF? funny nonetheless.
Yeah, and tell no one! don't brag. I only have a few close friends that I trust enough with my life.



Active member
Thanks for the expert opinion stating the same old blather. I appreciate it.
Let's see you in a desperate situation and what you will consider extreme then... Prevention is better than a cure... So on and so on.

To build your post count, go blather in the Toker's Den.

Burn one for me on your way there. :D

Im not from Georgia if I was I probably wouldn't even know what pot looked like lol. I take plenty of security measures for one, I dont post pictures I just blather about random stuff sounds pretty secure to me, nobody ever went to jail for blathering (I like your word).... why would I blather in the tokers den I only smoke once every few months. Im here for the growing and security legal issues, im not such a bad guy I give away free weed to people like you.

If I wanted to build post count I would give one word answers

And regards to the Cannabis Banana plants, just try grafting a banana tree to a Cannabis plant, im not sure if it would work but maybe you could get some stoner bananas.
Strip or edit METADATA from files you upload to the internet. You can do this with PhotoME, jHead, there are many other metadata manipulation tools out there.

I just started a thread about this. So pictures stored on my computer have data attached to them that could link the pictures to my IP? Those programs you listed will remove this data? One more question are these programs easy to use? I am not great with computers.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I just started a thread about this. So pictures stored on my computer have data attached to them that could link the pictures to my IP? Those programs you listed will remove this data? One more question are these programs easy to use? I am not great with computers.

Metadata theoretically could be anything. But more realistically it'll only be information pertaining to your camera and / or your computer. Such as type of software used to modify images / documents, who it is registered to and so on. Check with the software's websites for how to use, proper usage.

I would say they are easy to use. Fairly straight forward and simple.


Active member
Hey Southern,
Would ya mind explaining why you called the piece of software I recomended spam and a piece of junk?Just wondering what your basing your opinion on,as I have been using it for a while now and absolutely love it,no spam,and it covers a whole lot more than the progs you mentioned,hell,it has recieved 5 star reviews by all the reviewers out there,just wonderin what you know that I dont,thanks

Anti Tracks securely erases your Internet tracks, computer activities, and history stored in hidden files on your computer. It supports Internet Explorer, AOL, Netscape, Mozilla, and Opera browsers. It also includes more than 110 free plug-ins that extend erasing features to support popular programs, such as Acrobat Reader, Kazaa, PowerDVD, and iMesh. You can schedule tasks at specific intervals or at Windows start-up or shutdown. To ensure maximum privacy protection, Anti Tracks implements the U.S. Department of Defense DoD 5220.22-M, Gutmann, and NSA secure-erasing methods

of course I didnt buy it,I refuse to pay for software,I get it all for free from my torrent sites,but thats just me....


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Hey Southern,
Would ya mind explaining why you called the piece of software I recomended spam and a piece of junk?Just wondering what your basing your opinion on,as I have been using it for a while now and absolutely love it,no spam,and it covers a whole lot more than the progs you mentioned,hell,it has recieved 5 star reviews by all the reviewers out there,just wonderin what you know that I dont,thanks

Anti Tracks securely erases your Internet tracks, computer activities, and history stored in hidden files on your computer. It supports Internet Explorer, AOL, Netscape, Mozilla, and Opera browsers. It also includes more than 110 free plug-ins that extend erasing features to support popular programs, such as Acrobat Reader, Kazaa, PowerDVD, and iMesh. You can schedule tasks at specific intervals or at Windows start-up or shutdown. To ensure maximum privacy protection, Anti Tracks implements the U.S. Department of Defense DoD 5220.22-M, Gutmann, and NSA secure-erasing methods

of course I didnt buy it,I refuse to pay for software,I get it all for free from my torrent sites,but thats just me....

With a poorly ripped website like that I wouldn't give it the time of day.

If you wouldn't buy it, why would you recommend others to use this?

You can glorify your junk-warez with DoD, NSA and other acronyms. Private messages are more appropriate for this type of useless banter.

Will you know it alls stop mudding up this damn thread. If you have some useful input that has not already been disclosed on here, chime in, else just piss off.



Active member
With a poorly ripped website like that I wouldn't give it the time of day.

Where is the documentation?

A lame site for a lame program...

Manually clearing cookies, deleting web history and temp files then wiping your hard drive will do the same stuff.

Most if not all of the programs I've recommended are FREE, with the exception of xB.
"Purchase the full version of Anti Tracks Kit only for $39.95!" $40 bucks is too much.
There is plenty of FREE utilities out there.

You can glorify your junk-warez with DoD, NSA and other acronyms. Private messages are more appropriate for this type of useless banter.

Woahhhhhh dude,slow yer roll!!I wasnt glorifying a fuckin thing,merely mentioned a piece of software I been using,you were the one who jumped it and called it spam,I in turn politely asked what you base your expert opinion on.I realize now the error of my ways,lol,of course there are free progs,of course you could do it all manually,and of course it does "exactly" the same thing as the progs you mentioned.Thanks for the reply......:joint:
they have a lame website,got it.....makes sense.I thought you mite have actual knowledge on it.
Oh,for the 3rd time......its all free for me,even the one you got.

