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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP


Aaaaaaaah - the borg :( Run, hide, duck, cover. Nuke 'em all I say, Nuke 'em all.

Anyways, about selecting keepers, how come you put flavor down as the least important factor? I definitely choose flavor over potency if the candidates are not too differing in potency.


hehe :D my keeper is extremelly potent :D in fact after smoking several hundred different kinds of bud during the years, this is the best for my taste. also i know other likes it too. i have been selling several hundred clones of her during the years, while i was suplying the mates in the area with clones for their outdoors.

the keeper is so good - some individuals decided to try to steal her to sell clones. so me and my friend thought.. lets stop selling em - so they wont be able to steal it, and i dont have to worry.

i rather dont make dosh on clones, if i can make sure those thiefs wont either.. i dont really need the money anyway :D it was more a favour i did to the mates.. but i wont have people cashing in on my work :D not after all these years of keeping this baby ok..

i smoke a LOT and i need something that will put a normal smoker in coma hehe

a friend of mine came over a few years back - and me and the coop partner vend were smoking a spliff of the SSH x PTK.. we smoked half the spliff and left the rest to the mate to finish off while we went out for an errand.. whene we came back 2 hours later - we saw our friend, all pale in his face, getting walked around by his friend.. later we got told the very moment we left he had kind of passed out to a state of coma, and it took about 2 hours for his friend to get a bit of life into him. for me and Vend this is kind of a funny anecdote.. but my mate is now afraid to smoke my bud :D and that mate smokes several times a day..

an other funny coment from a mate is;

"u dont know how stoned u are untill u are a sleep" hehe :D needless to say thats the effect it has on a normal smoker. me i think i think i get an energetic rush from it :D

all potent bud taste good anyway :D hehe i have yet come across a very potent strain that i dont like the flavour of. maybe we in the coop (my mate is the same) like the flavour because of the potency :D hehe

the mites is something very controllable - although maybe not easy to eradicate. using non-biological products the possibility is greater to controll them. the kannemite bloes em away for a few months atleast :D

i cant stop them from coming back - since i live in an vast agricultural area, and all kinds of pests are represented here. the problem is really the fact all comercial cultivations of fruit and veggies get sprayed a lot with different products - and this makes the bugs very resistant.

yes thats a 2 liter coke bottled getting dwarfed from the nugs...

rock candy?


Hehe nice nugs.

Well, that's why you need biological controls. There is a shitload of information on the interwebthingamajig. Natural predators are the best I think if they can be contained within the area and don't get sucked into fans or burned to HPS death.


yeah man - i gues in the end its the best solution :D hehe

specially thinking about the fact i got domestic animals - and all chemical poisons alpied in the growroom will allways spread out and affect them a little bit. they are so much more sensitive than us. i will though make sure my cats dont enter in the basement in a while.. ASAP i will get a door hehe :D i mean i got stairs down from he inside of the house - but there is no way to stop the cats from going down into the workshop and the area close to the grow.

really i hate spraying poisons :D im very paranoid about that :D but this far from all that i ahve tried - kannemite is the only thing that kills all mites in 24 hours - and also it makes sure the eggs die :D its some faaaantastic stuff :D a saviour for me :D and my keepers :D

thanks again a LOT hazeventura :D best product i EVER used ! :D



:D hehe all i saw today were dead hehe :D

it really nukes em! - i think i saw one of them holding a white flag in its dead twisted hand...



hehe awesome :D

the coop is back in effect :D i got clones of SSH x PTK ready to move ASAP hehe

and soon the amnezia haze, jaggen, snowdawg, SSD, and maybe one skunk ibl are rooted :D

since i got the temps up in the cloner with the blankets and styrofoam, every thing is going faster - also finally the temps have gone up to deacent level again - i mean outside hehe - and this makes everything warmer in general :D

hope the weather keeps like this for a while hehe :D i bet you vend want some sun hehe :



a whole bunch of clones had rooted when i did a close check today...

transplanted 10 all in all - a few jaggen, Amnesia haze, SSdiesel and also one clone of the keeper :D i take clones of her all them time :D cant have too many...



just a little advice.....don't veg that jaggen too long.......otherwise it looks like that.......... :D :D :D

wish you a nice We.........



HazeVentura said:
just a little advice.....don't veg that jaggen too long.......otherwise it looks like that.......... :D :D :D

wish you a nice We.........


hehehe :D awesome :D wouldnt mind that at all!! hehe

peace mate!


daaaaamn look at the size of the nugs that are in the bottom of the plants! on the rigth side lower corner..

a harvest like that would keep me smoking for a while...

sooo nice..



sweeet! :D

very nice hehe :D im stoked as h*ll about it all :D checked today the clones i transplanted;

4 Amnezia haze
4 Jaggen
1 Sweet and sour diesel

and one of my keeper :D

the snowdawg is getting soon ready to give a bunch of clones - im going to let these all finish off first and then wash the darn thing out well with bleach to make sure there is no more mite eggs staying around.. and make as much news clones as possible :D

its going to be a very sweet round :D amnezia haze, the jaggen and all that will root :D

there is still one clone of the skunk IBL hanging on - but i dont think it will root though.. its ok - so many nice new keeper ones anyway to try out!



a few pics


1 tighter nugs but smaller in size

2 more productive one and resinous...

diva G x LP (the nr2 has a bit smaller bud-sites and later to develop)

1 most productive and resinous

ssh x ptk

3 fluffiest nugs, small calyx - lite resin

2 medium calyx, hard nugs - medium resinous

1 big calyx, fluffy. very resinous

ssh x LP

resinous, open bud structure.

new round of clones and seedlings in the middle :D



HazeVentura said:
here's one a little bit closer...i think 2 more weeks to go and then schnip-schnip.......


yeah looks like a nice nug - should fill out nicelly during the last weeks :D

it looks a lot like a keeper :D

cool :D
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out of the plants i got floewring now i think the SSH x LP is a keeper.. i cut an early nug to see how she is going - and by far its the most potent i got going at the moment - and it shows the mom in the cross is the same as in our keeper.

the flavour is on the lemony Lovepotion side, and the high is a soaring body and head high - makes me want to close my eyes and jsut float away.. and thats at D49.. im sure it would be to harvest in 2-3 weeks.. but if im going to reveg it im going to cut it sooner.

i think im going to make a decision about her in a few days. i really liked the tester.. im going to let her go even more - and decide in a few days.

i think of the SSH x PTK new ones, i dont really think any of them are keeper material - not compared to the SSH x PTK keeper we got allready. im going to let them go a bit more and decide a bit later.

im still trying to decide if to reveg the CT x PTK or not - its not overly productive - but i like the high and flavour. it reminds a lot to pineapple in the smell now. not at all PTK or Cheese/TW.. ill decide this one also in a few days.

the alibi i took away from the reveg - the tester nugs didnt cut it really. i got a few other alibis planted and lets see if later i get an other nice pheno or not.

im going to check for more rooted clones later to night when i water the 2nd room.. its a bitch tos tay awake every night and water hehe makes me go to bed very late :D hehe i think im not sleeping much more than 6 hours a day hehe :D its gonna be a relief to put both light in one room later :D less work :D

the Diva-G x LP is the only one i havent tested yet - so i know little about the potency and if its reveg material or not. some phenos of this takes up to 18 weeks to flower..

peace all!