The thread is titled protecting yourself online.......I offered a way,there are many,or are yours the only ones that count.
piss off....LOL,real usefull.


Active member
So let me get this straight you guys are worried that someone is going to steal your hard drive and check out all those dirty grow links you've been to, are you sure your not just trying to hide all that dirty porn from your wife lol.... Id be more worried about organized crime fellows busting in with shotguns on your family wanting to know where your safe and grow is, computer security is worthless if they get your computer then they already have you. I swear people on here act like growing is some super top secret lucrative shit that is dangerous on a digital level, you guys worry about going on a computer yet you drive around with weed in your car and dont follow traffic rules.. your more likely to get busted smoking a bong with Micheal Phelps.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
So let me get this straight you guys are worried that someone is going to steal your hard drive and check out all those dirty grow links you've been to, are you sure your not just trying to hide all that dirty porn from your wife lol.... Id be more worried about organized crime fellows busting in with shotguns on your family wanting to know where your safe and grow is, computer security is worthless if they get your computer then they already have you. I swear people on here act like growing is some super top secret lucrative shit that is dangerous on a digital level, you guys worry about going on a computer yet you drive around with weed in your car and dont follow traffic rules.. your more likely to get busted smoking a bong with Micheal Phelps.

Check the first post in this thread. That is what this thread is about.

As it keeps going on, it gets watered down and diluted to something else...


Active member
Check the first post in this thread. That is what this thread is about.

As it keeps going on, it gets watered down and diluted to something else...

I feel the safest thing to do is not post pictures at all, the growers that do on here represent a very very small percentage of people actually growing, this is a place for hobbyist and people growing to get by in this shitty system that we have to put up with, bragging and posting 10's of thousands of outdoor plants or warehouse indoor grows is not what the internet is for and if anybody is watching and trying to track down people on here and bust them there looking for those guys and only them, but who knows maybe this place is a big sting operation out there to catch hobbyist gardeners.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I feel the safest thing to do is not post pictures at all, the growers that do on here represent a very very small percentage of people actually growing, this is a place for hobbyist and people growing to get by in this shitty system that we have to put up with, bragging and posting 10's of thousands of outdoor plants or warehouse indoor grows is not what the internet is for and if anybody is watching and trying to track down people on here and bust them there looking for those guys and only them, but who knows maybe this place is a big sting operation out there to catch hobbyist gardeners.

I've thought the same about the sting operation. Anyone ever watched that movie "FIVE FINGERS" ? It really freaked me out about all this internet business. For those of you who didn't its about some guy that meets up with some teroristcell over the internet and it turns out in the end they'reCIAgents posing as terrorist just to get him to talk, they cut off his 5 fingers. Look it up. A friend recommended it to me and said it applied to me talking oncannabis sites.

But then I thought, who gives a shit about my 3 plant grow. And then I saw gypsy movies making hash in jamaica and taking trips all over the world smoking bud and realized the world is too big for me to be the only pot smoker. lol. And then you got michael phelps smoking pot....


Active member
lol cops grow pot to and use icmag to get all there hot grow info, how do you think they bust us, its like a perfect profession cop/grower get away with murder and grow pot and get a big Christmas bonus for busting your neighbor what a crazy world we live in.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
really. Got any proff antimatter?

I've only thought of one person thats a rat or a pig on here, his name is nubie biatch.:2cents:


Active member
ICMag Donor
to be secure online use a proxy like TOR that leaves no trace and runs with 3 internal fakes ips
ive never logged in at any canna related place without proxy
its slow but secure
if i need viewing pix faster i visit as a guest on my regular line

ALWAYS use a safe addy by a friend or similar for anything canna related whether its legal or not

beware of snitches
dont tell any one in your neighborhood your growing not even close friends unless they are actual partners
any one could turn jealous or similar and turn you in for various reasons

snitches could also come from online threats
maybe a fellow grower who has it in for you for some reasons
doest have to be an undercover cop
so use a safe addy at a friend you know isnt growing or committing any crimes so your sure you or he doest get into troubles if there was a raid or similar

trust no one is the best way of staying safe and out of trouble

better safe than sorry

if you stay safe and involve as less persons as possible theres no limits to your grow and no worries that someone might turn you in or similar


So let me get this straight you guys are worried that someone is going to steal your hard drive and check out all those dirty grow links you've been to, are you sure your not just trying to hide all that dirty porn from your wife lol.... Id be more worried about organized crime fellows busting in with shotguns on your family wanting to know where your safe and grow is, computer security is worthless if they get your computer then they already have you. I swear people on here act like growing is some super top secret lucrative shit that is dangerous on a digital level, you guys worry about going on a computer yet you drive around with weed in your car and dont follow traffic rules.. your more likely to get busted smoking a bong with Micheal Phelps.

amen to that! preach it brother :yeahthats